The Stuff of DreamsThe Stuff of Dreams

Posted on Jan 11th 2011 at 04:04:47 PM by (ReddMcKnight)
Posted under BayouBilly, Battle, Three, Generes, Tough

What a night tonight was. After two weeks or so of practice, I finally completed The Adventures of Bayou Billy for the NES. This was no picnic, believe me. In fact, it was practically a nightmare. In fact, if not for some tips from Racketboy Members and a LOT of Soda, I couldn't have done it. Where to begin...

I found out about this game about two months ago, but I don't remember how. Anyway, acting on pure impulse, I picked up a complete copy on eBay fairly cheap. I got it 4 days later, and booted it up. Of course, I was not aware that this game was tougher than Battletoads, so I got my ass handed to me several times. It was then that I decided that I would beat it no matter what.

From that point on, I practiced and tried to memorize every stage. That did not go well, so I stopped for a bit. Some time later, I picked it back up and tried again. After two weeks, I felt that I had everything memorized, save for the last level, and prepared for the Great Bayou Battle.

After many game overs, I finally got to the end. I saw what I thought was the last boss and proceeded to whip the shit out of him. Literally. See, I had picked up a whip for a weapon earlier, and...well, you get the point. I beat him, thinking it was over, and moved on. Before I knew it, two goons in robotic armor showed up and returned the favor. Fortunately, I had racked up a few lives, but they still wore me down to one life. Barely any health remaining, I scored a VERY lucky hit and killed them. Finally, I was treated to the (rather anti-climactic) ending. Nonetheless, I was pretty freaking happy.

Anyway, the game beaten, I put it back among my collection, and decided that I would NOT do that again. Why I did it in the first place is still a mystery, even to me. Maybe I was trying to prove a point, maybe I was just trying to find a great challenge. Who knows. Anyway, that's my story. Thanks for reading!

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