The AbyssThe Abyss

Posted on Aug 5th 2007 at 10:04:38 PM by (TraderJake)
Posted under Hate Crime, Sodomy Bell, Gaygamer

People are entitled to their opinions, but sometimes people tend to take things to extremes. This weekend,, the internet's safe haven for homosexual gamers, was the target of a massive Denial of Service attack that successfully knocked their site offline. Here is their official statement on the attack:

Quote from: Flynn De Marco
Hello, faithful readers:

As you might have noticed, we have had some connection issues in the last few days and now the site is completely down. I'm sad to say that we have been the target of homophobic hackers. Thankfully, they didn't get to our database so all of our stuff is still in tact. At this point we are jut waiting for our service provider to ensure everything is good before putting the server back online.

Hopefully, this will be resolved by the end of this weekend, so please keep checking back. You can't keep a good gay gamer down, so we'll be back before you know it, serving up all the sassy game content you can handle.

Fruit Brute

You might not agree with homosexuality, you may feel it's immoral, but to take someone's site down over the issue, that's downright awful, and it is, in fact, a hate crime. I certainly hope the best for their site, and I hope they find the idiot who committed this crime. As Bob and Tom would say, I believe I can hear the sodomy bell off in the distance in his future.

Posted on Jul 31st 2007 at 11:10:12 PM by (TraderJake)
Posted under Site News, New Staff

This post is a long time coming. In the past few months we've added quite a few members to staff, but as far as I am aware of we've never introduced them. Well, today let me spend the time to introduce our new staff members, and officially welcome them into the community.

First off, I'd like to welcome the new hardware contributors, Marriott_guy and ApolloBoy, their enthusiasm for all things hardware related make them a welcome part of the team. We certainly hope that the hardware database will grow with their help.

Next, we've added quite a few European Staff members to the fold. Recently, Belgarath and Magewout were added to the fold, and sharp was welcomed back onto staff. They join the existing team of Speedy_NES and AndyC. To say that we are elated with these additions to the team would be an understatement. We are truly lucky to have these five enthusiastic people on board to help make sure the PAL database grows.

We've also added a new features writer and a new blog writer into the fold. Our new features writer OatBob and our new blog writer Tondog will strive along with the existing features and blog writers to make sure that the pages of our site have substance. I encourage you all to check out their work.

In addition to these new staff members, we've also moved some editors around to satisfy needs. AndyC has elected to assist in moving forward the European Database, and we enthusiastically grant his wish. Replacing AndyC in the hardware editor position will be Tan, who will also remain the blog editor as well. We wish both of these two the best of luck in their new positions.

So, let's officially welcome these new staff members to the team. With their help, the site will truly become something great.

Posted on Jul 27th 2007 at 05:24:05 AM by (TraderJake)
Posted under Site News, 30000 Games, Milestones, Thanks

July 26, 2007. On this day the RF Generation database passed 30000 games. Don't believe me? Look at the stats to the right of this post. Isn't that number large? Truly this number is a milestone to be marked and celebrated. From a database of about ten thousand games in 2004 to the 30000 game behemoth we are today, truly this milestone is a great one, and it couldn't have been done without you guys, our community.

Without our community this milestone would be insignificant, and with you guys we will celebrate the occasion. With your help, we certainly are becoming the classic and modern video games database that Michael Collins, Laurel Settee, Mark Hartholt, Mike Leon, Eddie Herrmann, and Rick Kuethe set out to create. Thank all of you, from staff to regular member to programmers to editors to directors, certainly we could not have gotten to this point without your help, and we are truly grateful.

Now is the time to celebrate, but it is also a time to look to the future! Help us get to 40000 games in the database. With your help, I am sure we'll make that milestone someday soon.

