Hello all. It's been a while. Some of you may not even know me. Let me reintroduce myself. I am David Murnan, and was the former Site Director. Much of what you see is my creation. Ah, memories, but that's not why I am back. No, I am back because I called it. I freaking called it.
In 2011, RF Generation decided for a day that it would be the in extra special 2D. We went so far to announce the Nintendo 2DS over two years early! [img width=300 height=294]http://www.rfgeneration.com/images/repository/17636Nintendo%202DS.jpg[/img]
There it is, our concept, created none other than by our resident graphic artist den68. So imagine my surprise yesterday when Nintendo Officially announced the Nintendo 2DS. Deja vu, anyone? I mean, we called it in 2011. 3D was just so ahead of its time. Too, out there. Too, headachy. Either way, it appears as though someone at Nintendo saw our mock up and decided to create their own, final version.
The thing is, after Nintendo officially announced the 2DS, the internet sort of went apeshit. Some people, including major gaming blogs, noticed our concept, and well, we are flattered. Did Nintendo rip us off? Nah, I simply think they took our concept to the next level, and I thank them for doing that. Thank you internet for also taking interest in den68's concept design. You all truly are the best.
We have since come to our senses and realized that 3D is perfectly okay. But, again, it's nice to see that people are taking notice of our day in extra special 2D.
Keep it on channel 3!
November is already over? Time sure does fly, and another month brings a ton of new submissions to this place we call home. Just how many submissions occurred? Well, November brought exactly 4866 new submissions to the site. Of those, we had 1299 new images added to the site! Talk about a great month! You all were kicking butt with submissions!
Of course, one of you truly was the top submitter in November. That distinction goes to NES_Rules with 1304 submissions! Sure, he may be the Site Director but that does not mean he can't take top prize! Oh wait... sure it does. The top non-staff submitter was Bildtstar with 1025 submissions! That's more submissions than any staff member other than that certain Site Director!We also wish to thank Bildtstar for assisting with expanding our European PS2 database. It's appreciated, and we also appreciate everyone who submitted. We are truly grateful for all submissions, and though we can't thank each and every user we would like to at the least thank those users that submitted more than 100 things: Shadow Kisuragi, Tynstar, ApolloBoy, raffa1985, Necron99, and Alabama Shrimp. Thanks again to all made submissions in November!
Of course, member submissions are meaningless if people do not exist to approve them. I'd like to thank Shadow Kisuragi for being our top approver this month. He approved 1149 of the submissions. That's a lot. Of course, Paully3433, ApolloBoy, and Tynstar also helped with approvals, and it's appreciated!
So, December is here! Do you feel the Holiday Cheer? Here's to a great month of submissions!
I know it is only Thanksgiving in the US, but I still want to wish all a happy Thanksgiving, be you American or not. For those of you that are, may the Turkey be plentiful and tasty.
On a completely different note, the Type of Release field is has been added to our database. At this time, you cannot see it on games or hardware pages because this is a mandatory field that will allow users to filter out entries they feel are extraneous from the database. Many users feel that RF Generation has grown beyond the original scope of the site. For those that feel that way, while we cannot undo the major changes in scope, we hope that this addition will help those that feel the database has grown to be unwieldy.
Please help our staff set types of release for all entries. Please note if you make any edit to the database you will be required now to also set the Type of Release field if it is not set. I must stress again that this field is mandatory.
Should you come across any major technical glitches with this please PM me about the glitch. Any questions or comments about the actual content of the field should be directed to a DB Editor or Mike.
I hope you enjoy this new addition, and oh yeah, Keep it on Channel Three.
-Your Friendly PHP Programmer
It's a bit past the end of March. March, was a great month. We have tons of submissions from you guys. Without the submissions of our staff and members, we truly are nothing. For that, we are grateful.
We'd like to take this moment to thank those submitters who made a major difference in the month of March. Overall, the community made 873 submissions. All of you deserve a huge pat on the back for that. Our top five submitters were Apolloboy, NES_Rules, Shadow Kisuragi, Necrosaro, and tigerhandheld1989 Congrats on being the top five! Of course, if you made a submission and weren't in the top five please know that we are also very grateful for your submissions as well.
Similarly, we have staff members that must approve member submissions. Last month, ApolloBoy made the most number of approvals! Of course, every other reviewer contributed as well, and we are very grateful for that as well.
