Before I begin, I'd just like to state that if you own a Wii U, and your friends with me, and it says I've been playing nothing but Netflix, ignore that. I hate Netflix, and my cousin has been using it on my Wii U. I do use Hulu Plus, but that's mostly on my PS4. Now then...
Xenoblade Chronicles X [img width=550 height=773][/img]
Although I wasn't too big into the first Xenoblade Chronicles for Wii (and later the New 3DS), this game really sucked me in. It is absolutely massive in scope and scale, and could easily overwhelm a casual gamer. Fortunately, I'm not a casual gamer, but it STILL overwhelmed me at first. This huge open-world game tasks you with surviving on a new home planet after Earth is blown to bits in a conflict between 2 Alien Races. It gives you a basic goal to work towards, but being an open-world game, you can pretty much do as you please. Your not forced to progress in the story at some fixed pace, and can approach it however you want. Do you want to do Sidequests first? No problem. Feel the need to max out affinity with other characters first? Go ahead. You do have to do some basic plot stuff first, but that's to be expected, like doing the prologue in an Elder Scrolls game. As I mentioned before, this game is absolutely overwhelming, so I don't recommend starting it until your ready to put in a lot of time above any other game.
Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric [img width=550 height=782][/img]
I think I've talked about this one before, but I'll go again. First off, this is NOT a bad game! People will tell you it is, but a lot of those people probably haven't even actually played it. While the character designs are a departure from previous Sonic games, and it's more about exploration than speed now, that doesn't mean it's bad. Also, a recent patch made it even better than it already was. I personally believe this is a new start for Sonic, and at the risk of making a pun, it really did start with a boom. Granted, it can get a little repetitive, but the boss battles keep it fresh most of the time.
Unfortunately, that's it for now. However, I can tell you now, that you can look forward to me going on about Fatal Frame: Maiden of Black Water next time.
First things first, remember that PC I got for Christmas? (http://www.rfgeneration.c...16164.msg233177#msg233177) Yeah, neither do I. Heh. I returned it because it used proprietary parts, so I couldn't upgrade it. That said, I bought an Alienware Steam Machine (which I put Windows on right away. SteamOS? Really??) and I've been having an absolute blast with it. Sure, it's a pre-built PC (could've fooled me, it's only a little bigger than a Wii!), but it has a ton of power, and has played every game I've tried on it so far perfectly. That said, here's a couple games I've been playing on it, as well as an Android Game I promised to write about from one of my previous Gaming Adventures. (See here: http://www.rfgeneration.c...ts-At-Maker-City-3143.php)
ARK: Survival Evolved [img width=460 height=215][/img] "It's like, Minecraft combined with Castle Miner Z on STEROIDS! You must try this game! As of this post, it's on sale in the Humble Store!" That's what I typed on my Steam Profile about this game, and it's 100 Percent True in my opinion. This game is crazy fun, crazy difficult, and it's STILL being developed! (It's an early access game). Take the crafting elements of Minecraft, the survival elements of Castle Miner Z, upgrade the graphics, throw in some Character Customization, and you have ARK: Survival Evolved. I was initially nervous upon purchasing it due to the high number of negative reviews on Steam, but don't let those people lie to you! This game is VERY good! I wish I had someone to play it with, and I HATE Online Co-Op, so that should say something right there.
Doom (Doomsday Source Port) [img width=256 height=380][/img] First things first. For those who don't know, a Source Port is a program that allows one to play Doom (as well as Doom II) on a Modern PC, often with upgrades (like Graphic Effects, HD Resolutions, and Controllers). Now then, I'm sure we all know Doom. Described by some as "The Son of Wolfenstein 3D" (which it basically is), Doom is what I like to call the definitive First Person Shooter game. I don't think I need to explain too much about the game itself, but playing it using the Doomsday Source Port is tons of fun. You ever seen a 1993 Game run in 1080p HD? It's intense.