Posted on Jul 18th 2007 at 03:47:25 AM by (TraderJake)
Posted under Modern Gaming, Peter Moore, Microsoft, EA Sports, Laser Tattoo Removal

[img align=right width=200][/img]
Earlier in the day, a vicious rumor began to surface regarding Peter Moore, the head honcho over at X-Box station. It was rumored that Mr. Moore would be resigning his position in order to take over the helm at EA sports. Well, after about 4 hours speculation this nasty rumor has been confirmed -- Peter Moore is leaving Microsoft for the publishing giant known as EA.

Of course, you may be wondering who will be taking over Peter's previous job. That person would be Don Mattrick. Previously he was an outside adviser for Microsoft, and oddly enough before that he was President of EA. Strange isn't it?

We here at RF Generation wish the best for Mr. Moore, and we certainly hope he finds himself at home at EA Sports. Somehow, I think he'll be rather quick to adjust from one monster of a company to another, but certainly we can't wait to see what Peter Moore does in his new job, or if he has any insightful comments he'd like to say about Microsoft's X-Box business. 

Source: Kotaku

Posted on Jul 17th 2007 at 02:53:29 AM by (TraderJake)
Posted under Comic of the Day, Funny, Mario Kart, Blue Shells

[img width=350 height=357][/img]

I always hated the blue shells. Stupid #$^% blue shells.


Posted on Jul 6th 2007 at 08:45:54 PM by (TraderJake)
Posted under Rumor, Modern Gaming, PLAYSTATION 3, Sony, Price Drop

[img align=right width=200][/img]
Sony hasn't gotten much love in recent times. The PlayStation 3 seems to be the whipping boy of the media and consumers. The poor thing, and poor Sony. Times haven't looked good for them recently in the gaming sector. However, there is a nasty little rumor out there in the gaming world -- a price drop.

That's right people, Joystiq has posted a nasty rumor regarding a hundred dollar price drop happening for the PS3 on July 12. There's even an alleged flyer showing the price drop! So, the question arises -- is this drop real, or is it a fabrication? I am sure that lots of people are hoping that it is real. The PS3 may have been whipping boy up to now but it doesn't change the fact that there are some nice games coming out for the system.

So is the rumored price drop real, or is it wild speculation? If it is real, would it entice you to buy the PS3, or is more required to get you to spend your hard earned cash? You know you want LittleBigPlanet. 

UPDATE: Kotaku is reporting that moles at Best Buy and Target also see a 100 dollar price drop in their inventory systems. This rumor just gets better and better.

Posted on Jul 3rd 2007 at 03:26:07 AM by (TraderJake)
Posted under Site News, Thanks, Submissions

On behalf of directors at RF Generation, I'd like to thank everyone who has submitted information or images over the last month. For June, we had a total of 3433 submissions made. Of those submissions, 1408 were image additions and 687 were hardware submissions. We even had 9 regional variation submissions, which goes to show that some people from Europe are reading the site, and we are grateful for their readership.

As with each month there is a top submitter of information and images. This month, that submitter is Belgarath with 745 submissions. Funk_Buddy came in second with 419 submssions, and Tan third with 387 submissions. The next highest submitters over 50 submissions, in order, are Marriott_Guy, sharp, James, briskbc, Fuyukaze, Alabama-Shrimp, Mezmoron, Malygris, NES_Rules, Izret101, Kevincal, Magewout, and Samada. Thank you all for your submissions, we'd be nowhere without them.

Many of these submissions have to be approved by someone.   This month, Tan kicked everyone's butt on staff with 761 approvals. Thank you Tan and everyone else on staff for getting those submissions approved.

Lastly, I'd like to thank you all for being such loyal members of our community.  Our visits in the last month were the most they've ever been by a long shot, and we are now certainly on pace to have a million visit year. Thank you all for helping this amazing milestone come to fruition, and I do hope that you all continue to keep it tuned to channel three.

Posted on Jun 30th 2007 at 01:49:52 AM by (TraderJake)
Posted under Starmen, Earthbound, Mother 3, Hardcore, Activism, GBA, Modern Gaming, You thought you were devoted

[img align=right width=200][/img]
People are passionate over things. Food perhaps, women, we all have some passion or another. Well, the fine folks at the Mother (Earthbound) fan site have a passion for all things related to the series, and who could blame them? Earthbound  is very much one heck of a game, and if you enjoy a combination of a trippy game and amazing RPG then here is a game for you.

