Developer MOSS has announced (again?) that the arcade hit, Raiden IV, will be arriving on the Xbox 360 this fall. It is slated for a September 11 release and should be supercharged with two extra levels. DLC offerings will take the Ace Combat 6 route where you can buy more ships with different weapon selections and capabilities. A much anticipated feature is the ability to save and share replays of successful runs. Additional bells and whistles include the ability to play in TATE mode (sideways), world rankings, and stunning 3D backgrounds made possible by this next-gen system. Also, a soundtrack CD will be bundled with the game for a limited time. The 360 soundtrack will include all the original arcade music plus extras and some remixes.
While there is no official announcement of a worldwide release, the developers have mentioned their intent to bring the title overseas.
[Dengeki Online via Kotaku] []
The Xbox 360 is not known for its first-party support, yet the undeniable, record-breaking sales of Halo 3 have pushed console sales to outsell both the PS3 and Wii for the months of September and October. At $30 million in development costs, Microsoft Corporation found return profit, multiplied ten-fold in the first week alone. Sales were more than a once-off phenomenon, as the game has managed to consistently sell more than all the console versions of the hit game, Guitar Hero III, every week since release.
Now, it seems they're giving it away, at least to the poor original Xbox owners who are still living in the last generation. This promotion is more than a replacement for your scratched LE discs; this is the full deal.
Once again this is a promotion for original Xbox owners with an Xbox LIVE account. To register, go to the registration page and follow the instructions outlined below.
Current paid Xbox LIVE members on the original Xbox console (not Xbox 360), here's how to get your Halo 3 game: 1. Buy an Xbox 360 console between November 21 and December 21, 2007. 2. Convert your current paid Xbox LIVE account to an Xbox LIVE Gold subscription. 3. Register here between November 21 and December 21, 2007 with promotional code XBX7777, with your new console serial number, and a valid mailing address. 4. Look for your copy of Halo 3 in your mailbox! Additional step #5. Wait. the game should arrive by January 18, 2008. |  |
NOTE: The registration page has been down frequently since details of this promotion have been introduced to the internet. It took me a few visits to find a time that the site was up. It has since gone down again. Good luck! Also, why did I even register!? I didn't have a paying LIVE account for the original Xbox, nor do I have a Gold account. Save yourself some time and read the promotion terms of use.
Celebrating the fifth year of Xbox LIVE service, Microsoft is offering up a free download. The LIVE Arcade title Carcassonne will be available for only 48 hours, starting 12:01AM PST November 15, and ending 11:59PM PST Nov. 16. Also, if you have been a member of the Xbox LIVE community since 2002, you will receive an additional gift from Microsoft of 500 MS points, free.
This comes with the news of the Xbox original titles to be offered after the December 4th fall update. The only titles mentioned so far (for the U.S. at least) are Halo, Crimson Skies, Fable, Psychonauts, with others planned for future releases priced at 1200 MS points.
Play and Win. The big GIMME GIMME event being held is the Xbox LIVE is 5IVE Play & Win Sweepstakes. Players who register their gamertags and play on Xbox LIVE on Nov. 15 will be entered to win free prizes.
Game with Fame. The other gamer treat is the opportunity to play against the development teams from a number of games on their own turf. These games will be hosted throughout the day of November 15th, so check out the schedule for times.
UPDATE currently lists as the first Xbox original dowloads (for the U.S.) as being: Burnout 3: Takedown, Crash Bandicoot: Wrath of Cortex, Crimson Skies, Fable, Fuzion Frenzy, Halo, and Psychonauts. Also, there will be no achievements.
Its late at night (on a weekday nonetheless) and a concerned mother pulls the "air card" (and soon hides it) to end her kid's Halo 3 online session, urging him to go to bed. Instead of being crafty and sneaking out to play later, he then proceeds to aggressively search the house for his missing wireless card, with his mother attempting to restrain him the entire time.
Push comes to shove... and well... this enraged kid punches his own mom.
He never found the missing wireless card, and locked himself away in his bedroom to continue playing the game. Meanwhile, his parents call over police. Sheriff's Deputy Sean Harnage and another Deputy respond to a call of an "out-of-control child" at about 11:30PM. The kid remains locked in his room while his parents urge him to come out and share words with the deputies. Profane words fly, and the parents use a key to let the officers into the locked room. Harnage catches a punch to the face while fighting to make the arrest.
End result: off to jail for battery in domestic violence, and battery against a law-enforcement officer.
I haven't seen or heard anything this disturbing since the . Shame on you mother-puncher. Shame.
Source: TCPalm