RF Generation.  The Classic and Modern Gaming Databases.RF Generation.  The Classic and Modern Gaming Databases.

Posted on Nov 17th 2020 at 01:00:00 PM by (slackur)
Posted under PS5, Super Mario Bros. Game and Watch

[img width=200 height=445]http://www.rfgeneration.com/PHP/watermark.php?ID=U-240-H-00040-A;type=hw;number=00;sizex=200[/img]

As a guy who has stood in long lines more than once for a new console, the impending release of the new gaming hardware generation this time around just had not lit the same fire.  A combination of more strained finances, a gaming backlog of comical proportions, and a lack of day-one gotta-have-'em games meant while I would like to eventually own the new hardware, I was fine waiting.  But it just so happens, I have a wonderful Beloved (and also several now-spent gift cards and rewards points) and after a sudden opportunity we now have a shiny PlayStation 5.  As the title suggests, I'd like to offer my initial impressions.

Continue reading Initial Impressions On The Playstation 5 and Super Mario Bros. Game & Watch

Posted on Nov 16th 2020 at 11:15:02 PM by (koola6)
Posted under More lists

"Well, I've explained this many times on the RFGeneration Discord, and also explained this in my last article, but my original article for October got deleted when my browser crashed as I was entering in my password to upload/publish it.  Thus, I am remaking the article for my article in November."
(All original text will be marked in '' and edits in "". Due to the original text being in '' I will be replacing all 's with `s)
'Well, it`s been a while since we first got into quarantine, hasn`t it? I don`t know about you, but my sense of time is pretty much eradicated. A lot of the time I`ve been sitting around, playing video games, and watching YouTube. So, here is another list, this time Multiplayer Online Games to Play.' "5, it ended up being." 'This list isn't in any particular order, just games I`d recommend.

'Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is the latest installment in the Super Smash Bros. series, following Super Smash Bros. for Wii U.' "(Sidenote: I know a lot of people will say that Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS and Super Smash Bros. for Wii U are the same game, but in a Famitsu column [hope I'm spelling that right] Sakurai said that he thinks of them as two separate games.)" 'and preceding [REDACTED]. When you are at the main menu for the game, you can select Online from the modes, which brings you to a screen with Quickplay, Online Tournament, Spectate, and Arenas. Pressing Quickplay will bring you to a screen with 3 options, Solo Battle, Local Battle, and Preferred Rules. Solo Battle will randomly match you with a person with one or more same or similar Preferred Rules (if none are set, it'll be random) and Local Battle will let you team up with up to 2 people in the same lobby and choose randomly to play online with someone and their teammate. Spectate will let you spectate a match. If you have Gold, you can bet that on a person, and if that person wins, you get double the money. If they don`t, then you get 10-40 Gold depending on your GSP. Online Tournament will put you in a tournament of 64 people with predetermined rules based on events. Arenas are areas with 4 different areas. You can be on the sidelines, where you Spectate the current match (same rules as usual Spectating), Battle Lines, a waiting room for people that don't get in, and The Ring, where people battle each other.

Mario Kart 8 Deluxe is a raci-wait. Of course, you know what Mario Kart is. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe`s online system is perfect, in my opinion. When you boot up the game past the title screen, you get 4 options, 2 of which we`re not going to be focusing on: Grand Prix, Vs Race, Online (1 Player), and Online (2 Players). Online (1 Player) and Online (2 Players) work in almost the same way. In Online (2 Players), there is a split-screen for each of the players. When you click either of these modes, you are brought to another mode selection screen, with four options: Random, VS Race, Clubs, and Battle. Randoms will have you race 12 people, randomly selected. VS Race is just the VS race from the start screen, but with 12 randomly selected players. Clubs are, well, clubs, that you can join. They are organized into the most popular. In clubs, makers can choose when they will be online, what games/modes they will orient through, and cap the number of players.

