So, it's come to my attention that those of you that were using our chat client (known as mibbit) to get to our chat room may have found yourself more often than not with the wonderful welcoming sight of glined. What does that mean? Well, it appears quakenet places a temporary ban on connections via mibbit when too many users connect to the network via the program. In this case, it was almost always happening, and as such I view mibbit no longer as a viable option for our chat program.
What does that mean? Well, in short terms, we're back to using our old Java Client. Same chat room, same network, new webchat client. All the links should have been updated, and you should be able to get on easily, provided you have Java installed. Here is a link below to the new client. Again, sincerest apologies about the previous webclient dropping the ball, especially when I've been whoring out the chat in recent times. Do join, won't you?
Click Here for our Chat Page
Can you hear them? Why, it's the faint sound of crickets in the distance? Is it a summer night? Nah, it's the RF Generation chat room, and it's so quiet in there that you can hear the chirp of crickets in the vast emptiness of our chat room.
Of course, chances are that you can't hear the crickets because you're not in the chat room. The question is why wouldn't you be in the chat room? The chat room loves you, and is greatly sad that you're not in the room. It's not as though we have a vendetta against anyone in the chat room. We'll talk about most anything as long as it does not violate any US laws. We're really a fun bunch, and it'd probably be a lot more fun if you were there as well?
So, why aren't you in the chat room yet? I mean, the link to join is right below? Don't want to use our applet? Well, the room is #rfgeneration on quakenet. If you're IRC saavy you'll know what that means, otherwise, we hope you'll use the applet below. See you in chat!
Click Here for our Chat Page
Sorry about that, a process went zombie and since the Black Perl and I are either going to school full time or working full time, we were not aware of the issue. Needless to say, it is fixed and all is better. Sorry of you that could not get to your beloved RF Generation.
As you probably know, RF Generation is a community consisting of gamers, collectors, and average Joes. We're quite proud of this fact, and proud of the fact since our inception on April 28, 2004 we've been an independent site for you guys, the community, and will continue to be a site for the community well into the future.
Of course, RF Generation's success has hinged a lot on contributions of our members, and the future of the site is no different. We didn't go from less around 15000 entries to over 42000 game and hardware entries by just the submissions of our staff alone. No, without the submissions of regular members like yourself we would not have gotten to the point where were are today. It's mind blowing to think that after almost 5 years we have that many entries in addition to almost 65000 images! We have an international audience, and our forum has almost 2000 members and over 120000 posts! Of the 1112 members that track their collections on our site, we have a tie ratio 274.9 games per collection! The 1112 collectors own over 305000 games! That's a huge number! Surely we are humbled by the success our site has achieved. It truly is a site for the community.
Look where we are. It's amazing to think where we might be in the future. The continued growth of the site though can't just happen with the submissions of our staff members. That is why we need YOU.
That's right, we need YOU. Start a blog, contribute stories. Scan your games and submit them to our database. Capture screenshots. Submit missing games and hardware. Add missing information. Have fun. Be social!
Our site remains vibrant and successful because of the submissions of people like you. With continued contributions by members like you well into the future, we will ensure that the site remains THE Classic and Modern Gaming Databases that it has been now for almost four and a half years. Do your part to make RF Generation the best independent gaming database that it has been for years. With your work and the contributions of other members just like you RF Generation will always be a website by the community for the community, and I'll always be proud of that.
So, will you contribute? We sure hope you will, and when you do I know that I as well as the entire community will be grateful that you did.
[10:33] TraderJake: hooray first day of daylight standard time! [10:33] Malygris: Yup. Whee. [10:34] * TraderJake hates DST [10:36] JamesF: you guys are behind the times [10:36] JamesF: DST was last week [10:36] Malygris: afk a bit [10:36] JamesF: maybe the week before, i forget [10:36] TraderJake: for you guys it was [10:36] TraderJake: but they kicked it back a week for for the children! [10:38] TraderJake: you know... halloween is big here in the states [10:39] TraderJake: speaking of which, have you crafted your guy fawkes effigy yet to be burned at the stake on wednesday? [10:40] JamesF: nah [10:40] JamesF: its too wet to bother celebrating anything [10:40] TraderJake: but bonfire night seems like such a fun holiday to celebrate [10:40] TraderJake: what could be more fun that burning things? [10:41] TraderJake: aside from plotting to blow up parliament, of course [10:41] JamesF: chavs using fireworks?
At #rfgeneration, we like to have interesting discussions. A lot of time they are random, and periodically they are related to gaming, or in James' case, letting the room know that he is going to go and listen to music in his Mini. See, it's truly a fun time, where we don't really have a set topic and things just go with the flow. So, that said, why aren't you in the chat with us? It's easy! #rfgeneration on quakenet is our location, and if that's too hard for you why not check out this page for the nitty gritty on joining. Won't you join us? JOIN US, WILL YOU?!
