Tadpole13's Blog

Posted on Feb 22nd 2013 at 08:17:55 PM by Tadpole13 (Tadpole13)
Posted under N64, Games, Boxed, Manuals


For a few years now I have been wanting to start a complete N64 collection.  I already have ruffly about 90 games out of the 296 American released titles.  However as of recently I aquired a box of 53 Super nintendo games all in there original boxes with manual.  It was at that moment I realized,  not only do I want a complete N64 collection but I want a complete collection boxed.  This is the hard part thoe,  I have about 90 games but only 12 boxed as of right now.  I have about 25 on order and I am going to keep at it for about the next year or 2. 

Most titles are pretty reasonable but there are a few that are going to cost me a pretty penny with the worse one being clayfighters 63 1/2 sculptor's cut currently going for $1600 as of today with the box and manual.  This is not going to be easy but it should be fun.  I have tried to talk to co workers and other friends about this epic task.  But not to many people understand the mindset and dedication of a collector.  Nor do they care. 

Hopefully the few that read this shall understand Smiley  If anyone on the site has some extra boxed games or N64 boxes and manuals up for sale or trade please message me and keep me in the loop.  Thanks everyone.

If everything has gone to plan.  Below is the sad 12 lonely Games boxed I currently own at my house.
photo N64BoxedGames.jpg

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