Tadpole13's Blog

Posted on Aug 26th 2011 at 06:30:00 AM by (Tadpole13)
Posted under Factory Mess ups, Misprints

Game Misprints and Factory mess ups.

Has anyone encountered a misprinted game or a mess up in the artwork if so let me know.

                    I use to work at a Gamestop and one of the coolest things that I seen was a misprinted game.  A customer came in with a used copy of Lord of the Rings the thrid age and claimed the game was Crash Bandicoot Twinsanity for the PS2.  The artwork on the disk and on the case was Lord of the rings the third age,  But after testing it out it did load up Crash Bandicoot and it was defiantly a cool experience to find something like that as a collector.  Both games were made from EA so that most defiantly plays a role in how it got messed up at the factory but it is still interesting knowing that it slipped through the cracks.

                    I also was at a Local Salavation army today and I found 4 copies of World Tour Soccer 2002 still sealed for PS2.  Most people would not care because they are just some old sport games.  But  what made me get excited was the fact that they were factory sealed and the artwork was missing.  All it had was it's PS2 label on the top of the case labeling it as what game it was.  It was the original seal and a cool find.  That was defiantly another mistake that slipped through the cracks.  How does 4 copies (Most likely alot more) go through the assembly line and not get noticed and then get boxed and shipped out and going where ever it went to end up at a Salavation army still sealed black case and all.

Another interesting thing I have seen was 2 copies of Arena Footbal Road to glory factory sealed and then opened up and was missing its disk and manual.

Has anyone else experienced any Game misprints or factory mess ups?  I know they are rare but I am sure I am not the only one to come across stuff of this nature.

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I have a CIB copy of Gundam Battle Assault 2 for PlayStation that has "Gundum" misspelled on the case spine.


My anal-retentive nature led me to submit the misspelled title as an alternative title for its RFG database page. The way I see it, you can never have too many key words...
@Zagnorch P. Welinskivich II, Esq.: Nice man that seems like a pretty cool fine.  Are all of them misspelt like that for the most part?  Also is there any if on the subject?  I love finding cool types and factory mess ups but you can't find any info anywhere on the subject ever so it kinda sucks
was part of the LOTR misprint that it was the "thrid age"? Wink
Yeah, it's a common misprint. The first print had the misspelling.

Also, Fighting Force 2 on the Dreamcast had a misprinted UPC. It was the UPC for Toy Commander.
There's also the infamous misprint for Final Fantasy VII...
Also, personally, NFL Head Coach had a misprint for the NFL logo.

...and I can find quite a few more. Smiley
Many cartridges for Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia were placed in their cases upside down. Ours was. It's a relatively minor thing compared to what you point out, but still a result of a hiccup in the system.

You can probably still google up search results about it.
FF7 had the "masterpiece" misprint with the floating i and an alternate printing with UPC/ESRB variation. And another one where the fire inner back art was printed in the back and on the front inner instead of the airship being on the front.

Mortal Kombat Deception had misprints on at least one of the LEs and was quietly recalled and rereleased (Midway told me they were fixing the issue when i asked them about my copy.) I have not yet confirmed the existence of any other misprints on the LEs.

The DevilMayCry triple pack was recalled because it was discovered >1% of the games (at least the ones GameCrazy recieved according to an internal document) were shipped with the DMC/2/3 boxes but DMC was accidentally placed in two cases. I can't remember if it was DMC 2 or 3 that got left out.
Just found one in our own DB:

Porky Pig's Haunted House was re-published by Majesco. They printed the wrong Part # on the cartridge though: the part #'s for Mortal Kombat.
@noiseredux: For the Lord of the rings the third age mess up the data was only crash bandicoot.  Sometimes you would have to try to load the game on the ps2 once or trice because it would say disk read error then after maybe 1 or 2 tried Crash Bandicoot the full game loads up.

@Izret101: Thats interesting about the Mortal Kombat I personally don't remember a recall but if that is true I would love to know which one.  I got the Subzero LE one on day 1 and I still have it.  Lets hope it was that one.

@pdrydia: Thats pretty neat about the Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia.  To bad the only way you will see that is if you opened up a new copy and it was like that.  Then if you tried to show some people it they would prob just think you did it your self.  But that would still be pretty interesting.
Scorpion was misprinted as Scropion it also said Mokoch instead of Moloch if memory serves. I never saw a SubZero misprint and i haven't seen one for any of the other Xbox LEs.
@pdrydia:  I want to say I remember getting Castlevania: OoE upside-down, but I'm not too sure.

Other than that, I can't remember seeing any misprints of note.  However, I don't actively search for them.
@blcklblskt: Not something I necessarily look for my self but when I do come accross stuff like this I take advantage of it and pick it up.
Early games had a lot of misprints since things were often done by hand. My Atari 2600 Gold text Golf cartridge has the end label put on upside-down.
I never really paid attention to that.  I am sure I probably have a few atari cartridges with upside down labels then.
Oddly enough, when I opened my copy of My Weight Loss Coach today, the card was upside down. It and Castlevania: OoE are the only games where I remember that happening to me, and I've bought at least a few dozen DS games new.

More of a human mess-up than a factory mess-up, but the box art for Okami on Wii had the IGN logo on it (so did the Brady game guide!). It was painfully hilarious...but at least Capcom tried to make up for it by sending out full-cover box art replacements.
I wish I knew about the cover replacements.  I am sure getting the one without the ign watermark one prob increase the value you do to the fact that the ign watermark one is still flooding shelfs.
@ Tadpole13
They apparently were unable to mail out replacements to everyone, so they released high-res art of all 3 covers. If you can find that art, you can have your own covers professionally printed on good paper, at least. Not the same thing, but you can have a rad lookin' Okami case.
@pdrydia: Thank you thats good to know
Happy to help. :]
I was just putting in my SNES stuff to the database and found my copy of Spider-Man and the X-Men in Arcade's Revenge had a misprint on the top label, Arcade is spelled Acrade. I haven't found anywhere else where that has happened, but haven't looked too long. Nothing crazy, but still. Tongue
The most recent one that comes to mind is Resident Evil: Revelaitons on the 3DS.
Does anyone have Tiger Woods '99 for the Playstation.  This game was recalled because the dev team though it would be funny to add a particularly foul South Park episode "The Spirit of Christmas" to the directory.  The file could be read on most PCs if you renamed it as an .avi or .mp4
Nice catches guys.  I actually bought a copy of the messed up resident evil and I still have it sealed.  Also OatBob I do own a copy of Tiger woods 99 but that mess up was only in the first batch of tiger woods.  They actually recalled the game and then sent out new copies with that deleted.  Unfortunately there is no difference in artwork or anything so you do not know if you are getting a copy with the south park or not.  From what I read on it thoe is they just had southpark on there computer and it accidently copied over.  I don't believe we will ever know the truth lol Tongue
I know the truth of how that got there... Grin
@Shadow Kisuragi:  Well please share Tongue

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