Wow, two years ago the hardware database did not even exist, but some of you persisted and since October of 2006, we've had a hardware database. In the beginning, there were zero entries for this database. Truly it was something that would have to be nurtured into a viable database. Sure, growth of this database seems at time slow, but on the plus side it's still growing. That said, I am pleased as punch to inform the masses that our hardware database now has over 3000 records. For a database created from scratch, that's a huge accomplishment. I'd really like to thank lots of people for this achievement, but for now I'll just thank the three staff members that truly have made the hardware database what it is today - Marriott_guy, Tan, and Apolloboy - thanks. Of course, they are not the only people who have allowed for this occasion to occur, and I am certainly thankful for all the submissions that you, our community, has made for this database to reach this milestone. Thank you all for your help in getting to this point!
So, it took two years to get to 3000 hardware records... how long will it take to reach 6000? Here's looking forward to the continued health of our databases!
Our databases would be nothing without the submissions of our members. Thanks to the submissions of our members, we can say that RF Generation is THE Classic and Modern Gaming Databases.
August saw lots of submissions - 2962, to be exact. Lots of people helped to make us have 2962 new submissions, and this month, Funk_Buddy kicked ass and took names with 840 submissions! Way to go! We really appreciate it! Rounding out the top 3 were Apolloboy and NES_Rules, and our top non-staff submitter was eaglebeak99! Of course, while these four people submitted a lot of data, they are not the only submitters, and we'd like to thank everyone who submitted, including the following people who made 50 or more submissions:
Funk_Buddy, ApolloBoy, NES_Rules, eaglebeak99, Tan, ga5ket, NayusDante, Sirgin, totalgridlock, Alabama-Shrimp, Darth Sidious, blcklblskt
Of course, for all the submissions, someone must review them all. This month, Tan was the excellent gentleman who reviewed your submissions the most. NES_Rules also helped out a lot. Thanks you two and everyone else on staff that helped with submissions!
From all of us at RF Generation, thanks for the awesome August! Here's hoping for an even better September! Thanks for the submissions, all!
Hey there. If you're here, you're likely either a gamer or collector, but some of you might actually have other interests, and enjoy doing other things as well. I know that I sure do. One of the fun things that we do around here is about this time every year we have a fantasy football league. It's a good time, and we all have fun doing it. The question is... why aren't you doing it? You too could join in all the fun and potential smack talk just like the rest of us. It's really a good time, and we hope to see you there.
We're aware of some things being out of whack. We're looking into it, and hope to have it resolved. Stay Tuned.
Edit: We're back... again. Somethings happened, and our host is getting to the bottom of why it happened so that it doesn't happen again. You might notice intermittent slowness, and somethings might be temporarily disabled, but for now, we're back... again.
[img width=600 height=200]http://www.rfgeneration.com/images/repository/11628Zombies.jpg[/img] Two weeks. Damn. It’s been a painful, painful two weeks, and the culmination of a painful month of ups and downs after being kicked off our shared host. It’s okay though, we’re on a dedicated server now, and it better keep us up now. Needless to say the downtime was a harsh time for many. RF Generation was down! Oh my God! What was one to do? Where was one to get their fix? What is this… world outside of RF Generation?
Continue reading So, we were down for a while, how did you stay busy?
You know what happens when your April Fools joke is horribly cut short by your old web host? The answer is, that we at RF Generation get rather irked. You see, we at RF Generation see April Fools as a high holy day. We really, really enjoy April Fools, and well, our old host suspending our site made us a bunch of sad pandas.
Thankfully, our April Fools joke was geriatric in nature. One of the aspects of old age lends itself nicely to our predicament. Old people, unfortunately for them, tend to lose track of things, including the date. So, surprise! Happy May Fools!
We’d like to thank everyone who was involved in our little joke, especially our resident graphic artist den68. He kicks ass. We thought about waiting until next year to show off Geriatric Generation, but doing this joke on May 1 probably led to a WTF moment for lots of people, which is exactly what we wanted to do, because we at RF Generation like to have our fun.
Of course, Geriatric Generation is the latest in a long line of April Fools Jokes, and I can almost guarantee that come next April First, there will be a whole new experience to be had. Between then and now, there might be other new things. We don’t know. Perhaps. Perhaps not. I hear that if you give us a shrubbery we might be more inclined to add stuff. Strike that. Two shrubberies.
From all of us at RF Generation, keep it glued to channel three!