Thank you so much all! You guys make RF Generation what it is! Keep submitting strong! Without you guys we are nothing!
As Site Director Emeritus (and Current Acting Site Director), I wish to announce the appointment of Adam Bickley to Technical Director of RF Generation.
What does that mean? That means that Adam is now responsible for the back end of the site. More simply stated, he gets to assist Mike and make sure the site runs smoothly from a simply keeping going standpoint. He will have a lot to learn, so be nice to him.
This may seem abrupt to some, but Adam has had access to the back end for a while as a third set of eyes watching over the site in the event the server has a "hiccup". He has the technical background necessary to keep the site in tip top shape.
In case you are wondering, Eddie and I will still be around. We are not going anywhere. We will still be the programmers. We will do what we can to bring new stuff to the site. I am about to lose internet for two weeks so my only internet comfort will be my test site. Maybe I'll tinker with something that is needed for the site...
Congrats Adam! I hope you find your new abilities exciting and don't use your new found powers for evil!
Well well well... I was watching Lady Gaga's music video for Telephone, which yeah, it has a good story and I like the song. What of it?
Anyways, there is at least one video game reference in the music video. Your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to find the reference!
Some things defy explanation. This video is one of those things. Did you ever think you'd see a pixelated Mario urinating behind a pipe? No? Well, it gets stranger, much stranger. I could explain all the wonderful / weird things that occur in the video, but perhaps it's just better for you to take a gander yourself. You'll find it in its relatively NSFW glory, after the jump.
Continue reading RFG Aside: One of the Weirder Things of the Internet
It's been a while since I last thanked you guys for your submissions, and trust me, we are greatly thankful. Without your submissions, our site wouldn't grow, and that would just lead to a greater obscurity than we already have. We don't want that. Did you know that in May we had 7800 submissions? Damn. That's a lot. Even wilder is the fact that we had over 5300 images added in that month. Pretty wild, if you ask me. As a comparison, in April we had 3106 submissions, which, while respectable, is greatly trumped by May's submissions.
What does that mean? Well, it means that some of you play to win a contest. And one of you did. Who is that winner? Well, we've tabulated the scores, and even with a halved score, Ga5ket is the winner! He kicked ass and took names with submissions over the duration of the contest. In May alone he had 3212 submissions, of which almost all were image submissions. Truly, he played to win. Ga5ket, do yourself a favor and PM St0rmTK421 with your shirt size, what you want (not to exceed $60) and details about getting your spoils to you.
Of course, some of you also played hard, and I'd like to give kudos to those who gave a valiant effort. y2ritchie, VACRMH, and Lios (even with the murderous -74 karma), you all did well. Of course, the last person in that list would have done a lot better had his karma not been so low, but yeah, don't worry, maybe next year.
There were countless other individuals that made submissions, and we are greatly appreciative for the contest. From all of us at RF Generation, thanks!
Wow, it seems like only yesterday, really. Interestingly enough, it's not. In fact, it's been 5 years since we launched. How time flies. Sure, a lot has changed since June 8, 2004, but we're still the same site at heart, and we'll continue to be the site that exists for you, our community.
Of course, some contest ended today. It seems as though in recent history contests start on April 28 and end on June 8. Some sort of symbolism, I guess. I hope you were taking part in that. The winner will be announced soon, basically as soon as I finish recoding the contest tallying script for submissions. Do you think I simply keep manual tabs on such things? Nah.
Hooray! Five years! What's not five more! To the future!
Music is a lovely thing. It really, truly is. Even after four long years of marching band, I still hold a love of music. Music is embodied human emotions, and can be quite moving.
There are some fantastic themes and songs within the Super Mario Universe, and a lot of them are pretty damn good. You're free to disagree, but if you do, pfft I say to you. Nah, I kid, I love all of you. Platonic, of course, but yes, MUSIC!
Here's something to enjoy tonight, Mario songs played by the James Madison University String Quartet. Enjoy!
You know what? Five years on April 28 we came into being. Five years ago seems like such a long time ago, but it's true. We're really five years old. Are we getting up in age? You tell me.
A lot has changed in those five years, lots for the good, and some for the not so good. Whatever the ups and downs though, the truth is that we're still here and we're still going strong, thanks to people like you. Without you guys we'd be nothing, and for that we're truly grateful.
