The Stuff of DreamsThe Stuff of Dreams

Posted on Jan 19th 2011 at 04:44:29 PM by ReddMcKnight (ReddMcKnight)
Posted under MadCity, Billy, West, Annabelle, Luna, EasyMode

NOTE: This game was played through an Emulator, something I wouldn't normally do, but I can't read Japanese, so I had to play the Translated J Release using an Emulator.

As you all know, I recently learned of Mad City, the Japanese Version of The Adventures Of Bayou Billy. While I do own the game, it's not in English, so I played the Translated Version through an Emulator. Here's the story:

Stage 1: Bayou 1
I began this stage fighting a few enemies, the only noticeable difference so far being that the enemies were weaker than in Bayou Billy. I proceeded to knock the crap out of them and move on. As I moved through the stage, I began to notice more differences, such as not having to fight Crocodiles, as was REQUIRED in BB. They were still there, I just didn't have to fight them. Anyway, after several weak enemies, I beat the stage.

Stage 2: Bayou 2
A shooting stage! Nice! Even better, I had 150 Bullets to shoot, as opposed to 100 in BB. The difficulty was about the same though as in BB, save for the boss, who took less shots to take down. Moving on...

Stage 3: Bayou 3
A real boss battle! It was the usual strong man, but despite his tough appearance, he was a total wuss. Granted, he did score some hits on me, but I still won the fight without losing any lives. With him beaten, I proceeded to the next stage, which surprised me yet again...

Stage 4: To The City 1
The first of the driving stages was much different than that in BB. For one, there was a time limit, and no meter to show you how far you were in the stage. The upside? There was a health bar now, along with the stage being shorter. It also seemed easier to hit the enemies with bullets and dynamite sticks. This stage completed, I moved on...

Stage 5: To The City 2
Another driving stage. Not much to say here, other than it was also easier than the BB equivalent.

Stage 6: Mad City 1
A street fighting stage again! Besides the usual easy enemies, one particular group seemed to be as tough as they're BB counterparts, but seeing as how the rest of the stage was easy, it didn't really matter.

Stage 7: Mad City 2
A shoot-out in Mad City! This stage actually got me a couple of times, once by normal enemies, and once by the boss. After I lost the 2nd time though, the boss was really easy because I had full ammo and health.

Stage 8: Outside The Mansion
This stage actually had me kind of worried, as I had no lives left by this point, and I was losing health fast because of the (somewhat) cheap enemies. In fact, by the time I had defeated the last enemy, I only had one health square left. I did manage to pick up a Whip though, which would help me at...

Stage 9: Inside The Mansion
All my health restored, I met with the Semi Final Boss and proceeded to beat him down. Strangely enough, his difficulty level was about the same as in BB. With 6/8 health squares left, I beat him and moved on to his robotic goons. They scored some hits on me, and even knocked my Whip away from me a few times, but I still won, and rather easily. Annabelle rescued, the game was finished in less than an hour.

I could have gone for the Bad Ending and ran away from Annabelle, but for whatever reason, I didn't. I guess I'm just a nice guy. Smiley

Anyway, I never got a game over, so I didn't get to experience the quiz mode. Ah, well. Maybe next time.

Thanks for reading!

Posted on Jan 19th 2011 at 12:51:36 AM by ReddMcKnight (ReddMcKnight)
Posted under MadCity, Billy, West, Famicom, Truth

The Adventures Of Bayou Billy...As many of you know, I recently completed this extremely difficult game. Anyway, this made me think of something. It reminded me that games in Japan are usually tougher than they're US Counterparts. Seeking an even greater challenge, I bought the Japanese Version, titled "Mad City" on eBay, and proceeded to put it into a Famicom-To-NES Adapter, which I got out of my copy of Gyromite. After doing this, I booted the game up, only to be greeted with a great shock: Mad City was way easier than Bayou Billy! "Why?!" I thought to myself. "Why would Konami do this to us?!". The only conclusion I can come to is that some sadist at Konami got the bright idea to teach us American Gamers some kind of harsh lesson. Mad City is so EASY compared to Bayou Billy that it's not even funny. I also learned that some content was taken out of the US Release, such as:

A Quiz Mode
Extra Endings
Easier Driving Stages
Some Graphic Changes

There's even an option to let the player end Billy's relationship with Annabelle at the end! I guess I can kind of understand why that was taken out, but there was no excuse for Konami to remove the rest of the content. Anyway, that's it for this rant. I just found this to be very shocking.

Thanks for reading!

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