Minecraft Dungeons is a 4-player dungeon crawler set in the Minecraft universe.' "Hey past me, shouldn't it be up to? Anyways..." 'In the game, you can enchant stuff for things like extra damage and hitting opponents close to your general location. That's about all I have to say about the general gameplay. It is fun, though, don't get me mistaken. When you load your game, you have to pick the character that you have saved to. Other people can join by pressing buttons on their controller if your game is set to Offline. If you have your mode set to Online, people whom you invite over Xbox Live.

Super Mario Party is yet another Mario Party. This is actually the first one to have online play, surprisingly. When you select Online from the main menu, you can make or join lobbies. The online isn't that great, depending on who you encounter, but I felt like it deserved the list because of the amount of replayability. I was going to have Mario Maker 2 take this spot, but...

Super Mario Maker 2 is a game-maker made by Nintendo in 2019. When you select Online Play from Coursebot, you are given four options: Multiplayer Versus, Multiplayer Co-op, Local Play,' "(Sidenote: Why is Local play in Online Play?)" 'and With Friends. Multiplayer Versus will have you matched with up to four people to race for the goal of a randomly selected course, depending on four difficulty levels: Easy, Normal, Expert, and Super Expert. There is a level-up system, but this article is already long to begin with, and I'm planning on making a The Brilliance Of article for Mario Maker 2, so I think I won't go over it in this article. Multiplayer Co-op is like regular multiplayer in the New Super Mario Bros series, but with a randomly selected course based on the four difficulty levels again. With Friends lets you set the stage, difficulty levels, and mode from Multiplayer Versus and Multiplayer Co-op. The host can set a password for the room too, just in case you have friends that want to... I don't even know. Local Play behaves almost exactly like With Friends, but with LAN now instead of friends, and only the host has to have Wi-Fi.

I apologize for all the rushing of this article. I was trying to touch-type this one (I still suck at touch-typing) so that's where most of the issues arose.

Posted on Nov 16th 2020 at 01:00:00 PM by (Zagnorch P. Welinskivich II, Esq.)
Posted under Not So Secret Santa, mario, post it, team fortress 2, wario, cynder

Welcome one and all to this very special 10th Anniversary Edition of...

THE 2020
[img width=700 height=228]http://assets.podomatic.net/ts/1f/0a/f6/podcast4748829450/920!x300!_7078778.gif[/img]

To celebrate both the 10th NSSS and my 10th anniversary on RF Generation, I offer 10 humble items for your first-come, first-served consideration! Just remember the rules:

-   Just one selection per person.

-   The first person to claim the item gets it. First come, first served.

How to make your claim:

-   Take note of the number of the item/lot you desire, and...

-   Post that number in the Not-So-Secret-Santa blog's comments section. Only claims made in the blog comments section will be honored.

All RF Generation members from anywhere in the world are welcome to take advantage. Just be aware that, that unless otherwise noted, all games being given away are NTSC U/C coded for use in machines for the North American market.

As for shipping costs: I'm covering it. Just note that I'll be mailing this stuff out using the cheapest shipping methods possible, so it might be a while before your claim gets to you. You'll receive a PM informing you of your successful claim, and either requesting your mailing address, or confirming the one I have on file.

And now, it's time to count down the swag, starting with...

10.)   NAKI lanyard

[img width=700 height=535]https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/50599295896_0d6f7fc496_o.jpg[/img]

9.)   PlayStation 2 lanyard

8.)   Benjamin Bumchen Vorsschulspasse for Nintendo DS

7.) Loot Crate TEAM FORTRESS 2 pinback button collectors set

6.) Mega Bloks Skylanders Possessed CYNDER mini-figure

5.)  K'Nex WARIO mini-figure

4.) Wendy's Design-Your-World 8-BIT ARCADE playset, sealed

3.) Dragon Advance Boy GBA game cartridge vertical stand with box

2.) Sealed cube of Super Mario sticky notes


[img width=700 height=698]https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/50599296221_2d2fedc64a_o.jpg[/img]

Whelp, that's it for this year. My most profuse thanks go out to all who have participated in this silly little give-away over the last decade... here's to ten more years!
Until next time...