So, with the predecessor that was simply amazing, why has Nintendo not released the latest incarnation stateside? Well, I wish I had an answer for you, and to be honest I was greatly saddened when it was not announced that it would be localized. However, the fine folks at have decided to do something about this travesty! Forget online petitions, they are going all out in their Mother 3 localization drive. Not content with the online petition method, they've called for action! Call Nintendo, Mail a Postcard or fan letter -- they want you to act and act now! With a combined effort from the fans, perhaps Nintendo will gain a heart to stop releasing games aimed towards three year olds and release a game that is truly unique.

Help out, and perhaps Mother 3 will be llocalized into Earthbound 2. We can only hope that this will happen.

Posted on Jun 26th 2007 at 02:18:54 AM by (TraderJake)
Posted under Site News, Weekly Features, Japan

[img align=right][/img]

Japan is home to many things, and many of those things we embrace. Of the things Japan has given to the world are games, and this week we celebrate those games and hardware entries with a Japanese Influence.

First off, check out the featured game, Battle Arena Toshinden Remix. If I had played the game I'd say something about it, but sadly I have not touched this game. However, Kevincal has, and he submitted a wonderful review and overview back in the day. We appreciate that.

Next, the featured image goes to Akumajo Dracula X: Gekka no Yasoukyoku. Yes, that title is a Romanized Japanese title, but you may know the game as Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. I hear that game is pretty darn good.

Next, the featured hardware is the Family Computer, or Famicom. This system was released by some playing card company named Nintendo. I hear they went to become something huge, even momentarily being worth more than Sony today. Guess that Nintendo does good for itself.

Lastly, the featured collection belongs to Funk Buddy. Funk Buddy has an affinity for Japanese games and hardware, epsecially the Japanese Sega Saturn. As such, he has the featured collection.

As always stay tuned, more is certainly to follow when you keep it tuned to channel 3.

Posted on Jun 21st 2007 at 03:32:50 AM by (TraderJake)
Posted under Whammy, Adults Only, Rockstar, Nintendo, Sony, Manhunt 2

[img align=right][/img]
As reported by Joystiq and Kotaku, both Nintendo and Sony will refuse to license Take Two's Manhunt 2 if it retains it's current AO rating. This development comes just one day after the BBFC banned the game in the UK and the ESRB gave the game the aforementioned AO rating.

Reasons for not allowing licensing are pretty well stated. For Nintendo its policy is in the Buyer's Guide:

Quote from: Nintendo
Please note that Nintendo does not sell or license games that carry the ESRB rating 'AO' (Adults Only).

Joystiq contacted David Karraker, Senior Director of Communications for Sony for comments, to which Karraker replied that it is currently Sony's Policy not to carry AO rated content on their systems.

It looks as though the Manhunt saga is getting more and more grim for Take Two and Rockstar. What will happen to the game? Will it see major edits to lose its AO rating, or will the game be scrapped? Given the time they put into the game, I'd expect the former, but who knows, I could be surprised. One thing is certain though, if the ESRB rating stands through the appeal process, Take Two will have to do something. Certainly now it is looking like the game won't be making its release date in three weeks, that's for certain.

Posted on Jun 16th 2007 at 01:28:38 AM by (TraderJake)
Posted under Nintendo, Sega, Wii, Craziness

According to a Reuter's Article, according to Scott Steinberg, the Vice President of Marketing for Sega Sammy. Who does he think is going to win? Well, in his infinite wisdom, he predicts the PLAYSTATION 3 to be the winner in the next console war, regardless of the fact that the wii is currently the fastest selling console of this home console generation. As Satoru Iwata would say, "It prints money".

Steinberg believes that the creative pool of Wii development will likely die within the next year. Regarding the Wii, Steinberg states,

"But how much value can developers and creative folks get out of this wrist motion two years from now, or 5 years from now, or 10 years from now?"