After months of consideration and planning, RF Generation has decided to change its theme to something more contemporary. One can look out in the realm of gamers and collectors and see that these hobbies are drawing an older crowd than in years past. Just look at the recent success of the Wii. I don't know what my grandparents would do if they could not get their Wii Sports Bowling. It's just like the real thing, except with a greatly diminished chance of injury. Thank Nintendo and other developers for given the older generations something new and exciting to do. Certainly, they are visionaries.
In the spirit of the ever increasing number of older gamers, RF Generation will now be known as Geriatric Generation. We feel that this new direction will not only appeal to a new populous, but also increase our financial solvency in the long term, thanks to sponsorships by amazing products like Viagra, Medic Alert, and Depend, amongst many more. Certainly, we ask that you check out and use their amazing products. I know I certainly will when the need arises.
What does this change to Geriatric Generation mean to you, our readers and members? Well, in the short term, you'll still have access to our databases and your collection tools, and the forums will still exist. As time progresses though these tools will be tweaked to be better in tuned with our new core audience, as well as several new tools shall be added to offer our new core audience reason to stick around. Personally, I am really proud of the collaboration we are soon to roll out in conjunction with AARP. Soon you'll be able to pick out which games the AARP recommends that you, the older gamer, should play. That's just one of many new things to roll out in the coming week, and certainly, we're excited.
We certainly hope that you understand our decision to change format, and we hope this development will not cause us to lose you as a member or reader. Be sure to keep checking out Geriatric Generation, and by all means, don't forget to check the Weather Channel on your Wii.
Believe it or not, but we do listen to you guys. In fact, we even have ears that listen on other websites. You could say we're omnipotent... nah. That's not us. We're just a bunch of gamers, collectors, and average Joes running a website. But yeah, that's not the point. What is the point is that we've updated the collection checklist script after hearing some complaints about it. In the past, the script grouped variants and that was the only option. Now, the default option is that we show every game on a console, including variants. While this move will make a row for Greatest Hits, etc, it will also be extremely beneficial for those games that had multiple primary releases (read: Pokemon, etc.) We feel that it is better for you to filter out on the checklist which games you wish not to collect, rather than us. That said, if you wish to still group by variant, you can still do that as well, but such an action is not the default.
As with any new release on RF Generation, there may be bugs. As the PHP Programmer, as well as the Site Director, it is my job to quash these bugs. So yeah, let me know, somewhere, if you experience any bugs.
February 2008. You guys managed to make 2208 submissions to our database. A little bit down from January, but still an excellent number of submissions. We'd be nowhere without your submissions, so keep it up! As a breakdown, 2027 submissions were for the games database, and the rest were for the hardware database. Poor hardware database. It's growing, slowly but surely, but it would certainly appreciate more love. Don't you hear it sobbing in the quarter, sad because it's being neglected compared to its more successful sibling? Make the database happy, you know you want to, and it will certainly allow for a better site.
So, who was the top non-staff submitter? This month, that honor goes to NES_Rules! He submitted 139 items! Congrats on being the top dog! It certainly is appreciated. Donkey Kong Kid was the second highest submitter with 109 submissions, and Yurf was third with 59 submissions. All you guys kick ass! Keep up the excellent work.
Of course, we have a dedicated group of staff also doing their job. Tan once again kicked ass in the staff category with 504 submissions. Apolloboy came in second with 235 submissions, and s1lence third with 224 submissions. Excellent work! In terms of the wonderful folks reviewing your submissions, Tan, Belgarath and s1lence are the top three people reviewing your submissions. Bum-man and Magewout also did their share approving submissions. Without their dedication, the site would be a stagnant site where nothing changes, so we certainly appreciate their work!
While many of you are not top three submitters or reviewers, we still want to recognize everyone who did their part in keeping our databases growing! A special thanks goes out to those members who made 50 or more submissions:
Tan, ApolloBoy, s1lence, NES_Rules, Tynstar, Belgarath, Donkey Kong Kid, Funk_Buddy, Tondog, sharp, Yurf, den68
Thank you all for your submissions. Know that even if you were not mentioned specifically in this article your work is greatly appreciated. We'd be nothing without your work. With February behind us, let's look forward to an awesome March!
Bored? Interested in knowing useless knowledge? Want to know how many total titles everyone owns? Well, you're in luck. Today we launch our new statistics page. Fun and exciting things lay there. Be sure to check them all out. Did you know that our collectors own on average about 270 titles? It's true, right now at least. What else could you learn from the statistics page? How normal are out collection's owned distribution? I don't know, and I don't believe that I'll attempt to code that. But, for those of you interested in other stats, check out the page, and keep it tuned to channel 3.
Stats Page
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Well, maybe not, but this is the repository for all of my published thoughts and rantings. It'll make my day if you find at least 10% of it amusing and enjoyable to read.
Sorry for the other 90%.
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