Tadpole13's Blog
So the end is near. I started this journey Feb 12th 2013 and I am still poking at it.
Some of the members on this group know that I have been living in Italy the past few years, but before moving here I lived in Michigan for the bulk of my life and then followed that up with three years in Nebraska. During that time frame I was a local game shopper, commonly visited places for me were game stores, good wills, thrift stores and flea markets. The normal spots most game collectors head to on a average day of game hunting. Well during the first year here in Italy, I only bought newer games on the Military base I work on and games from the local American community that also works on the base. It kinda worked for a while but it did not satisfy my needs for the hunt.
Well a year passes, I knew that I was going to be heading back to Michigan to visit family and I even made a trip to Nebraska to visit a friend as well. During that time frame I stopped by a local game store I use to go to so I could pick up some games and bs with my buddy Mike who ran the store. He was telling me of a huge score he got over the summer and how excited he was. He was at a thrift shop and asked if they had any games. Well it turns out they just got over 1000 CIB snes games and they were sitting in the back. He then offered them $2000 dollars for the lot and they took it. I was super excited but then as the story went on he was explaining that he already made over $18,000 dollars profit on it but there was hardly anything left.
My excitement kinda went away knowing most of it was gone but I still asked him to bring in what he had left. I assumed what would be left was all sports titles but I was actually wrong. This is what he still had available and was still posted on Amazon at the time.
[img width=640 height=480]http://i382.photobucket.com/albums/oo269/Tadpole13132003/Snesboxlot.jpg[/img]
I up until this point never made a purchase online in regards to video games and I honestly did not know a solid price to offer. I desperately lacked knowledge in complete in box collecting and I hardly knew anything of many of the titles here. I then shot him a $300 dollar offer for the lot to see what he would say. It really took him a minute to honestly agree to it and I understood because despite not really knowing much I did feel like it was kinda a low offer but I did not have much spending money since it was the very back in of the trip I was on and I spent most of the money I put aside for the game hunt. Well that same day I had to catch my flight back to Italy and did not have much time left before the post office closed and I knew if he sold it I needed to get it to the post office asap to mail this out. Eventually he agreed to the $300 dollars I offered him and we then peeled the price stickers he had on the plastic bags around them at the time so he knew what games to take off amazon.
When we started peeling the stickers I soon realized that it was adding up quick. It could of easily been at least $800 dollars worth of inventory he had on amazon that he just hooked me up with. Well fast forward to early Feb 2013 and this ties back into not being satisfied with the lacking of game hunting locally in Italy. I finally broke down and made my first gaming purchases online. My stubborn self went 11 years of game collecting without doing so up until this point. I even wrote a blog on this site about being on edge and whether i should do it or not.
But what was my first gaming purchase online? It was NBA JAM 99 for the N64 CIB for a whopping $2 dollars with free shipping. I was not complaining, but why that game? No real reason other then knowing that the journey to a Complete N64 set was on my mind for the past year in a half prior to that point. But I was not sure if I was ever going to pursue that journey and if I did I defiantly did not know that it was going to be the CIB journey. It was the huge super Nintendo lot that I got from my friend that made me realize that I wanted to not only pursue the N64 set as I have wanted to but to also work towards getting the complete collection with boxes.
Fast forward to today and I am nearing the completion of what I set out for.
[img width=682 height=1024]http://i382.photobucket.com/albums/oo269/Tadpole13132003/IMG_8022.jpg[/img]
This is what I have amassed so far when it comes to Nintendo 64. As of this time I am down to the last 9 games I need to complete the set. However it is not a easy task, I have been waiting patiently for the games to show up for sale in near mint or great condition which is not as easy it sounds. Just to give a example I have only added three games to the collection since July 9th with the purchase of Bomberman 2nd attack.
[img width=700 height=466]http://i382.photobucket.com/albums/oo269/Tadpole13132003/IMG_8015.jpg[/img]
The next game to come to me is a nice Castlevania Legacy of Dark Box and manual. Technically I am still waiting on a cart I ordered separate so I need 10 games. But this does not count haha
[img width=700 height=466]http://i382.photobucket.com/albums/oo269/Tadpole13132003/IMG_8016.jpg[/img]
And finally the most recent CIB game I received. I actually had this game in my possessing for a whole whopping two hours and then as I left work with my box of games I condensed to one box I managed to forget the box on top of my car and drove off. I was about 10 minutes away when I noticed I did not have the box and I drove back quick but the box was no where in site. A few days go by and still not luck. I lost one of my pricier N64 purchases and one of the games I spent the past year in a half waiting on quality wise. A week later however the girl i know at the post office on base calls me up and informs me that a individual found the box and dropped it off at the post office. I was so relieved and stoked and I am happy to have this game currently sitting on my shelf and in my possessing.
[img width=700 height=466]http://i382.photobucket.com/albums/oo269/Tadpole13132003/IMG_8013.jpg[/img]
So this is where you come in, maybe I should of posted this list at the top but if you are still reading and with me thanks for hanging in there. I am currently on the hunt for the following 9 CIB games. Condition is a big factor to me but please message me with what you have and if you can help me in my journey to completing my first ever collection of any console.
Bust A Move 99 Hercules: The Legendary Journeys International Superstar Soccer 2000 (English text) International Track and Field 2000 MLBPA Bottom of the 9th NBA Jam 2000 Stunt Racer 64 Top Gear Hyper-Bike Turok 3 Shadow of Oblivion
Update to my N64 collection
So it has been 5 months since my last update on my N64 collection. I have been hard at work and my collection has actually made another big jump since my last post. I think i may be coming to a huge stoppage in games however due to me being on the final stretch. So lets start.
So I think it was around March or so when I made my first post of this journey. This is what I currently had on hand as of that time.

