Tadpole13's Blog

Posted on Aug 28th 2015 at 06:44:09 AM by (Tadpole13)
Posted under N64 Nintendo, Complete N64 Collection Complete in box collecting Nintendo

So as some of you might know I have actively been pursuing the complete North American N64 Collection all with the original boxes and manuals.  I started the journey with 12 games complete in box back as of February of 2013.  Surprisingly Facebook just reminded me of a photo I shared two years ago of my N64 collection sitting at 214 by August of 2013.   So I was on a roll, the games were coming in at a rapid rate and I was under the impression I might of been able to finish the set by the end of the year.

Fast forward to August 2015 and I have now completed the set.  Two in a half years from the point of when I started.  Surprisingly the games started getting more and more difficult to come by, especially in the condition I wanted them in. But thankfully that did not deter me from completing the set.  So I present you the Complete North American N64 Collection.

N64 Complete photo Complete N64.jpg

Shelf 1 photo First Shelf.jpg

Shelf two top photo Second Shelf Top.jpg

Shelf Two Bottom photo Second Shelf Bottom.jpg

It is a little late now but I want to apologize for making this blog so photo heavy.  But more are coming along side a few YouTube videos I made in regards to the set.

So I wanted to add some additional photos of the set but I did not want to just focus on the expensive titles because that is overkill.  So I decided I was going to show off some of the fun titles for the system but then realized that I would be here all day taking photos.  So as of Novemeber 4th 2014 which is the last time I made a blog in regards to the set I posted the last 9 games I was on the hunt for.  So I decided lets go over some of the games that has caused me trouble finishing the set.  Some of these games are just downright hard to find while others are actually pretty common but hard to find in decent shape.  Most of them I actually ended up purchasing factory sealed for condition purposes.

photo Bust a Move.jpg

Hercules has a sticker on it but it is on the outside of the factory seal

photo ISSS 2000.jpg

All three of these games are factory sealed with ISS pretty much breaking the bank due to it being the English text version which is a lot harder to come by then the one with spanish text.

photo Stunt Racer.jpg

Then Finally these last three with both Turok 3 Shadow of Oblivion and TopGear Hyper bike being factory sealed.  But by far the biggest struggle for me on the system was getting Stunt Racer.  Very rarely does it show up in mint condition and even mine has slight flaws like a slight crease on the box sadly.

photo Bust a move top.jpg

photo NBA Jam Top.jpg

Upon completing the set I made a few videos in regards to it on my YouTube channel.  The channel is not big by any means but it is a fun way to talk about games to a big audience.   The first video is of me just talking about completing the set with games and boxes.  The second video is of me actually going down the line and picking out titles here and there.  There is a handful of titles I skipped over like Turok which I have no clue why but it is still fun for the titles I do talk about. 

So where to next?  This is a question I have been asked a lot but I honestly do not have a solid answer.  I kind of have my hands in a lot of different things at the moment but I have been picking up some stuff as it comes along.  Still not sure if I am going to attempt to complete the set of any of them however.

DK Front photo DK Front.jpg

DK Back photo DK Back.jpg

Recently I made my first Big Box variant purchase.  With the purchase of a factory sealed DK Plush Pre order item from Target. It is not a actual game but I am considering going on the hunt for some of the Big box variants and other variants the system offers like the Gauntlet legends variant with the little figure. 

photo N64 Consoles.jpg

I have also started the hunt for some of the complete in box N64 consoles as I come across them.  I am far from finishing the set but I am also not in a rush to due so.

photo Jap Games.jpg

Then finally I have started on the Japanese exclusive N64 games.  This is something I did not consider in the past however I am no longer living in Italy and I am now living in Japan so it is a no brainer to grab these as I come across them.  I am only currently going for the complete in box games and I have not decided if I am actually going to collect the complete set.  Once I move from Japan in a few years if I am near the complete set then I might pursue ebay and get the rest.  I honestly do not know anything about the Japanese N64 market. Hopefully there is not any games that are demanding hundreds of dollars which could deter me from finishing the set.