Well, to Mr. Steinberg my response is probably more creativity than Sega has put out since its Dreamcast days, but then Sega hasn't exactly been the most stellar publisher post-dreamcast, save for Shenmue and the handheld Sonics.  Who wants to buy the 360 or PS3 version of Sonic? I bet they'd give that away.

The truth is that perhaps the Wii does have a creativity drought. How many mini game based games can publishers possibly release? Are those games really what the mass market wants, or is it more of publishers looking to make a quick buck? The truth is that there is much potential for great games on the Wii, but everyone seems to be content taking the easy way out, developing crap. If the Wii fails it will likely be because the only games ever released for it were crap.

Posted on Jun 14th 2007 at 01:18:23 AM by (TraderJake)
Posted under Site News, Announcement, New Staff Needed

RF Generation strives to be THE Classic and Modern Video Games Database (see the right corner of the site). This site is a labor of love of the staff and members that contribute to make it what it is, and as of today we are looking for a few bright souls to help continue to make RF Generation what it is today, and even guide it to something better. If you are interested in becoming part of the staff, the people who keep the site moving forward, I encourage you to read on, and if you are interested to apply to become a part of the team that makes RF Generation great.

If you've read on then I imagine that you understand what RF Generation is about. We strive to provide video game collectors and enthusiasts with a place to call home in the vast, dark depths of the internet. It's a scary place, that internet, but we have a cozy community here, and amazingly it is rather diverse, hosting people of many nationalities and backgrounds and interests. We are looking for people who understand the community, and are a productive member of the RF Generation community. While a person with 0 posts will not be completely discounted from consideration we do look favorably upon those applicants who are an active presence in the community, and who understand what RF Generation is. A vibrant community is important to us, and we want people who share our viewpoints on the matter.

Content addition is also an extremely important aspect of RF Generation. In the past, we let staff members go on an "add when you feel like it" policy. Well the truth of the matter is that we have members who add when they feel like it, so we are going to look for applicants that are willing to submit to a schedule and work under an editor. No, this scheme doesn't mean that you have to put work into RF Generation every day, but rather that we, the directors and editors of the site, wish that staff members would post on a consistent basis rather than once every few months. As such, we would like to find people that would be willing to work with an editor to get a schedule going. It would be up to the editor to determine how often you would be working on the site, but you probably would not have to do a significant addition / news post once a week, perhaps even less depending on what you are doing. We're not looking to work anyone to death here, we're just hoping that the front page doesn't go through a month without a news post, or a section of the site goes too long with out a significant addition. We've begun the process of rectifying certain fallacies in the system by restructuring the staff. If brought on to the staff you would be working for an editor. Each editor is specialized in making sure a certain area of the site grows. It would be your job as their staff member to help them make sure that their part of the site grows. Right now, we are looking to fill the following positions:

