The AbyssThe Abyss

Posted on Jan 29th 2008 at 07:16:41 PM by (TraderJake)
Posted under Site News, Weekly Features, Suda51 is God, No More Heroes, Killer 7, Tondog

[img align=right][/img]Look to the right. Why, it's the box for No More Heroes, the Suda51 game of pure awesome. Think I am lying? Why not buy yourself the game? In fact, in the RF Generation realm, this week is now known as "Go Buy No More Heroes Damnit!" Week. Seriously. Stop reading this newspost,  drive to your favorite video game seller, and buy the game. If you don't own a Wii you may want to consider purchasing one to go with No More Heroes. Not sure what a Wii looks like? If you said yes to that last question, where the hell have you been? It prints money! We forgive you though, and we've made the Nintendo Wii our featured hardware to ensure that you know what to look for when you buy a Wii to accompany No More Heroes. Still reading this? What is wrong with you? Seriously. Go buy the game. Play as Travis Touchdown, be the best damn assassin in the world. Good times to be had.

So, if you are still on the fence about getting this game, then I suggest you talk to the person who currently has the featured collection. His name is Tony, and he really likes No More Heroes. Furthermore, he really likes Grasshopper Manufacture, and has a man crush on Suda51. Who can blame him though? Look at our featured image, for Killer 7. Certainly, another Suda51 masterpiece. Tony certainly has great taste, except for his Sony fetish. But, look at the pipeline. LittleBigPlanet. Echochrome. A possible price drop. Perhaps his fetish is not so bad. Perhaps you might be joining in his fetish in the not too distant future. Regardless, check out his collection, and be sure to bombard him with questions regarding No More Heroes if my Overview and Review are insufficient.

FEATURES! BUY NO MORE HEROES! BUY IT FOR YOUR FRIENDS! And that is all, until next time, keep it tuned to channel three.

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What can I say, the great box art (front 'n back) and the huge RFG hype over the game has engaged my intrest. So I went on over to YouTube to see a review

While I did swear never to get a system after years of dedication to Sega hardware, I have to give this game a shot.
It looks like it's a really good title. Too bad I won't be getting a Wii for awhile. Tongue
I tell you what, if it were on Mac I'd already be playing it right now Wink
It's a HUGE leap in the right direction for the Wii, and is very tempting believe me.
Mac doesn't have games, so there's no chance it would be on there. Wink
Just got mine, still playing through Mario Galaxy though, so I'll probably start in a week or so
A week? Too long.'m on my second play-through and I fear if I stop now I'll never start again Cheesy
@Alfador: Yeah, I know how that is. I'll be back to star collecting, once I beat NMH. I have almost 100 stars for Luigi.

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