Posted on Nov 11th 2020 at 01:00:00 PM by (EZ Racer)
Posted under GBA, zelda, metroid, castlevania, advance wars, top 20, nintendo, game boy, advance

In October, we looked at the top games for the Game Boy Advance

[img width=640 height=480]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/7/7d/Nintendo-Game-Boy-Advance-Purple-FL.jpg/1024px-Nintendo-Game-Boy-Advance-Purple-FL.jpg[/img]

The successor to the Game Boy and Game Boy Color, the Game Boy Advance, or GBA, could reasonably be described as a portable Super NES. In fact, several games originally released for the Super NES made their way to the GBA as portable re-releases. With several hundred games to choose from, it may be a slight surprise that out of six participants, only 59 different games received a rank.

The participants for this list:

EZ Racer
Disposed Hero

But while several games were on multiple lists, there was a lot more variety on exactly where they should fall. This also caused several logjams in the ranks. As you'll see below, there were several spots in which 1 or 2 points made the difference, especially in the mid-teens, where there was only a 4 point gap between 13th and 18th place. That's equivalent to the difference between a single 11th place vote versus a 9th place vote.

It's also apparent that strategy games and metroidvania games were prevalent on the system, as they took up 9 of the 20 spots. And for how many games received multiple votes, only two were on all six lists, not coincidentally falling into the #1 and #2 spots on the final list.

There were plenty of great games that fell just short of making the top 20, and you can find more about those games on the submissions page- http://www.rfgeneration.c...19437.msg274464#msg274464

Continue reading RFGen Top 20 Games Game Boy Advance Edition

Posted on Nov 9th 2020 at 01:00:00 PM by (russlyman)
Posted under switch nintendo freddy

I was given two controllers from a friend to customize. He wanted a Freddy theme and a NES Jason one. I had a blast making these controllers for him. I use some epoxy sculpt and acrylic paint to create the look on both of them.

Posted on Nov 7th 2020 at 01:00:00 PM by (wildbil52)
Posted under Secret Santa, Secret

[img width=700 height=429]https://i.imgur.com/ryBaPUy.jpg[/img]

Here we are! It's already November and that means Secret Santa time is upon us again!  Come and join the merriest retroiest fanboyiest Secret Santa on the internet!  Rules and signup information can be found below.

The deadline to sign up is Saturday November 14th so ACT NOW!


Posted on Nov 5th 2020 at 01:00:00 PM by (MetalFRO)
Posted under Backlog, Game collecting, retrogaming, video games

[img width=640 height=853]https://preview.redd.it/cc2oxpgmlts31.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=c64b5250335944cfba7a6471729ac4832ad3d3c0[/img]

I've been inspired, over the last few months, to play more video games. I assume my participation in the RF Generation Community Playthrough through the year has been a bit of an indication, at least in part. I would hope my articles through the year have signaled that, as well. One thing I haven't been spectacular at over the years is time management. As a more task-oriented person, I tend to focus on one thing, and then move on to another. But with anything in life, setting goals is important to getting ahead. As many games as I own at this point, I have more than I'll realistically ever really play through. But at least I can make some plans on how to begin evening the odds.

Continue reading Chipping Away At The Backlog

Posted on Nov 3rd 2020 at 01:00:00 PM by (zophar53)
Posted under Spooky Plays, RF Jamz, Halloween

[img width=700 height=476]https://i.imgur.com/gMzJwEe.png[/img]

I decided I would take a different spin on my Halloween post this year and resurrect a dormant RF Generation topic that looks at the wonderful world of video game music. As we all know, music can play a vital role in setting the tone and atmosphere of a game, just as with movies and TV shows. And few genres are more enhanced by a quality soundscape than horror.

That said, as I was compiling the list of games below, I started to realize that most horror-themed games have soundtracks that are more orchestral and ambient in nature (Dead Space, Alien: Isolation, and Resident Evil VII are three recent examples that come to mind). Interestingly, a lot of the tracks I consider effectively creepy are from games that aren't particularly focused on being scary. But that doesn't mean they can't have a similar effect. Take a look at my list below, and let me know if there are any scary tracks from games that come to mind for you.