  • Blog Writer: A blog writer is a person that wants to help post to the RF Generation blog. A blog writer must be able to find stories regarding gaming, collecting, otaku, or anything else interesting and relevant via the internet or other media and be able to post them here on the in an interesting, engaging fashion. Due to the nature of blogs, we'd be looking for someone who would be willing to post something on a fairly consistent basis, a basis that would be determined between you and the editor. If you become unable to continue on this basis, we'd have to place you On Hiatus or remove you from staff. We are looking for quite a few blog writers, each with their own specific interests and perspectives, so please, please apply. A blog writer should have a very good grasp of the English language, and should be able to write well and proficiently. Journalistic skills such as citations and the like can be taught, but having some idea how to write blogs and cite correctly would be a major plus. Once again, we are really, really looking for blog writers, so if you are interested and want to help make the RF Generation blog something to be checked every minute then do send in your application. The editor of the blog, and subsequently the front page, is Tan
  • Japanese Contributor: The Japanese contributor helps to make the Japanese database meaningful. Title Additions, Page Edits, Screenshots, and Image Submissions would be a part of the things you would be doing for the Japanese database. A Japanese contributor would need to have an affinity for Japanese games, and should be able to Romanize titles. Currently, there is no editor for the Japanese database, but you would be working along with Fuyukaze to make the Japanese database better. It is greatly desired that any incoming Japanese contributor have a willingness to help craft guidelines and FAQs for this database, as currently there is no guidance on Romanization and the like. We'd really like to make our Japanese database significant and meaningful, and we highly encourage you to apply if interested in assisting with that goal.
  • European Contributor: The European staff contributor helps to make the PAL database meaningful.
    Title Additions, Page Edits, Screenshots, and Image Submissions would be a part of the things you would be doing for the European database. You may also be asked to help approve member submissions as well The PAL database is special in that it has the challenge of regional variations, and a European staff contributor would need to be able to deal with and effectively catalog the variations. The editor in charge of the PAL database is Speedy_NES.
  • Hardware Contributor: The hardware contributor helps to make the hardware database meaningful. Title Additions, Page Edits, and Image Submissions would be a part of the things you would be doing for the hardware database. The editor in charge of the Hardware database is AndyC.
  • Features Contributor: This position is different from the other three in that a features contributor helps to do the weekly features. This generally entails writing an overview, review and other content for a games entry, finding an awesome collection, a neat photo, and featuring it on the front page. Additionally, a features contributor aims to add content to games and hardware pages that other people generally would not, such as Instructions, Overviews, Reviews, and the like. We have a lot of game and hardware pages, but many of those pages have only the minimum fields filed out. We'd like to remedy that. A features contributor should have an especially good grasp of the English Language, and someone with the English skills of a 9 year old should avoid applying for this position. The Features Editor is Mezmoron.

Those are the five positions we are currently looking to fill up. I should make special note that we are really, really looking for people who want to be a part of the Blog, Japanese, European and Hardware group.  I should mention that since this operation is a labor of love for everyone involved any hire would be unpaid, since not even the directors of this site get paid, in fact, the directors spend money to keep this baby going, because we love the community we have here. If you are still interested in becoming a member of our staff then I encourage you to apply. How do you do that? Well, you would need to PM me. In that PM, I'd expect the following:

  • A list of the positions of the you are applying for, ranked. Please note that you may not get your top choice,
  • An explanation of why you should be brought on to staff in the position(s) specified. What would make you a great features writer, or European contributor? We'd like to know.
  • A discussion of the RF Generation of community, and how you fit into that now and once you'd be on staff.
  • A comment regarding how often you think you should be working on the site, if you are to be added to the staff.
  • Anything else you feel we should know.

I'm not really expecting a novel from applicants (in fact, keep it concise and to the point), but more so something that says that you want to be on staff. So if you feel that you can do that in a concise manner than I encourage you to do so. If you have any questions you can direct them to me, TraderJake, the content director Tynstar, or one of the editors. No question is a dumb question. While we'll gladly accept applications whenever we need to review applications at some point; therefore, the deadline to submit an application for this round of hirings will be June 27, 2007. You are welcome to submit an application past that date, but we will be reviewing applications starting on that date. All applications will be reviewed by the Directors and Editors of the site, and applicants will be contacted via a PM or email should we decide to ask them to join our staff. Please note that a submitted application does not guarantee a spot on staff.

We hope that there are a few brave souls out in the world to help move the site forward, and look forward  to all applications received.

Good Luck,

David Murnan
Site Director

Posted on Jun 11th 2007 at 05:55:44 AM by (TraderJake)
Posted under Site News, Weekly Chat

Looking for something to do tomorrow night? Want to talk and joke around with other RF Generation members? Want to discuss games, hardware, collecting, or anything else on your mind? Well, if you do, you should check out RFG Chat tomorrow at 8PM Eastern. While we have our chat open 24/7, RFG Chat is the only time that there is guaranteed to be a hopping good time with our resident chat host, shaggy. It should be a great time for all.