You know, with our birthday we like to do contests. This year is no different. As for what the contest is... why, it's the PAIN YOURSELF WITH SUBMISSIONS AGAIN CONTEST. We're evil, we really are, and we like to see you work for your spoils. Want to play? Here are the rules:
Submissions, they make the site go round. We just don’t grow if we do not have anyone submit stuff. Funny how that works, and well, we do have one heck of a community that loves to do submissions. Perhaps, with this contest, you’ll be interested in doing submissions as well. Submissions will garner you points, and these how are they are ranked:
Title Addition: 4 Points Variation Addition: 4 Points Page Edit*: 2 Points Review*: 30 Points Overview*: 10 Points Image Upload: 15 Points Submission Review**: 1 Point Blog Post*: 30 Points Blog Comment: 1 Point Forum Post: 1 Point Forum Karma: See Explanation
*Regarding the asterisk: For page edits, it is noticed that you are consistently only adding one field per edit multiple times for a single ID just to up your points, you will be disqualified. Any review or overview completed will count as a page edit as well the points for an overview or review. To get the points for an overview or review you MUST contact me via Personal Message so that I can keep a tally. In addition, the review or overview must be on the actual game / hardware page. A review or overview of poor quality could result in less points than stated being granted. The same statement holds true for blog posts.
Because we want the forum to be a lively place of fun and interesting posts, we're enabling Karma during this contest. Karma rewards members that make good posts and smites those who do not. Your Karma will play a wildcard role in posts. Positive Karma at the end of the contest will increase your point total by a factor, while negative karma will decrease it. The equation used to decide how karma affects your points will be announced at a later date before the end of the contest.
As with any contest, there is fine print. Any submission that you make must adhere to the RF Generation guidelines / policies. We wrote these policies and guidelines for a reason, and well, we’d like everyone to adhere to them. Failure to adhere to the guidelines could result in a disqualification.
Any point reduction or disqualification can be contested. In the event that you wish to contest, you must explain why the reduction or disqualification is unfair. If you win the contest, we’ll restore your greatness, but if you lose, you shall be pelted with figurative rocks and garbage.
**KICKER! Everyone, except for the directors of this site, is in this contest. There is a catch though for staff members… their final score will be halved. So, that should lead to a lively competition. I think halving their scores is fair, and I hope you do as well. Oh yeah, there is that 1 point for a submission review, that unfortunately only applies to staff members because they are the poor souls who must review your submissions.
What do you win? Well, we’re a poor bunch here at RF Generation, especially since we're on a dedicated box, but we've got a lovely prize for the top winner:
Gaming swag not to exceed $60 and an RF Generation Ringer T.
Also, anyone in the top 5% of points gainers shall get some sort of recognition, to be determined later.
So, won't you get started? The contest starts as of 20 hours ago (midnight last night). When does it end? It ends at MIDNIGHT, JUNE 8th, 2009. (Sunday 12:00AM) So, what are you waiting for? Have your cake and eat it too! Good luck!
Oh, hello OH NOOOO! Otter. I've missed you so much. Has your need gone away, or have I been lazy? You decide. I'll report.
You know, GTA is a series that tends to be heavy on the mature themes, and in addition to cold blooded murder and sex, there's also the drugs. Generally, all those things exist in the virtual world only, and you get your virtual kicks. But, wouldn't it be interesting if Rockstar gave you a trinket for buying the game? Nah, it wouldn't be good, sex, murder, and drugs are bad, and best should be virtual. Here's for keeping those things virtual.
Well, turns out that when you buy used copies of GTA you increase your chances of having GTA become slightly more real for you. See, if you live in Britain, you have a chance apparently of buying a used pair of GTA games with Ecstasy tables stuffed in one of the game's manual. I bet that could be lucrative on the market, but, drugs are bad, and you should definitely turn them into the authorities.
So, the better question is will some evil British Politician use this story to tie games and drugs? Do playing games like GTA make you do drugs? Well, if you find the right politician, I bet you'll find out adept enough to contort the facts to reflect that. Will it happen with this case? Who knows, but we'll keep tracking this story for developments, because, you never know if games might make you do drugs. Just remember, drugs are bad, even if you do find Ecstasy in your case.
Report: Dad Finds Ecstasy Tablets in Used Copy of Grand Theft Auto [Game Politics]
*NOTE: Drugs really are bad. Don't do them.