Continue reading RF Jamz: Spooky Plays Edition

Posted on Oct 26th 2020 at 12:00:00 PM by (Disposed Hero)
Posted under Review, Adventure, RPG, Double Fine, Halloween

[img width=700 height=393]https://i.imgur.com/gTnlFyN.png[/img]

When we think of good games to play during the Halloween season, typically anything with a general horror theme comes to mind as a good fit for the holiday. Truth be told, there aren't many games that are specifically about Halloween, so if you wanted something tailor-made for the holiday, pickings are slim. However, the two Costume Quest games are the exact opposite, not at all scary but focused specifically on Halloween. Having played and enjoyed the first Costume Quest many years ago, I have always wanted to play the sequel and finally made it happen this October.

Continue reading Costume Quest 2

Posted on Oct 24th 2020 at 12:00:00 PM by (SirPsycho)
Posted under horror, capcom, playstation 2

[img width=330 height=524]http://www.rfgeneration.com/images/games/U-072/ms/U-072-S-09130-A.jpg[/img]

When it comes to classic survival horror games, there is no other developer with the same pedigree as Capcom. They arguably invented the entire genre with the Famicom movie licensed game Sweet Home back in 1989. In 1995 Capcom would publish Clock Tower for the Super Famicom, with the series being developed by Human Entertainment. Its sequel, Clock Tower 2 would later be released internationally by ASCII; who would soon rebrand themselves as Agetec, as just Clock Tower. The international releases of the second and third Clock Towers followed the absolute explosion of the popularity of horror games, but would not be able to ride that wave themselves.

Continue reading Spooky Plays: Haunting Ground

Posted on Oct 22nd 2020 at 12:00:00 PM by (NeoMagicWarrior)
Posted under Playstation, Model, Kit, Sony, PS1

Come grab a pair of nippers and build along with Neo in this month's "A Brief Look At"

This month, we check out the Bandai 2/5 Scale Sony Playstation plastic model kit, and talk about Neo's experience with Playstation in general!

Posted on Oct 20th 2020 at 12:00:00 PM by (GrayGhost81)
Posted under ebay, collecting

eBay is one of the most classic and storied mainstream sites in internet history. Launching in 1995, the site has gone through many changes and evolutions to become the massive presence it is today. I recently discovered that my eBay account is turning twenty years old this month, so I'd like to take a trip down memory lane with my history of using eBay, starting all the way back with my first purchase of an item that I still own to this day.

My first eBay purchase was this two pack of McFarlane Metal Gear Solid action figures in October of 2000. I'm not a toy collector and never have been, but I'm a Metal Gear Solid fanatic to this day. I still have these figures and will continue to hold onto them even though they will remain forever sealed in this fishbowl and even though Snake looks a bit like Ricky Martin for some reason. I don't remember too much about my other transactions this far back in the past, but it's wild to consider that this purchase was made when I was still living with my parents. I would imagine I purchased some actual video games around this time as well, but I didn't consider myself a collector back then. It is very likely that I used eBay around this time to fuel my other passion, music.

Continue reading My eBay account is twenty years old!

Posted on Oct 18th 2020 at 12:00:00 PM by (slackur)
Posted under Door Kickers Action Squad

[img width=700 height=393]https://www.nintendo.com/content/dam/noa/en_US/games/switch/d/door-kickers-action-squad-switch/door-kickers-action-squad-switch-hero.jpg[/img]

It is interesting when I reflect on action movies; once a perpetual staple of the entertainment diet of my youth, as I got older I wasn't as interested in them as much.  Ditto the buddy-cop genre; I have fun with a good movie but over the last couple of decades I enjoy a video game version much more.  Given my affinity towards co-op gaming in general it is a natural fit, and one of my recently discovered favorites is Door Kickers: Action Squad.

Continue reading Door Kickers: Action Squad

Posted on Oct 16th 2020 at 06:29:34 PM by (koola6)
Posted under it wouldnt accept my actual tag so heres a tag instead to go in this place, super mario bros 35, battle royale, the brilliance of, wait why is bros in the title if luigis not in the game, edit he

So, as always, here's a small backstory before we get into the actual meat of the article. The last article that I made, I wrote on Monday, actually, intending it to release by 5. (pm) (est) But, for whatever reason, my browser decided it would be okey-dokey to just crash right as I was entering my password to accept the publishment of the article. So now, I can officially say, "Hi from Notepad!"