Five Nights At Freddy's [img width=300 height=300]*,*%7C128:128&background-color=black[/img] Five Nights At Freddy's is an indie-horror game developed by a guy named Scott Cawthon for PCs and Android Devices (I don't know if it's on IOS Devices too), and it...doesn't make much sense, actually. As far as gameplay goes, it's a solid horror title (I played it on my Android Phone), and it scared the hell outta me more than once. Story wise though, it makes no sense at all. When you start a new game, your greeted with a Newspaper Ad that requests a Security Guard to work the night shift at this kid's restaurant. Sounds basic enough, sure, and a guy on your phone explains that the Animatronics can and WILL hunt you down, but what is the reason for it all? And it just gets more confusing from there. Whatever the reason, as I said before, it's still a decent game, and it's not even 5 US Dollars (last time I checked), so if your looking for a cheap scare, try this one out.
I think that about covers it. Check back soon for more of my Gaming Adventures. Also, if you have Steam, and you end up getting ARK, let me know please.
To everyone who was expecting the conclusion to my 5th Christmas Story today, it will NOT be ready today, as I initially planned. The holidays have taken a big toll on me this year, and it's effecting my judgement and writing, so it will not be finished today, but fear not, for it WILL be finished. Probably tomorrow, the 25th, or the 26th. I apollogize for the delay, but I've also got a massive headache, and I just cannot type it up today. Please bear with me, I WILL write it soon. Thank you.
Ladies and Gentlemen, live from somewhere in Virginia, it's a Christmas Story 5!
ReddMcKnight, with bickman2k, izret101, Slackur, Zagnorch, ShadowKisuragi, and Nupoile!
And now, heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeere's Redd!
Before I begin, I'd just like to thank everyone here for being so nice to me over the years. It's been quite a thrill being here. I've had my share of rough times, as we all have, and the good people here at RFGeneration have supported me through it when I asked for help, and I really do appreciate it so much. Here's to many more years! Now, enough with my sentimental stuff, let's get on with the story!
Redd: Merry Christmas, one and all!
Izret: What's there to be merry about?
Zagnorch: Yeah! I haven't played a decent game in weeks!
Redd: Ummmm...Well, I just got a new Computer, and I have a Steam Library full of games. We could go play those.
Izret: (Sighs) Fine. Better than nothing.
(Our intrepid heroes make they're way to Redd's House)
Bickman: Good lord, Redd, this place is a mess!
Slackur: Mother nature died in here!
Redd: Shut up!
Nupoile: Eh. I've seen worse.
ShadowKisuragi (Shadow): Your kidding me, right?
Redd: Look, just bear with me while I boot this thing up. (Turns on Computer)
Nupoile: What kind of hardware does it boast?
Redd: 4GHz CPU, 16GB of RAM, and an nVidia 900-Series Video Card.
Nupoile: ......Mine's still better.
Bickman: Wah wah wah.
Redd: ............Right, anyway...Check out this ga--Huh? What's this? (Points to a game title)
Zagnorch: "Enter.EXE?"
Slackur: What is that?
Redd: I have no idea. I didn't add any such command to this thing.
Izret: Cool, let's click it! (Shoves Redd out of the way and clicks it)
Shadow: You moron! We have no idea what that does!
(Monitor starts flashing)
Izret: Whoa! Seizure-riffic!
Bickman: This can't be good...
(A flash of light bursts from the monitor, and upon disappearing, our heroes find themselves in a different area)
Nupoile: What the...?
Redd: Where are we?! What did you do, Izret?!
Izret: All I did was click that thing!
Bickman: Yeah, and now we appear to be in...Wait a this Hell?
Zagnorch: What are you talking about?
Bickman: Well, look. We all have guns now, and there's one of those brown creatures from Doom.
Slackur: What the?! Kill it with fire! (Blasts the creature) Hey, that was kind of fun!
Shadow: Is this REALLY happening?
Izret: This is awesome!
Redd: This is insane! We could all die here!
Bickman: I did NOT want to spend my Christmas in Hell!
Zagnorch: Shut up, you wussies! I bet the only way out is to beat the boss at the end of this level! (Loads Shotgun) Let's kick some ass!
Nupoile: We are SO dead.
Slackur: Yep.
Our Heroes seem to be in some real trouble this time! Can they possibly escape the world of Doom and get back home in time for some Holiday Eggnog?! Tune in tomorrow for the exciting conclusion!
DISCLAIMER: Is a disclaimer really needed this time? There is no way the events in this story could EVER happen.
First off, a very special thanks to nupoile for sending me a Steam Code for ORION: Prelude. It's an amazing game, and a great time killer, and I highly recommend you buy it if you like Team-Based Shooters. Now then...
