The Stuff of DreamsThe Stuff of Dreams

Posted on Jun 14th 2011 at 07:38:09 PM by (ReddMcKnight)
Posted under Critics, Blog, Rant

As many of my friends know, I absolutely despise Critics and everything about them. They're stupid, and everyone agrees with them no matter what.

Where did this all begin? It began when I first read Gamespot's review of Mobile Suit Gundam Crossfire. They were completely harsh on this game, and because of they're review of it, everyone judged the game unfairly, when in reality, there is a fun game here.

My point is this: Whenever a Critic says something is bad, everyone, and I mean EVERYONE agrees with them, even if they're opinion is different. People would rather be wrong than be different, for whatever reason. It annoys the hell out of me how things work with these people.

Am I a Critic? Yes, I am. I review Games and Movies, but I differ in the aspect of reviews in that mine are opinionated and that very few people agree with them. Critics like IGN and Gamespot just put what the people want to see, as opposed to writing what they truly feel. In short, they don't know what the hell they're doing.

For example, did EVERYONE hate the House of the Dead movie? No. Did it get judged unfairly? Yes. Why? BECAUSE OF CRITICS!!...Sorry. Anyway, I really don't like critics, and that is final.

Disclaimer: This is just a rant. If your going to agree with me, fine. If your going to disagree, at least keep your argument civil and under control. I don't need any flame wars happening here.

Oh, and Duke Nukem Forever does not suck.

This is ReddMcKnight, signing off!

Posted on Jan 25th 2011 at 11:39:55 PM by (ReddMcKnight)
Posted under Update, Blog, Future, Duck, Tales

As you can see, I haven't updated in a few days, which is quite unlike me. I've been pretty busy lately, selling stuff at a Flea Market, which took me forever to get through, what with getting ready for it and all. I've also had a friend over at my house for the past few days.

Anyway, I have an announcement: After a LOT of thinking, I've decided to extend my Blog to other retro games, not just Nintendo. The occasional newer game might pop in somewhere, but only if I think it's REALLY good/unique/innovative/etc.

Some were against it, and some told me to do whatever I want, but I've thought hard about this, and I've decided to go through with it. Don't worry. Retro games will still be my main focus. I just enjoy so many different games, that I'd like to extend my focus a bit.

Anyway, that's it for now. Also, if your looking for a good Video Game song to listen to, check out this Remix of the Moon Theme from Duck Tales. It...Kicks...Ass. Smiley


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