It seems like it was only yesterday I made that original post and I think if I knew what I know now about the value and the time it takes to look into these games I might of been scared off before I started. However I am happy that is not the case and I now proudly own ruffly 240 different N64 titles boxed and I also have 10 more games on order. It would seem as if I would be nearing the end very shortly, but as any of the fellow CIB collectors in here knows, things slow down alot. Some of these titles rarely show up on ebay and when they do I try to only purchase the best of the best. So lets hope for a complete collection sooner then later as this might be my last post about the collection til then 

I went ahead and grabbed a few titles that I think stand out value wise and you should defiantly keep a eye out for to avoid paying a arm and a leg. The Blitz Special Edition and Mega man 64 are both sealed. There are a handful of other games I do not own that you might want to keep a eye out for as well and that is. Stunt Racer, Indiana Jones, Worms Armageddon, Bomber Man 2nd Attack, Battle Zone: Rise of the Black Dogs, Daikatana and now as of recent Tom and Jerry: Fists of Furry.

Thanks for checking out my post and If any of the members here have any of the titles below in decent shape and want to sell or trade them please let me know.
Aerogauge All-Star Baseball 2001 All-Star Tennis 99 Battle Zone: Rise of the Black Dogs Bomberman 64: Second Attack Brunswick Circuit Pro Bowling Bust A Move 99 Manual/Game Bust A Move 2 Castlevania Legacy of Darkness Chameleon Twist 2 Daikatana Destruction Derby Donald Duck's Going Quakers Dual Heroes Elmo's Number Journey FIFA 99 Manual/Game Fighter's Destiny 2 Geomon's Great Adventure Harvest Moon Hercules: The Legendary Journeys Iggy's Recking Balls In Fisherman Bass Hunter 64 Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine International Superstar Soccer 2000 International Track and Field 2000 Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask Non Collectors Edition Looney Tunes: Duck Dodgers Manual/Game Mia Hamm Soccer 64 MLBPA Bottom of the 9th NBA In The Zone 2000 NBA Jam 2000 NFL Blitz 2001 HNL Blades of Steel 98 PGA European Tour Razor Freestyle Scooter Road Rash Manual/Game Rocket Robot on Wheels Space Invaders Starshot Space Circus Fever Stunt Racer 64 Tom and Jerry: Fists of Furry Manual/Game Top Gear Hyper-Bike Turok 3 Shadow of Oblivion V-Rally 99 WCW Backstage Assault Wetrix Worms Armageddon
For a few years now I have been wanting to start a complete N64 collection. I already have ruffly about 90 games out of the 296 American released titles. However as of recently I aquired a box of 53 Super nintendo games all in there original boxes with manual. It was at that moment I realized, not only do I want a complete N64 collection but I want a complete collection boxed. This is the hard part thoe, I have about 90 games but only 12 boxed as of right now. I have about 25 on order and I am going to keep at it for about the next year or 2.
Most titles are pretty reasonable but there are a few that are going to cost me a pretty penny with the worse one being clayfighters 63 1/2 sculptor's cut currently going for $1600 as of today with the box and manual. This is not going to be easy but it should be fun. I have tried to talk to co workers and other friends about this epic task. But not to many people understand the mindset and dedication of a collector. Nor do they care.
Hopefully the few that read this shall understand If anyone on the site has some extra boxed games or N64 boxes and manuals up for sale or trade please message me and keep me in the loop. Thanks everyone.
If everything has gone to plan. Below is the sad 12 lonely Games boxed I currently own at my house.
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. Oh, and keep it on channel three