[img width=460 height=215][/img]
As I mentioned above, nupoile sent me a Steam Code for this game after I told him I was curious about it (I saw that he posted several screenshots of it on the Steam Community Page). Initially, I thought it was a Simulation Game, but it's actually a Team-Based FPS with RPG Elements. The basic idea is that your part of a team, and you have to shoot dinosaurs. Yes, dinosaurs. Big bad lizards. There's also a huge crocodile, but I digress. That being said, you shoot the dinosaur bastards, get credits (that's in-game currency), and upgrade your weapons and abilities between waves. This game is heavy on game modes, but I've only played Survival, a mode where you fight 10 waves of dinosaurs. In a way, it's like Left 4 Dead, in that there are a bunch of regular, commonly seen dinosaurs, and several unique dinosaurs, including but not limited to, a T-Rex and a Triceratops. Despite these huge creatures coming after you, I've found that on easier difficulty levels, you can easily bring them down with a few well placed Rocket Launcher shots. None the less, this is a great game wit lots of variety, and I had a ton of fun with it while waiting for Fallout 4 to release. That doesn't mean I'm done with it though, as I can see myself playing this a lot in the near future. Speaking of Fallout 4...
[img width=700 height=878][/img]
Fallout 4, the long awaited true sequel to Fallout 3 (and no, New Vegas is NOT officially Fallout 4, but it's still a great game), is a good game. In fact, it's a very good game. Of course, it's still a game from Bethesda, so before I continue, please note that bugs and glitches are present. If you buy this game based on my opinion, my advice to you is to save very often, and assume that anything can go wrong at anytime. Now then, this game is about your avatar, called the Sole Survivor, and they're search for they're kidnapped son. The plot starts out basic enough, but evolves quite tremendously by the halfway point. I'll spare you direct spoilers, and continue on about the gameplay though. This game is hard. Very hard. At first anyway...You'll quickly learn that you are literally powerless in the in-game world, called The Commonwealth. Only by moving cautiously, with intelligence, will you succeed. At first, you have no armor, and your only means of defense is a wimpy handgun. To survive in The Commonwealth, you NEED armor, and you NEED to fight smart. Running straight into combat, even on Very Easy, is a good way to die instantly. I learned this the hard way. Heh...In any case, once you start leveling up and finding armor, you'll have a lot more fun with the game, and find that you actually CAN run straight into a horde of enemies and survive. So why does all this matter? Is this not standard RPG fare? Perhaps, but it shocked me personally, since Fallout 3 and New Vegas actually were very easy. As for more gameplay aspects, I could go on for hours about this, but I think it's best you experience a lot of it for yourself. You be the judge. It just happens to be my opinion that this is a great game, and an excellent candidate for Game of the Year.
Okay, I think that covers it. Did I go on too much about Fallout 4? Let me know what you think. Once again, special thanks to nupoile for giving me the gift of dinosaur killing.
At last! It's been ages since I've updated this thing, but here it is! Another episode of my many Gaming Adventures! Here we go!
Five Nights At Freddy's [img width=410 height=308][/img]
[To be written as soon as I gather the courage to actually play it]
Super Mario Maker [img width=550 height=769][/img]
This game, Super Mario Maker, is so freaking neat! As the name implies, it lets you make Mario Levels to share with friends and the world, and it is glorious! I really like how you can scan in Amiibos to use as Costumes for Mario! I haven't been able to easily put this one down, and I'm not even that creative! Highly recommended for EVERYONE!
Animal Crossing City Folk [img width=550 height=777][/img]
Now for something more relaxed and peaceful...yes, I'm serious. Mario Maker as a game is easy and simple, but people can make some damn hard levels on it. That being said, I figured it was time to pick up a more casual game. While this doesn't top the original AC for Gamecube in my eyes, it's still really good. It's easy to pick up and play, and barring the original, I can't think of a more relaxing game to play. At least not right now.
That's all for now, though the part about FNAF will be filled in as soon as I play it. I watched the fine people on Steam Train (a YouTube spin-off of Game Grumps) play it, and it was just great.
For whatever reason, I've only been playing games at night lately, hence the title. Anyway, here's what I've been playing lately. Grab some popcorn, this is a long one!
