[img align=right]http://www.rfgeneration.com/images/games/U-132/bf/U-132-S-01640-A.jpg&sizex=225[/img]Look to the right. Why, it's the box for No More Heroes, the Suda51 game of pure awesome. Think I am lying? Why not buy yourself the game? In fact, in the RF Generation realm, this week is now known as "Go Buy No More Heroes Damnit!" Week. Seriously. Stop reading this newspost, drive to your favorite video game seller, and buy the game. If you don't own a Wii you may want to consider purchasing one to go with No More Heroes. Not sure what a Wii looks like? If you said yes to that last question, where the hell have you been? It prints money! We forgive you though, and we've made the Nintendo Wii our featured hardware to ensure that you know what to look for when you buy a Wii to accompany No More Heroes. Still reading this? What is wrong with you? Seriously. Go buy the game. Play as Travis Touchdown, be the best damn assassin in the world. Good times to be had.
So, if you are still on the fence about getting this game, then I suggest you talk to the person who currently has the featured collection. His name is Tony, and he really likes No More Heroes. Furthermore, he really likes Grasshopper Manufacture, and has a man crush on Suda51. Who can blame him though? Look at our featured image, for Killer 7. Certainly, another Suda51 masterpiece. Tony certainly has great taste, except for his Sony fetish. But, look at the pipeline. LittleBigPlanet. Echochrome. A possible price drop. Perhaps his fetish is not so bad. Perhaps you might be joining in his fetish in the not too distant future. Regardless, check out his collection, and be sure to bombard him with questions regarding No More Heroes if my Overview and Review are insufficient.
FEATURES! BUY NO MORE HEROES! BUY IT FOR YOUR FRIENDS! And that is all, until next time, keep it tuned to channel three.
[img align=right width=200]http://www.rfgeneration.com/images/games/U-072/gs/U-072-S-02340-A.jpg[/img]Well, there are plenty of games out there, and by golly, many of them happen to be First Person Shooters. So, yeah, why not go shootin'? Here in Ohio it's deer season, after all. Don't want to shoot deer? Why not try the featured game, Timesplitters? I hear that it is made by the team who is made up of mostly GoldenEye team members. I hear that GoldenEye is apparently a good game, does not make Timesplitters de facto awesome? Don't know, but I bet our reviewer Shimra has a good idea. You should read his thoughts.
So yeah, don't own Timesplitters? Why not drool over our featured image. Someone was cool enough to submit a PAL Timesplitters 2 box front image. If you can't get into the Timesplitters carnage, then perhaps you can drool over that box.
Lastly, BadKarma has our featured collection. He owns Timesplitters. He also has images associated with his collection. By association, he has the featured collection. Congrats!
Stay Tuned to RF Generation, great things will happen once the Site Director's autumn quarter ends on December 7.
[img align=right width=200]http://www.rfgeneration.com/images/repository/698338985472fde474de08flag_japan_naval.gif[/img]All hail our Nipponese Overlords. We know not where we would be if we did not have our PlayStation, Wii, or precious Sega (you know, the good, pre I whore out Sonic sega). We look forward to the day where like in the land of our Overlords, there is a Ramen machine on every street corner. Who needs crack anyways when you have ramen. Today, we celebrate our overlords and their interesting gaming culture.
First off, we have a game to talk about. It's called Radiant Silvergun. It's a shooter. Apparently, it is damn good. I also hear that it was developed by Treasure. I hear that so long as we forget around Wario World, Treasure is a damn good company. Sin and Punishment, Mischief Makers... thank our Overlords for affording us the opportunity to play games by this development house. Next, let's talk about the featured image. Look at it. It has a GUNDAM. Who doesn't like the GUNDAM!? You should be careful of how you answer that, your overlords may come and whisk you into nothingness via this behemoth. Worship our Overlord and their mightly GUNDAMS!
Next, we talk of the past of the company that prints money. You know, Nintendo. There was an add on for their hugely popular and enslaving piece of hardware we affectionately call the SNES stateside, or as they call it in the land of our overlords, the Super Famicom. Check out this add-on. Worship its might.
