The OH NOOOO! Otter is concerned! See, the OH NOOOO! Otter has a side thing he likes to do when he isn't the OH NOOOO! Otter on this here website. It turns out that Mr. Otter is a mischief maker on EA's official forums. You might call him a troll, but hey, every forum has their troll, and well, we tend to ban them. I really don't know why Mr. Otter find it's necessary to be such a not so nice member on EA's official forum. It might be because EA has historically been an evil corporation. It could just be that he is a truly malicious person. But, EA is really getting sick of his and others antics, and they are going to raise the stakes in getting banned.
See, most forums just ban you from the site. That's what we do, and I imagine other sites do that as well. But see, EA decided to be truly malicious in banning. EA happens to use a wonderful piece of DRM known as SecuROM, which causes its games to call home periodically. Additionally, these new games all have an EA ID that spans across games. Well, EA has decided to tie your game EA ID to your forum ID. Big deal, right? Well, it is.
See, if you get banned on the forum now you're going to get locked out of your games, and well, that would truly suck. You paid for the games, so shouldn't you be able to play the games even if you get banned from some measly official forum? Well, EA doesn't think so. So yeah, play nice kids, and Mr. Otter, do be careful now. You never know when EA might lock you out of your games.
UPDATE: A Red Alert 3 Mod was lying. Way to represent the corporate behemoth! Turns out this was false.Backtalk in EA's Forums, Get Banned From Your Games? [Kotaku]
"Neither the Forum Help or EA's Terms Of Use page list criteria for behavior that may get you banned."
Wow, now that's a broad range for discretion now isn't it?
Don't you love purposefully vague terms? At least we let you know that you really need to do something bad to get banned here. We are after all pretty easy going.
That doesn't seem like it can be legal. It may be in their new forum Terms of Service, but members that signed up before this would have to agree to that as well. Otherwise they can't ban you from a game you bought if you've never agreed to the contract.
Now I feel bad for saying things positive about EA in that Dead Space review.
Thankfully this will effect me very little as I had no plans to join any forum EA had a hand at nor plans to purchase any games they'd spread their taint across. Still, way to overstep the bounds there EA, your ability to alienate your customer with such wonderfull customer apreciation knows no bounds! Bravo for showing your true colors.
[img width=248 height=186]http://i68.photobucket.com/albums/i32/LordofNothing/homer.gif?t=1225432345[/img]
Well whatever.
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA is what I was trying to get across.
I heard this was false on gamepolitics.com. something about a forum mod reporting false information.... again.
Good thing it's false, that would've been terrible. 
But you know, the fact that mod spread this rumor means that there's been some talking about it. I don't think this is the last we'll here from that.