[img width=215 height=294][/img]
Everyone knows I love Killer Instinct. It's the best fighting game ever. Recently, Version 2.3 was released via Update, and it included a new character, Omen, who totally kicks ass! He's a bit weak when it comes to actually doing damage, but he makes up for it by being able to do a lot of hits in one combo, often going up to 30 Hits or more! He's definitely my 2nd Character now, as my first will always be Jago. Also, here's his awesome Death Metal Theme!
[img width=616 height=346][/img]
Although I beat Dark Souls on the Xbox 360 a while back, I recently decided to go through it again (except on PC) to hype myself up for the Dark Souls 2 Enhanced Port coming for PS4 and Xbox One. Unfortunately, without a mod called DSFix, this game is broken performance-wise. It can also be hard to use for one who has never used a PC Mod or edited a .ini file. Fortunately, there are guides on the internet that teach you how to use it.
[img width=700 height=396][/img]
Finally! A game with bright colors and a cheerful atmosphere! I welcome this game with open arms into my Steam Library! Although it wasn't exactly perfect upon release, it's gradually being fixed with patches. This is actually a remake of the first Hyperdimension Neptunia game for PS3, and quite frankly, it is so much better now! Give it a try!
[img width=256 height=315][/img]
Not many people liked this game as I recall, but I do. Being able to play through 3 different campaigns is one thing, but the fact that one of those campaigns lets you play as a deadly Xenomorph makes this game all that much better. I can tell you right now, it's quite satisfying to stalk your enemies, them being completely unaware that your there waiting for them.
[img width=650 height=245][/img]
Before I bought this game, I had heard many good things about it. That being said, I bought it on those things, but this game is just plain awful. It punishes you for doing the most basic things, and it's plot is also stupid. I tried to like this game, I did, but it's simply awful, and I am absolutely serious in the following statement when I say that Bubsy 3D for the PS1 was a better game than this. If you like it, that's fine, but I think it's awful.
Whew...that's it for now! Check back soon for more!
[img width=550 height=771][/img]
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword was the last LoZ Title released for the Nintendo Wii in 2011, and I love it! Utilizing the MotionPlus Accessory, whichever way you move your right hand, Link's hand (with the Sword equipped) will move the same way. Granted, there are a few flaws with this game, but they are mostly minor, and shouldn't hinder your enjoyment of the game. At least, they didn't bother me at all. It's worth mentioning that Link's helper is more annoying than Navi from Ocarina of Time though, so be prepared for that.
[img width=550 height=564][/img]
More LoZ? Yep! The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons was released for the Game Boy Color in 2001, alongside it's twin, Oracle of Ages. Personally, I enjoy Oracle of Seasons so much more, as I'm not too fond of the Time Travelling mechanic in Oracle of Ages. This game, as a 2D Zelda, ranks really high up on my list of great Game Boy Color games, and I personally believe everyone who likes LoZ Titles should try it at least once. Unfortunately, if you want the full experience, you have to complete Oracle of Ages too, so it's best to just get that one out of the way first.
[img width=460 height=215][/img]
"Hail to the King, baby!" Duke Nukem 3D Megaton Edition is a remake of Duke Nukem 3D for the PC, except I've been playing the Vita Version on my PlayStation TV. I honestly didn't think the game could get much better after playing it on the Xbox 360 a few years ago, but it did. More levels = more fun! However, there is some minor slowdown from time to time, and a few graphical glitches, but they did not hinder my enjoyment of this game at all! If you enjoy older FPS Games that are challenging, even on Easy Mode, this is for you!
Well, that's it for now. More Gaming Adventures coming soon!
[img width=640 height=797][/img]
Grand Theft Auto V is essentially a port, but with new features added for the PS4 Release, for example, it now has a First-Person View Mode, but I only enjoy that for shooting, because I've never been any good at driving cars in games in First-Person. Anyway, apart from that, they basically made a good game even better, so if you have yet to play this, now is a really good time to play it.
[img width=453 height=640][/img]
This thing is about Ninja Girls who fight other Ninja Girls in an effort to strip they're clothes so that they may save the world. Yes, that's really the plot. What did you expect from Japan? plays exactly like Dynasty Warriors, only with more customization and story thrown in. That being said, it could get repetitive for most people, but since I like that kind of gameplay, I enjoyed it a lot.
