Let's face it, eBay sometimes might really grind your gears. You might even hate eBay and its evil empire. Perhaps you'd just prefer a place to auction your games that specializes in auctioning games. Perhaps you'd prefer such a site even more if it was run by a Digital Press member, and has affiliation with DP. If you're interested in such a place then I have good news, Gamegavel.com might just be your place. Why should you be interested in gamegavel.com? Let the webmaster speak for himself. Why is GameGavel different than eBay, and why should you use it? GameGavel.com has the DigitalPress seal of approval, Joe loves the idea and is backing it 100% both with his word and the ability to use the Rarity Guide (integration into the GameGavel site is coming soon!) Further, all auctions feature free basic insertions! I don't believe you should be charged to list an item, then be charged at the end when you sell it! If you upgrade beyond the basic listing, the fees are modest, and the Final Value Fees are lower than ebay every time! Additionally, everyone at GameGavel is just as passionate about Video Games as you are! I am trying to cultivate a Community Feel, by incorporating your feedback at all the sites you enjoy! When a person clicks your profile to look at your reputaiton, they have instant access to your DP Feedback, Cheap Ass Gamer Feedback, and more! People instantly know that you are a good seller/buyer/trader! Certainly this is a site that a collector could find great use in, and as such I highly recommend that you check it out. You never know what you might find or be able to sell. Gamegavel.com
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Oh, cool. Just went through the site a bit. Already looks like it has quite a few features that are awesome but just wouldn't work on eBay (the swap feature, for instance). All in all, I highly approve of this site and just might need to register and sell that second Genesis of mine. 
Thanks for the link, while it isn't a complete alternative for eBay since it is purely for gaming, as far as game collecting goes it looks heads and shoulders above eBay. As soon as it gets the numbers I'm sure it'll be the ultimate game source.
Something I really like, its new so all the user names aren't already taken. 
"When you sign up for a new account on GameGavel.com you will receive a $2.50 credit to your account. Sell your first item for free!" That is also pretty awesome.
While I know I
@NES_Rules: Didn't mean to do that. Anyway,
While I know I won't be buying anything on there (I still believe it's a whole hell of a lot more fun to get games from the wild) I may have to start selling on there. Either way, it'll be really cool in 10 years if this thing is as big as eBay is now, to say that I was one of the first.
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. Oh, and keep it on channel three