But with that said thanks for sticking around and reading up until this point.  It has been a long and fun journey but I am happy it is over.  I am also pretty happy I could document it all on this wonderful site and share it with all of you.  Thanks again for following along.

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So for whatever reason the two videos I did add did not stay in the blog.  So here is the links here if interested.

1.  Me completing the set and talking about future plans with my Youtube channel

2.  Doing a review of the collection its self going down the line picking out titles and talking about them
That is pretty awesome.
Very nice!

If you were in Italy why not grab PAL games too?
Or are those not pictured?
@nupoile:  Thanks Nupoile
@Izret101: The entire time I was in Italy I did not see a single second hand store aside from gamestop for games.  Also the Euro dominated the dollar and most of my funds was tied up on Ebay with this set at the time.  I wish I would of found a old second hand store but even talking to a lot of Italians they really do not like used stuff.  They are all about everything being new.  Even my Italian girlfriend is grossed out by old stuff for whatever reason lol.  If I do end up going for the complete Japanese set then I will most likely buy the 4 exclusive pal games then. 
that's awesome! it's amazing that they're all in such great shape too, i'm a little jealous. super impressed that you finished the entire thing in around 2 years, that's incredible. i've been working at mine since at least 2008 and having even really gotten close to finishing yet, i just don't have the kind of disposable income it would take to finish that quickly.
This is amazing, I couldn't imagine a full set for any system, nevermind one so awesome as the N64, Kudos!
@techwizard:  Honestly Tech Wizard it was just being super active looking for them and the money was tight at times to.  Especially when making those higher end titles.  But it was a fun set to go after.  I learned alot about the system and box collecting in general.  I see a lot of people post on game pages how they are going for a complete set of a system with boxes and manuals and they are just starting up and my first reaction is always that is going to be a eye opener for them.  I learned more about the N64 then I ever thought I would know and it is absolutely fantastic,  I am sure you are learning more and more as you pick up each titles.

@Gamer4Lyfe: I know right?  This is my first time completing any set and it feels pretty cool knowing I have access to any game released for the system.
[img width=625 height=795]https://c2.staticflickr.com/8/7632/16146625634_a5debd8039_b.jpg[/img]

Seriously, this is an amazing collection.  I suspect it cost you a small fortune just to get it shipped to Japan!  Kudos to you for sticking with it.  I'm in the process of a full North American Game Boy collection, but due to the expense of obtaining boxes, I'm doing mostly cart only, though I am snagging manuals as I find them.  Congratulations!
Awesome, way to go.  Patience was the key to get all the games I bet.  Congrats!
Very nice looking collection!
@MetalFRO: How big is the gameboy set.  That must be a large and difficult one to complete.  I am currently in the Military so the Military pays for the shipping when moving all of my stuff of course.  They do set us up with a American address, so I actually bought almost the entire set off ebay when I was in Italy and I of course paid the shipping my self when buying thru Ebay.

@fallenlittleangel: It really was.  There was often times I was frustrated when looking up a game and seeing the same boxed copies over and over.  It was like it was taunting me to buy them but I knew I would not of been happy with them so it was the waiting game and it paid off.

@singlebanana:  Thank you Single Banana.  Definitely and long and fun journey to have out of the way Smiley
That's pretry legit, glad to see someone else in the military who collects retro games.
@seniorSPC: Thanks man.  Yeah I have been collecting for a long time.  It is a fun hobby as everyone in here would probably agree
@Tadpole13: It's like this in a lot of countries/cultures, especially Korea. If something is sold used, they'll list it in "C" grade condition, even if it's basically brand new, because they think of used as trash. Scratch on it? They'll basically just throw it away.

I noticed no Players' Choice variants. Intentional?
@Shadow Kisuragi: Yeah surprisingly I go to a alot of second hand stores here in Japan and there prices are all over.  But sometimes they do have video game systems etc that are labeled as junk.  Normally this is because they do not have the proper cables to test it out so sometimes you can find some crazy great deals that way.

Yes I avoided the Players Choice games on purpose.  I just wanted first release.  However I might pursue the players choice games as well and if I do not I still intend on getting the 1998 Game of the year Golden Eye box and Legend of Zelda OOT box just because they are pretty cool.

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