Music is a lovely thing. It really, truly is. Even after four long years of marching band, I still hold a love of music. Music is embodied human emotions, and can be quite moving.
There are some fantastic themes and songs within the Super Mario Universe, and a lot of them are pretty damn good. You're free to disagree, but if you do, pfft I say to you. Nah, I kid, I love all of you. Platonic, of course, but yes, MUSIC!
Here's something to enjoy tonight, Mario songs played by the James Madison University String Quartet. Enjoy!
Now, I like game music, and Super Mario Galaxy had some damn good music. Of that music, I probably like the Buoy Base Galaxy theme the best. It's certainly one of the better pieces of music of this current game generation.
Now, music is great and all, but wouldn't it be greater if it could be manifested through Mario Paint? Well, thank god it can, thank god that it can.
That looks really complicated to do, doesn't it? It's okay though, I only played sax, clarinet and recorder, and I don't think you can do anything like that on any of those instruments. Pure awesome? I think so.
[img align=right width=250]http://www.rfgeneration.com/images/repository/123506823647a7b9ad9d0f5midna.jpg[/img]Some things seem to get lost in the woodwork when it comes to games. Clever things, hidden, or things plainly out in the open that are simply glossed over. Today, I found something that I'd call a gem. It comes from the Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, a game with a lot of expectations which depending on if you are a diehard Nintendo fan was either God's gift to humanity or something that while a good game, missed the Zelda bar. What is it that could possibly be glossed over yet be so engrossing? It's a song. I have a certain affinity for game music. Perhaps you do too. But, there is one song that simply blows me away found in Zelda: Twilight Princess. Certainly, the Zelda series has had its own memorable songs, but I never found any songs from Twilight Princess memorable, until now.
Midna's Desperation Hour is rather simple. Listening to it makes me wonder if it belongs in a Zelda Game. When I hear it, I want to think it is from one of the monolithic SNES RPGs, most particularly Chrono Trigger. But, it's not. It's in Zelda. And I am captivated by it. Simple strings and piano, but it's moving. If you play through Twilight Princess, you may agree that it does an excellent job describing who exactly Midna is. Such sorrow. Such despair, perfectly described in sound. It truly is a work of art. Want to listen to it? , as found in Brawl.
You may disagree with my view of the song. That's alright, everyone is entitled to their own opinion. The point here however is that at times there are gems in games that simply get glossed over. Have you ever found yourself awestruck by something that you simply missed the first time you experienced it? I know I have, and I bet that you have too.
[img align=right]http://www.rfgeneration.com/images/games/U-027/ss/ex/U-027-S-00510-A_05.jpg&sizex=174[/img] As I sit hear, listening to the Future of Rock and Roll, I was pondering what my next article should be. I sit hear, enjoying the music, listening to the smooth melodies of the indie rock scene. Feel the emotion, the magic, the rhythm. Music is a powerful medium. Music can be one of the best ways to convey emotion and mood without saying a word. Truly, music is an important part of games. From the 8-bit era to today, music has been an integral part of games. Think of the classics. The Mario Theme. The Zelda Theme, and many more, they're all great. Let's take the time to reminisce on the past, and identify the history of game music as it is today.
Continue reading Game Music through the Ages... Why is Game Music so Popular?
I encourage you to check out this kick ass marching band routine put on by Cal. Band geeks doing video game tunes... what is geekier than that? It's too cool. I wish my high school marching band did a show like that. The only interesting theme we ever did was Halloween Themes. What is scarier than Thriller? I digress. Here is the video:
I'll admit, I really dig the idea of LittleBigPlanet. If Sony wasn't so keen on dicking over consumers with each new iteration of the PS3, I'd almost be tempted to buy one. The game is so damn cute.
Asides from the innovative gameplay and graphical style, the thing I tend to have embedded in my mind is the really catchy theme that plays during the previews. It's mesmerizing. Well, I was listening to my favorite internet radio station when I heard the LittleBigPlanet theme playing, in all it's mesmerizing glory. I thought that was pretty damn cool.
Well, it turns out that the LittleBigPlanet theme is actually Get it Together by The Go! Team, based out of Briton England. I recommend that you check out the theme if you have not done so already. I've embedded it for you listening pleasure.
Rock On, rock on.
Edit: Changed from shitty embed to decent embed.
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