Why did I play this?Why did I play this?

Posted on Feb 8th 2013 at 05:09:26 PM by Graham Prothro (SirPsycho)
Posted under Stargate, sirpsycho, why did i play this, sega, genesis, mega drive, snes, super nintendo, ess enn eee ess

The series returns with a nice look at one of the many ignored movie licensed games of the 16 bit era. Stargate was made by Acclaim and released for the SNES and Sega Genesis/Mega Drive in 1995, but not all was well in this land of milk and honey.

What happens when your low class nametag goes away and you can't use it anymore? Well it looks like you just have to use your own name and hope nobody notices and ignores such MEDIOCRITIES!

Check me out on Twitter, Wordpress, and Facebook!

Posted on Jan 16th 2013 at 01:41:36 AM by Graham Prothro (SirPsycho)
Posted under Rampage World Tour, why did i play this, sirpsycho

This is a series where I read the story and sometimes the character section of the manual of some random video game, in a dramatic fashion. The main goal is to bring attention to how good or bad some of the manual stories can be, and also how well they can prepare a player for a game.

Of course sometimes the dramatization ends up being completely uncalled for, and that's where the real fun begins.

Check me out on Twitter and Facebook!

Posted on Dec 12th 2012 at 12:04:09 AM by Graham Prothro (SirPsycho)
Posted under Scripture, why did i play this, the bible game, ps2, playstation 2, xbox, oxbox, sirpsycho

A nice way to end the year would be sitting down, watch Die Hard once or twice, play some good games, visit friends and family, and enjoy the time off from work. So I decide to do none of that for now and instead do everything in my power to cause myself pain.

Today we look at The Bible Game, a late life Xbox and PS2 budget title that is a game about the Holy Bible. I am joined by a close friend, but only sharp eyes will be able to notice his appearance!

If, like me, you crave for a longer experience then have no fear! Episode 10 will hopefully be out a month from now, and will be a full review of an ancient RPG. Until then keep your eyes posted on my blog, Twitter, and Facebook, and don't forget to like and subscribe!

Posted on Dec 6th 2012 at 11:23:47 PM by Graham Prothro (SirPsycho)
Posted under Why Did I Play This, total recall, gonads, gloryhole

Movie licensed games are almost always bad, even moreso when theyre for the NES. Im not even upset I played this game though, not one bit. Why? Total Recall is one of those very, very few bad video games that manages to cross over into so-bad-its-good territory. There are countless movies and old campy TV shows like this, but not so much video games. A bad movie can be made enjoyable by a stellar, albeit cheesy performance from the actors, like if I see Christopher Walken in a bad movie Im still going to watch and enjoy it.

[img width=550 height=777]http://www.rfgeneration.com/images/games/U-027/bf/U-027-S-06890-A.jpg[/img]
 Im still surprised theres a movie licensed NES game that LJN had nothing to do with.

A bad video game being enjoyable though? How is that different, and how is it similar? Well bad games are always marred by technical issues, loose controls, bad graphics and music (for its time), and inconsistent and asinine level design among other reasons. But, if a game isnt entirely horrific in those categories, just has some weaknesses across the board then we end up with a good candidate for an enjoyably bad video game. Total Recall is the poster child of awesomely bad games because of this.

As soon as the game starts the player is already confused and just runs to the right where theyre pulled into an alley to fight purple clothed dwarves. But it gets better, what makes Total Recall so enjoyable for me is just how ridiculous everything looks. The graphics are terrible, and because of this a wall that is supposed to be people punching through holes ends up looking like... well I like to call it The Great Wall of Gloryholes.

[img width=500 height=190]http://www.honestgamers.com/images/assets/12/T/4006/1.jpg[/img]
What puny little cocks you all are.

There is a cool X-Ray effect in the second level (I think its level 2, none of them are labeled). So this shows that the programmers actually knew how to do a few things, just that the level designers were terrible. It seems like this giant X-Ray machine unlocks after a time limit , then Arnold is allowed to work his way through a very confusing subway system. Around this point the game takes on the typical bad video game syndrome, the absurd fun being sucked away by now.

Arnold can also crouch down and punch to the side hes facing, because of the height of many enemies on the main screen this ends up looking the player is making Arnold punch the enemies in the privates. Real classy Acclaim. Its still hilarious to me that a game that can so easily be sexually construed ended up with a Nintendo Seal of Quality. I guess that is just a way to see how little Nintendo actually cared about game quality, and were more concerned with censorship. Oh well, the past is past for a reason.

[img width=612 height=457]http://1morecastle.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/Gonads-612x457.png[/img]
BOOM! Right in the gonads!

Posted on Nov 29th 2012 at 10:47:52 PM by Graham Prothro (SirPsycho)
Posted under Why Did I Play This, crash dummies, super nintendo, sega, genesis, mega drive,

I used to have a bunch of toy Crash Dummies! Oh man I have so many ideas of how to make this a good game, but where to start? Oh screw it, let's just jump right in and see if this game is everything I hope it could be!

Check me out on Twitter, Wordpress, and Facebook!

Posted on Nov 27th 2012 at 09:20:06 PM by Graham Prothro (SirPsycho)
Posted under Backgammon, why did i play this, why didnt i play this sooner, sirpsycho

Ive been doing some thinking lately and have been wanting to make more text reviews. Why Did I Play This started as text based blog posts before I started doing videos. Im not planning on ending the videos just moving to a schedule where I will post a new video every 2 weeks and between the videos do some text based review, whether a full on Why Did I Play This, or bringing back a spinoff I tried early Why Didnt I Play This Sooner, mixing all of these with more traditional reviews.


Any thoughts or other ideas from my small community of readers?

Posted on Nov 15th 2012 at 10:34:41 PM by Graham Prothro (SirPsycho)
Posted under Why Did I Play This, sabrina, witch

Due to delays episode 7 was unable to make it out before its originally scheduled Halloween release. But here it is, ready for everybody to take in and digest. Today I pull out an old classic, Sabrina the Teenage Witch: A Twitch in Time. So now we only have a couple questions to ask ourselves.

Was this worth my time?
Why did I play this?

Posted on Jul 13th 2012 at 11:26:38 PM by Graham Prothro (SirPsycho)
Posted under SirPsycho, harvest moon, ps2, why did i play this, farmville

This installment is back to basics, and I take a look at Harvest Moon A Wonderful Life, the PS2 version. Virtually all the charm that made the series fun to play has been zapped out of this game, but what specifics can be said about it?

Posted on Mar 22nd 2012 at 11:38:42 PM by Graham Prothro (SirPsycho)
Posted under Naki, pro, player, pro player, blog, wordpress, why did i play this

So I have an interesting piece of hardware from a local thrift store. All of my Google powers have left me with no information about this strange piece and little more based on the manufacturer. My plan is to give some history of the product (if I can find any) and then review it based on the many things that would be relevant to this style of control scheme.


Do I have you in enough suspense yet? So what am I planning to review you ask? Well its an interesting little arcade stick called the Pro Player. It was manufactured by Naki International in 1993 according the box. What makes it interesting? It is compatible with the SNES, SFC, Genesis, and Mega Drive. So any gamer in the early to mid 90′s would have an easy time finding a use for this stick which was the Choice of Fighting Game Experts! And thats about all the information I have for it, every detail coming from the box I bought it in.


Does anybody have any information on this to help me out? I would like to keep pictures secret until the video comes out so everybody can see how nostalgic the box design is.


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