You must be a registered member to enter the chat room. Not a member? Why not join? In addition to chat, we also have a nice forum to visit, a rather large games and hardware database, lots of images, and collection tools that would make the most avid game collector happy. Join today! RF Generation is always a good time and if you keep it tuned to channel 3, you'll find that there is always more to follow!

See you in chat!

Posted on Jun 10th 2007 at 12:37:08 AM by (TraderJake)
Posted under Site News, Thanks, Submissions

RF Generation would be nowhere without its members and staff. Your submissions and additions are what help make the database grow. As such, I want to thank those who really  helped make the database grow this month.

First off, I'd like to thank Belgarath for being the top submitter for May. His 446 submissions made him the top submitter, and we are grateful for his hard work. The next largest submitters all with over 50 submissions, in order, are Tan, Funk_Buddy, BadKarma,  Dreamcaster, Fuyukaze, Speedy_NES, Samada, Tynstar, Rajaat the Warbringer, NES_Rules, and marriott_guy. Thank you all for your dedication last month, and we hope that you guys will continue making our database better this month.

Other statistics that you may find fun is that for May we had 1247 image additions, 768 game additions, and 371 games edits. Our hardware database, on the other hand, had a whopping 76 submissions, which relative to the games total submissions of 2388 submissions is lacking. So, here is my challenge for you -- make the hardware database grow this month, and make it significant. Good luck meeting that goal.

Thanks to all those who helped the database grow, including those not mentioned. Your dedication and hardwork help make this site a better place for all.

Posted on Jun 8th 2007 at 05:00:00 AM by (TraderJake)
Posted under Site News, Site Design, Blog, Announcement

I suppose I don't need an image in this post for you to figure out that something is different. Three months ago, a decision was made to begin the process of redesigning the site. This site would be cleaned up greatly and it would also be using Cascading Style Sheets, something that the previous site sorely needed. Today, June 8, is an important date. Three years ago today RF Generation went live, and today, June 8, 2007, we launch our new site design. Clearly, this may take some time for you to get used to if you really, really enjoyed the old design, but we feel that the new design is cleaner, more professional, and more structured than the old site. It also has some new features that the old site just didn't have. Let's look into those:

First, we have a new front page script. It's really complex, and I guess you could call it a blog. As with most blogs registered members of this site are able to comment to any posts made to the blog, via a comment box on the article's page. Additionally, if you would like to be able to keep track of news or any other topic on the blog you are able to subscribe to that tag and get a lovely RSS feed of that. This new front page design is the reason why we promoted Tan to Front Page Editor, and I know that he'll do a damn good job with the front page. Of course, a good front page editor needs a few good writers, so if you are interested in writing for the blog please let Tan or I know. We are grateful for Tan's willingness to shape the blog, and with his knowledge and leadership I am certain that the blog will flourish.

Secondly, we have some new sections. At the top, there is an about section, where you can find out about the site or its staff, and you can also get some cool promotional images. I should mention that if you are a registered member and you also have a collection you should probably check out the "Promote" page. We also have a home for our weekly features, which can be found in the "Features" section (big surprise there). Lastly, we have the tools section, which for right now are the collection tools. It is rather likely that some day way down the road there will be more tools on this site, stay tuned for that.

I'd like to make the point that during this redesign there has been no removal in functionality of the site, save for System Checklists, which will hopefully make its triumphant return in the not too distant future. Aside from checklists, you should be able to find everything still somewhere on the site.

This project would not have been possible without assistance from many other people, and I'd like to thank Eddie Herrmann (St0rmTK421), Dennis Gruchala (den68), Keith Brown (Tan), Ken Wozetek (Mezmoron), and Scott Williams (Tynstar) for their assistance in addition to the members who unknowingly helped test the commenting system.  If I missed thanking you please know that while I missed mentioning your name I am ever grateful for your assistance.

As always stay tuned to RF Generation, there will always be more to follow when you keep it tuned to channel 3.

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Sorry for the other 90%.

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