[img width=394 height=500][/img] we go with this stuff again. Akiba's Trip for the PS4 is another port with more features. Now included is a "Toy Box" Mode that starts you off with one of every item to play around with to your heart's content. Also included is a Visual Editor so that you may change the color of EVERYTHING in the game. The neatest new feature though, is that when people watch you play on the Live From Playstation App on the PS4, they can interfere with your game, such as making enemies appear, making you lose all your Health, etc. Even if you did play on the PS3 or Vita earlier, you should definitely give the PS4 Version a try.
More gaming adventures coming soon!
Credit to nupoile for helping me come up with a clever title for this entry! Thanks man!
So, apparently, life finally caught up with me, and it said "Wake the hell up!!". What does that mean? Well, it seems I've been so mixed up lately, that I've forgotten about potential trades and deals that I had made. I feel like I've been pulled right out of Hotel California or something.
That being said, if you remember making a deal with me, please let me know so I can look through my PMs and fix any mistakes I may have made. Also, after I complete any trades that were forgotten, I have to drop the trading for a while, as money is very tight, what with me going to New York in December. You ever feel that need to get away from it all sometimes, if only for a little bit? That's me right now.
Now, with that out of the way, I'd like to say that I've also been neglecting my gaming time to a point, hence why you haven't seen many Gaming-Related Blog Entries from me. I also had to give up my new Glove Gaming Series, as I found that it was quite difficult to play any game with it, and quite frankly, that sucks. If a new glove controller for anything ever comes around, perhaps I'll start yet another new series, but for now, nothing is going to come of it.
Well, that about covers it. As I said before, PLEASE PM me if you remember a trade that I've forgotten. Seriously, nothing upsets me more than unhappy customers.
Before we begin, I'd just like to comment that it literally took me 20 Minutes to think of a Headline for this entry. Now then...
[img width=383 height=500][/img]
Akiba's Trip: Undead and Undressed takes RPGs to a whole new level of weird. Ditching HP for CP (Clothing Points), you have to rip off an opponent's clothing to make them melt in the sunlight (They are Vampires, see...). That, or if they're just a normal person, they'll run away embarrassed. Anyway...this game is really good. It features a near-perfect recreation of Akihabara, Japan's "electronics mecca". However, it's best not to take it seriously, as the plot is mostly satirical. That being said though, it's a convenient excuse to be apathetic towards everything else. Yes, this game is that good.
[img width=640 height=816][/img]
Ridge Racer for the Vita was not exactly the pick for "Game of the Year" when it released. It depends WAY too much on Downloadable Content, as opposed to unlocking things through actually playing. If you can get past that though (I doubt many of us can), then you'll find a decent game here. I say decent because it also relies too much on Online Play, which I think is stupid. Overall, this game could have been so much better. Then again, Namco has been going down farther and farther these past few years.
[img width=640 height=818][/img]
Disgaea 4 for the Vita is a port of the PS3 Version. Well, actually, "port" is debatable, as it contains all the DLC and then some from the PS3 Version. Essentially, it's a "Complete" Version of Disgaea 4. It's a near-perfect game with only a few minor hiccups, and it's very well done. There are several references to previous games (and spin-offs), and being a Complete Version, it is packed to the brim and over with content. In this case, you truly get more than your money's worth. It's also easily accessible to newcomers, including a feature called the "Cheat Shop" and what-not.
Well, that's all for now. Also, for those looking forward to the first entry of my new Glove Gaming Series, it will probably be posted later today or tomorrow.
NOTE: This is a rewrite, due to the original not publishing correctly. Some sentences may have changed.
Whew...Things have finally calmed down around here, so I've had plenty of free time for gaming. Here's what I've been going at.
[img width=260 height=315][/img] Sonic R is a Sonic the Hedgehog Racing Game. Hated by many, I actually enjoy it a lot. I've been playing the PS2 Port on Sonic Gems Collection, an Import Collection of Sonic Games. This game is hated so much by everyone, that there is actually a myth that if you use a certain character in it, you will die. This is crap, of course. It's a fun game with some Characters not seen in any other Sonic game, and it also has catchy music. It's well worth any Sonic/Racing fan's time.