You know what? We have a chat. It's absurd, and it's fun. Want to see a sample of our absurdity? Sure you do:
[23:32] *** TraderFake is now known as Alfaxxor. [23:33] Alfabor: doesn't rhyme. [23:33] Alfacor: ONLY ONE LETTER CHANGE [23:33] Alfabor: nice try. [23:33] Alfaxxor: I DO NOT CARE [23:33] Alfabor: better luck next time. [23:33] Alfaxxor:  [23:33] Alfacor: You don`t add more, you`re messing it up! [23:33] Alfacor: Now he`s not gonna give you +o [23:33] Alfaxxor: YES! [23:33] Alfacor: YOU`RE MISSING OUT [23:33] *** Alfaxxor has been kicked from #rfgeneration by Alfabor: you damn well better make your name right [23:33] Alfabor: oops. [23:33] Alfabor: he doesn't know how we roll, does he. [23:34] Alfacor: Nope. [23:34] Alfabor: whoops. [23:34] Alfabor: oh well. [23:34] Alfabor: well, he was a nice guy. [23:34] Alfabor: way to lose that member. [23:34] Alfabor: he apparently does not have autorejoin [23:34] Alfacor: Yep, he`s gotta do it right. [23:34] Alfabor: so... will he ever come back. And that is the $64,000 question. Did Lios come back? The only way you will know is if you join #rfgeneration. So yeah, won't you join us? JOIN US, WON'T YOU?
Click Here for our Chat Page
March. It's the month after February, and see, it's another one of these months of the year. And with each passing year comes new submissions for the site. Last month saw 2894 new submissions for the site, of which the games database saw 2818 new submissions. You know, I think you can hear the hardware database crying in the distance because it's being neglected. Won't you do something about that? Ah, I kid, I kid. Sure, submit more stuff for the hardware database, but over 2800 submissions is no small feat, and I am ever appreciative for that. Also, we added 466 new images to our databases last month. That's nice, isn't it?
So, who kicked ass, took names, and reigned as the top submitter last month? Why, it was our prodigal son, Izret101! I guess being away from staff duties for a long time made him really want to make 836 submissions last month. Although, he could just be driven. Who knows. Of course, ApolloBoy, Madir and Pop Culture Portal weren't really slacking either. They were the next highest submitters, and kudos goes to them. Of course, we want to recognize everyone who made submissions last month, and give kudos to those of you that made more than 50 submissions last month:
Izret101, ApolloBoy, Madir, Pop Culture Portal, ga5ket, Tan, audioman83, Funk_Buddy, Zenki.
Thanks goes to them and everyone else who made submissions last month!
In addition, many of these submissions need to be approved by staff members. Last month, NES_Rules was our top approver, with a whopping 390 approvals. Of course, many other staff members approved your submissions, and thanks goes to all of them, especially those who made more than 50 submissions:
NES_Rules, ga5ket, ApolloBoy, Tan
I really appreciate all of you who have reviewed the submissions and made the submissions. It is YOU guys that make our site grow. I just provide the scripts that allow you to do it. From all of us at RF Generation, Thanks!
You know, the Church of RF Generation was fantastic. It might have been a little late, but late to the party is better than no party at all. I'd like to give Den props for the idea, images, and color palette. It truly was fun.
As many of you know, we started our server move Sunday Night. It didn't exactly go to plan. Something bad happened which kept us from coming back in time. In that emptiness, I hope you found something to keep yourself occupied. If you didn't, rest assured that we are back and on a new, faster, better server. It's nice. Also, we have a better control panel and we we're saving six dollars a month. Hooray to that.
I hope you enjoyed our April Fools joke. It was fun. If you're new here, April Fools is a High Holy Day for RF Generation, and we go all out. Additionally, we do not take suggestions for April Fools, so don't even try. I'll ignore any message regarding it. Might even block you. We take pleasure in knowing that only a certain few people know the gag, and it's generally a surprise. From Composite Generation, to Pretty Generation to Toddler Generation to Geriatric Generation to the most recent Church of RF Generation... we love April Fools. Until next year!
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This is where my thoughts go and are never heard from again.
Well, maybe not, but this is the repository for all of my published thoughts and rantings. It'll make my day if you find at least 10% of it amusing and enjoyable to read.
Sorry for the other 90%.
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