[img align=right width=200]http://www.rfgeneration.com/images/repository/1292033653475ae417495bdhard_rock_hallelujah.jpg[/img] Few retail establishments invoke such ire as the establishment known as CompUSA. Perhaps you do not have a CompUSA in your area, be happy, be very happy. CompUSA has been a crooked operation since its inception. Overcharging? Sure! Huge markups? Hell Yes! No honoring sales or price match guarantees? Certainly! As you can tell, I do not have anything nice to say about CompUSA, and good riddance I say. Apparently, other people have similar opinions. So, I imagine that there won't be many tears shed in this closing.
So yeah, if you live near a CompUSA, they'll be having a sale soon. Perhaps you'll find a good deal. Chances though are that you won't. I'm not being evil, I just know that CompUSA is a heartless ass of a corporation. For that reason, I officially say get the hell of my lawn to CompUSA. Let some other, profitable, not crooked store enter the market. Sayonara!
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