[img width=256 height=327][/img] Persona 4 Golden is a remake of Persona 4 for the Vita. Originally released for the PS2, it has new content on the Vita. It is a School Sim/RPG where you have to solve a Murder Mystery while living life as a High School Student. Unlike actual High School though, this is fun, and, you know, NOT LAME. Since you've all probably played Persona 4 on the PS2, there isn't much more for me to say about this one, other than should you be looking to play Persona 4 again, play this version.
[img width=256 height=325][/img] Valhalla Knights 3 is an RPG for the Vita. It's the sequel to the 2nd one on the PSP, as well as the Spin-Off on the Wii. It's quite challenging, and described by many as a chore to play. That being said, stupid critics constantly give the games bad scores, and so naturally, people agree with them, and they sell poorly. Still, there are true fans, and while the game can be hard to play, and there really is nothing new here, it's still a fun game. It's definitely not for everyone though, due to some suggestive material (It's rated M for crying out loud!).
[img width=256 height=362][/img] Assassin's Creed IV is...actually pretty cool. Initially, I hated the series, but this one really fixed everything. It's open world, it's about a Pirate turned Assassin, there's plenty of things to do, and what's more, it's all based on historic events. Not much more to say here, as you've all probably played it. I've been playing the Wii U Version.
Well, that's all for now. See you all next entry.
Ha! I bet you all thought I was gone for good, huh? Well, I'm not. I've just been busy with stupid crap. Among that stupid crap though, I was able to squeeze in some Gaming time. Here's what I've been playing.
[img width=640 height=903][/img] That's Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate. You know, Fighting, Girls, Ninjas, the usual stuff. Clearly not the most popular fighting game franchise in the world, but it's up there. I've already cleared the highest difficulty, so now I mostly play online against friends or whatever player has the unfortunate luck to cross my path. Did I mention that I'm good at this game? Heh.
[img width=640 height=904][/img] Dead Island Riptide is the sequel to Dead Island. While the gameplay HAS been improved since the first game, it hasn't been improved much. Still, it's good enough to warrant a playthrough. Definitely an average game, yet I find myself having fun playing it. Then again, who could complain about slaying virtual zombies?
[img width=640 height=911][/img] Two Worlds II is the very definition of average...It's Single Player mode anyway. The Multiplayer is where it really a sense. There is no System Link or Couch Co-Op here, unfortunately. The Multiplayer is Online Only, playing very much like an MMORPG, which may turn some people away. Still, it's Multiplayer can be quite fun, but it IS a chore to play sometimes.
Well, that's it for now. See you all next entry.
'Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the--
Izret: Oh damn it Redd, not another Christmas Story!
Redd: Yes, Izret, another Christmas Story. 
Bickman: Every year, Redd. Every freakin' year.
Redd. Yep.
Bickman: (Sigh)
Slackur: Oh, come on guys. Yes, last year's story was painful, but it wasn't THAT bad.
Shadow Kisuragi (Shadow): What happened?
Slackur: He told us the story of how Coleco conquered the Gaming World.
Shadow: ......What?
Zagnorch: He's insane. He has nothing but tall tales and other stupid crap.
Redd: I am not insane, and all my stories are true. You guys are just jealous that I get to go on all sorts of adventures, and you like, don't.
Shadow: ...Your serious right now, aren't you?
Redd: Yep.
Shadow: Shit... (Shakes his head)
Redd: Now, before I present this year's story, I have a Video to show all of you.
Slackur: What is it?
Redd: It features Bickman as a kid.
Bickman: Your insane.
Redd: Am I? (Pulls Video up on Computer) Gather round, everyone.
(Everyone gathers around him, to see the video in question)
Bickman: What the hell?! That's not me!
Zagnorch: I don't know. You love Nintendo so much, that I'm actually having no trouble believing that that is indeed you.
Bickman: Bah...
Redd: Now, I present to you--
Shadow: Hold up Redd. Aren't you the guy with glasses in THIS video?
Redd: Oh, you are just the worst kind of person, Shadow...
(Everyone laughs)
Redd: Right then. This is the Story of how me and Slackur beat up the Grinch and rescued Christmas.
Slackur: Whoa! Hold on! I've never beaten up anyone in my life!
Redd: Says the Advocate for Armed Pacifists, which is written on your Profile by the way.
Slackur: Crud...