Lastly, we honor the collector that is truly devoted to our overlords. This one goes out to you, Fuyukaze. Our overlords command for your continued devotion. WORSHIP THEM!
As a friendly reminder, do not forget to thank your overlords for this wonderful day before you fall asleep. You never know when they may be listening.
[img align=right]http://www.rfgeneration.com/images/games/J-060/bf/J-060-S-03025-A.jpg&sizex=200[/img]
Japan is home to many things, and many of those things we embrace. Of the things Japan has given to the world are games, and this week we celebrate those games and hardware entries with a Japanese Influence.
First off, check out the featured game, Battle Arena Toshinden Remix. If I had played the game I'd say something about it, but sadly I have not touched this game. However, Kevincal has, and he submitted a wonderful review and overview back in the day. We appreciate that.
Next, the featured image goes to Akumajo Dracula X: Gekka no Yasoukyoku. Yes, that title is a Romanized Japanese title, but you may know the game as Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. I hear that game is pretty darn good.
Next, the featured hardware is the Family Computer, or Famicom. This system was released by some playing card company named Nintendo. I hear they went to become something huge, even momentarily being worth more than Sony today. Guess that Nintendo does good for itself.
Lastly, the featured collection belongs to Funk Buddy. Funk Buddy has an affinity for Japanese games and hardware, epsecially the Japanese Sega Saturn. As such, he has the featured collection.
As always stay tuned, more is certainly to follow when you keep it tuned to channel 3.
 This week is a special week. On Friday, we have the three year anniversary of when the site went public. We may or may not have something fun planned for that day, but such banter is for another time an place. Right now though, we talk of features.
There is one game series that just seems to be talked about more often than any other on this site. Guitar Hero and its later incarnations have a special place in the hearts of many RF Generation members, and to celebrate our affinity for the game this week is 'Feature Everything Guitar Hero Related' week. Unfortuately, none of you have uploaded hardware shots of one of the guitars for the game, so I threw a Sony model 2 PS2 in there as the featured hardware, you really can't play the featured game, Guitar Hero II for the Sony PS2, without it. Oddly enough, the featured image is the box front image for the 360 version of Guitar Hero II. Surprising, no? Lastly, we've got a featured collection, which for this week is that of our resident graphic artist den68. He's an avid fan of Guitar Hero.
But, that isn't the only reason to feature den's collection. As I write this post, his collection has an astounding 3997 games listed under it. I've also been told by den that he has many more games to add, which will definitely place him over the 4000 game mark. That is a momentous milestone, and it also means that den68 is still king in the total games department. Congrats den, and may the gaming gods smile upon you.
From all of us at RF Generation stay tuned, you never know when more is to follow.
Today is a momentous occasion for RF Generation, as today is the day that we hit 1000 members! We are quite humbled to have reached this milestone in under three years of operation. We hope you enjoy the community we've got going here, certainly we here on staff do. Are you not a member yet? Feel free to join by clicking here! All the cool kids are doing it!
You might be wondering who the lucky 1000th member is. The answer to that question is Yurf! Congratulations on being the 1000th member! We hope you enjoy the collection tools and community as much as everyone else does!
Also, since today is Monday, we have a new set of features for you to enjoy! Our featured game this week is the decidedly different Mario Paint. Is it a good game, or is it something to be passed on? Be sure to check out Mezmoron's opinion on the game. Our featured collection belongs to nupoile! Primarily an NES collection, nupoile also has such treasures as a Vectrex, Odyssey^2, and an Atari 5200! Be sure to check his collection out. Rounding out the features are the featured hardware, the Memory Card 251 [Pokemon Box Red-Blue], and image, of front cover of the box for Greg Hastings' Tournament Paintball Max'd. Special thanks goes out to Mezmoron for getting those features up with his very busy schedule.
From all of us here at RF Generation, thank you for helping us get to this milestone. We couldn't have done it without you, and we hope that you decide to keep it tuned to channel 3. Stay tuned, more is always to follow when you put it on channel three. See you in the chat!
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Sorry for the other 90%.
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