[23:32] *** TraderFake is now known as Alfaxxor.
[23:33] Alfabor: doesn't rhyme.
[23:33] Alfabor: nice try.
[23:33] Alfaxxor: I DO NOT CARE
[23:33] Alfabor: better luck next time.
[23:33] Alfaxxor:
[23:33] Alfacor: You don`t add more, you`re messing it up!
[23:33] Alfacor: Now he`s not gonna give you +o
[23:33] Alfaxxor: YES!
[23:33] Alfacor: YOU`RE MISSING OUT
[23:33] *** Alfaxxor has been kicked from #rfgeneration by Alfabor: you damn well better make your name right
[23:33] Alfabor: oops.
[23:33] Alfabor: he doesn't know how we roll, does he.
[23:34] Alfacor: Nope.
[23:34] Alfabor: whoops.
[23:34] Alfabor: oh well.
[23:34] Alfabor: well, he was a nice guy.
[23:34] Alfabor: way to lose that member.
[23:34] Alfabor: he apparently does not have autorejoin
[23:34] Alfacor: Yep, he`s gotta do it right.
[23:34] Alfabor: so... will he ever come back.
[11:01] Malygris: Personally I'd be quite happy with a big ol' "COME IN AND CHAT" link to the channel on the front page along with a button that will manually show you who's in.
[11:01] logical123: i've been vouching for that for a while
[11:01] logical123:
[11:01] TraderJake: ...no one visits the front page
[11:01] TraderJake: it's just there for show
[11:01] logical123: I do
[11:01] Malygris: Well, wherever. On the main forum page then?
[11:01] logical123: I visit it everydat
[11:02] logical123: *day
[11:02] logical123: poopoo peepee diaper babies
[11:02] logical123: XD
[11:02] Malygris: It just seems to me that RFG is a fairly decent-sized community, so we should be able to pull in more people to the chat than just the regular half-dozen we've been getting since we came here.
[11:02] logical123: yeah... This chat fails to the third degree
[11:03] TraderJake: people are too preoccupied with tracking their collections
[11:03] * logical123 throws rocks at all the peeps idling
[11:03] Malygris: I don't think it's necessarily a big deal, I like it the way it is just fine, but there's no sense not taking the opportunity to at least draw some attention to ourselves.