Redd: Right then, our Story begins on top of a Mountain somewhere in Greenland, which is very cold for some reason. Me and Slackur were contacted by the Government to get back a bunch of presents that were stolen by an unknown thief on Christmas Eve of 2012. We--
Bickman: Redd, weren't you both here on Christmas Eve of 2012?
Zagnorch: And weren't you telling us that Coleco Story?
Redd: Do not try to defy my divine logic. Now, shut it and listen.
Zagnorch: (To himself) Divine logic...?
Bickman: (Whispering) Just go along with it. No way we're getting out of this anyway.
Redd: Now then, we scaled the mountain, and came upon a cave. When we entered it, we found a pile of presents. When we tried to take them, wouldn't you know it, the Grinch showed up. He cussed at us, then muttered something to Slackur, which set him off.
Slackur: .........
Redd: Slackur shouted out "I'm the Matrix, jerk!" and proceeded to go Kung-Fu on the Grinch. While they fought a lengthy battle, I proceeded to take the presents out of the cave, and use my magical teleportation abilities to send them back to the town.
Shadow: I think all that Eggnog has gone to your head and is making you stupid.
Redd: First off, I can't have Alcoholic Beverages, as I am a Diabetic (True story), and second, do you see any Eggnog around here?
Shadow:, not really.
Redd: Exactly, now shut up.
Shadow: Sheesh...
Redd: The Grinch landed a lucky blow, knocking Slackur to the ground, which led me to rush in to save my friend. I tackled the Grinch to the ground, and Slackur proceeded to get up, and elbow drop him right in the face, knocking him out. And that, my friends, is how we saved Christmas.
Bickman: Redd, that story sucked. Really bad.
Slackur: I kind of liked it.
Shadow: Me too.
Zagnorch: Not me. Look, it even put Izret to sleep. (Points to a sleeping Izret)
Redd: I was wondering why he was so quiet.
Zagnorch: (Sighs)
Bickman: Redd, where do you even get these ideas?
Redd: Well, I--
Bickman: Never mind, I don't wanna know. Go play with your Nvidia Shield.
Redd: Okay. (Walks away)
Shadow: Slackur, did that REALLY happen?
Slackur: Ehhhhh...
Shadow: Sheesh.
Bickman: Whatever. From all of us here at RF Generation, we hope your Christmas know what? No. I took a muscle relaxer earlier, and it's just now kicking in. One of you guys can announce this stuff.
Slackur: Okay...From all of us here at RF Generation, we hope your Christmas is safe and fun! Merry Christmas! 
NOTE: This is all fictional, and made for entertainment. The users of RF Generation are not this conceited.
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Okay, let's get one thing right off the bat: Duke Nukem Forever is NOT a bad game. It was just released at the wrong time. Gearbox did they're job and gave us an Old-School Shooter that called back to the days of Doom and Duke Nukem 3D. The problem for most people was that it was TOO Old-School. Those people will tell you that this game is terrible, but it's not! It's funny, it pokes fun at other games (I'm looking at you Halo, which I do enjoy, but the reference was just too damn funny), and it's just plain fun to play. It can be easily obtained new for 5 Dollars as of this writing.
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Onechanbara: Bikini Samurai Squad is a Hack n' Slash game inspired by 70's Exploitation Films. You play as two Samurai Sisters whose job is to kill Zombies and save a city. Pretty basic stuff, but with a slight twist: If either of the Sisters get covered in too much Zombie Blood, they go berserk and fight even harder than before. Like I said, it's pretty basic, but it's also pretty damn fun.
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Wing Commander Arena is the most recent game in the Wing Commander series of games. However, this isn't one of our beloved FMV Games with Mark Hamill playing as Maverick. No, this is a 3rd-Person Space Shooter Deathmatch game. In all honesty, it's not as good as I thought it would be, being below average at best. It feels like it could have been so much better, but it's like somewhere in the development process, something went horribly wrong. I apologize to all the hardcore Wing Commander Fans who may be reading this, but this was NOT the sequel I was expecting.
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I picked up Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen yesterday, and it's already managed to suck me in. Seriously, Capcom did everything right with this one, and it's on par with Resident Evil 6 (Which got a 9.7/10 from me). It feels like Skyrim in some ways, and features a great story, great customization, and an explosive start to the game. It was worth every penny I paid for it.