Recently, Nintendo just gave out TO EVERYONE a week of free Nintendo Switch Online, redeemable til' November 17th, (Oh gosh, I'm  becoming the commercial!) which influenced me to get Super Mario Bros. 35, which along with Prinny (The Brilliance Of article coming when I actually beat the game) I've been loving and playing for the past few days a LOT. (Maaybe too much.) So, the basic premise of Super Mario Bros. 35 is it's the original Super Mario Bros., but with 34 other players (each with their own screens), and when you kill an enemy, it gets sent to whoever you're targeting's game.

But, there's more to it than that. When you start the game, you are presented with four buttons: 35-Player Battle, Course Practice, Stats, and Options respectively. 35-Player Battle is the main game (I'll get to that in a bit), Course Practice is where you can practice certain courses from the game that you've unlocked, Stats is, well stats, and in Options you can change your control bindings.

Like I said, 35-Player Battle is the main game. When you click on it, you are presented with what course routes you've unlocked. A course route (that's what I call them, anyway) starts with 1-1, then the actual course you chose, then a random castle/4th level of a random world from the game. After you beat the last level of a given course route, then you restart it. In 1-2 and 4-2, the warp zones will have randomly chosen courses. There are a couple of ways to unlock course routes, although they all result in you ultimately beating a course. The first one is through the warp zones. Another is through beating certain courses in a given world. Still another is through the castle randomizer.The last is through leveling up.

After you chose your course route, its time for the actual game. 

Like I said before, killing enemies sends them to whoever you're targeting's game. Killing enemies with jumps or shells earns you combos, which can get you more time and more experience. (You start with 35 seconds) The first enemy you kill earns you +2 seconds, then +3, then +4, and so on, til' it caps out at +11 for jumps and +13 for shells. Killing enemies with fireballs or shells will earn you +1 second per enemy, which doesn't increase, so if you're looking for a net increase of time, then you have to kill multiple within one second. (I really hope that's a glitch and gets patched out.) There are five main targeting styles, which is similar to Tetris 99 (it's literally the same icon but with different text), Lowest Time, Most Coins, Attackers, Random, and just directly targeting a player. They all are what they sound like. If somebody's targeting you, you'll get an indicator of who's targeting you, and a little 'WATCH OUT!!' icon.

                                             -PLAY THE GAME BEFORE READING BELOW-

My ideal stategy is to choose the 1-2 route, and get to 1-2. Play the game like normal til' you get to the part with the platforms going up. Hitch a ride on one, and make it to the Warp Zone, leaving a small hole for you to nudge into. If the Warp Zone takes you to 1-2, repeat. If it doesnt, go into the hole you created , head up the pipe, and beat the course route and try again.

                                  -OK, PEOPLE WHO HAVEN'T PLAYED THE GAME ARE FINE HERE-

Overall, I like Super Mario Bros. 35. I'd recommend it. I already said how I liked it in the main article, so go read the main article. Bye! See you tomorrow or in a few hours with my actual article for the month!

Posted on Oct 14th 2020 at 12:00:00 PM by (EZ Racer)
Posted under Atari 2600, pitfall, Yars Revenge, retro, HERO, H.E.R.O.

As we inch closer to the end of 2020, it's time to take a look at one of the earliest mainstream home consoles.

[img width=640 height=420]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b9/Atari-2600-Wood-4Sw-Set.jpg[/img]

Released in 1977, the Atari 2600 library featured hundreds of titles, both 1st party and 3rd party. But it was also notorius for it's lack of quality control, which contributed to the video game market crashing in the early 80's. That doesn't tell the whole story, as there were many fun and memorable experiences to be had on the system, with several games inspiring whole genres in future game generations.

So what were some of the best the system had to offer? We had six participants weigh in, with some very interesting results.



Continue reading RFGen Top 20 Games Atari 2600 Edition

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