[img width=700 height=199]http://images.vg247.com/current//2013/10/nextfrictionalgame.png[/img] Image source: imgarcade gallery for Frictional Games (SOMA)
Lists. Everybody loves lists. And subjective numbers attached to opinions. Fun to read and argue over, sure. But here at RFGeneration, we're cooler than that. (And more humble!) So here I'm gonna list some games that aren't necessarily GOTY-type stuff (though some are, certainly.) But if you're like me, then I'm glad my beloved wife met me first, and also you like to dig through articles to find random gems you weren't aware of or some thoughts on a game that may make you give it a chance instead of otherwise dismissing it. So here goes, a slackur's suggestions from the last year of gaming good times.