noiseredux vs.

Posted on Jul 25th 2013 at 11:10:53 PM by (noiseredux)
Posted under 3DS

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If held at gunpoint, I'd have to say that Street IV is my favorite game of this generation. Oh sure I've had many far more amazing experiences with games like Heavy Rain or Catherine or 3D Dot Game Heroes. But Street Fighter IV is a game I've constantly come back to. In fact, it was something of a revelation to me upon its release. At a time when I thought that these new fancy pieces of hardware couldn't compare to classic sprites, it was Street Fighter IV that sold me on 'the future.' This is a real forum post I made back in 2010:

So I figured I'd be really excited about Street Fighter IV or the Capcom Vs Namco announcement or the new Marvel Vs Capcom game thats' coming out. But frankly, all the screens I've seen... they just look wrong to me. I mean sure the graphics are pretty or whatever. But the camera angles, the lack of sprites... it just doesn't appeal to me. SFIV just doesn't look like a SF game to me. Is it just me?

And then what happened was this: my wife and I were Christmas shopping that year at the mall and stumbled upon this kiosk. It was set up like an arcade. Just rows and rows of gaming consoles - Wii, PS3 and 360 - all just sitting there to try various games. I had time to kill and saw Street Fighter IV set up on one of the 360's and gave it a go. Within a half-hour my tune had changed. When I finally picked up a PS3 the next year, Super Street Fighter IV was the first game I bought. And in the two years since, it's remained one of the games I've played the most. I've even gone as far as picking up the Arcade Edition (as well as Street Fighter X Tekken) and await Ultra with open-arms.

[img width=400 height=240][/img]

So when I finally decided it was time to pick up a 3DS this last month, I bundled it with a natural choice - Super Street Fighter IV: 3D Edition. Indeed, the thought of playing SF4 in bed, on the couch, outside, or anywhere I desire was a huge plus for me. But how would this game fair? I mean, as far as portable Street Fighters go, it had some big shoes to fill. And I say this as a guy who's picked up portable Street Fighters going as far back as Game Boy. That said, Super Street Fighter II: Turbo Revival on GBA is by far one of the high water marks in the portable series. And Alpha 3 on GBA was perhaps even more impressive (though not my favorite of the two) and eventually trumped by its PSP iteration.

[img width=400 height=480][/img]

As far as I'm concerned the important thing is whether or not a portable game can deliver a console experience to me - at least as far as Street Fighter goes. And friends let me tell you that yes, 3D Edition truly does. Now I'll start by saying this - controls are going to be a factor for any of us fighting game fans. Those of you used to an arcade stick, well you know where you stand. But I've always been a fightpad guy. So the lack of six face-buttons on the 3DS hardware is of course going to throw me off. So in fairness, that's the one downfall to me here. I had to kind of relearn how to use shoulder buttons in a Street Fighter game - something I haven't had to bother with since Turbo Revival.

But at the end of the day 3D Edition gives you everything you could want on the go. The visuals are amazing, and truly justify to me that my purchase of this handheld was a wise one. The music that I'm so familiar with is here and perfect. The controls are fluid once you've gotten a grasp of the button layout. You can use the analog nub or the D-Pad as you desire. There's also some combo's you can select on the lower DS screen via touch - but that's cheating I tell you! Cheating! And perhaps the best addition - I've now finally got a portable Street Fighter game with full online gameplay. Again - I can be in bed, on the couch, outside, where ever - and be playing Street Fighter IV against someone in another state! For this alone, I am grateful and highly recommend this port.

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Have a chance to catch the EVO tournament for SFIV? Amazing, if you haven't seen it yet.
I'm on the opposite spectrum from you. SFIV is my least favorite Street Fighter in a VERY long time. I can't stand the game. I think the biggest reason is that even after many hours of practice I can't land fundamental combos against my training partner. For some reason I just cannot comprehend the timing of the moves in this game. That and I think its the ugliest street fighter game to EVER come out. The art style is really gross.

My son spent some time playing the 3DS version because he enjoyed spamming the special moves with the touch pad and even beat the game a couple times just using that.

wow Crabby, that's harsh haha.

II is kind of the fighting game I judge all fighting games by. III is in my opinion one of the most brilliant fighting games of its generation. But IV, I love big time for this gen. As far as timing - I'm baffled. If you can play II you should be able to pick up IV no problem, man. I'm not being a jerk either, I'm literally baffled - especially knowing your abilities in KOF 13.

Also - no way is it uglier than the EX games!
what kind of 3DS did you play it on?
@noiseredux: I'm as baffled as you. I've definitely put the the time in with the game and still can't move beyond a beginners level for some reason. I feel like the art style is an extension of the EX games. IV neither looks or plays like I feel a Street Fighter game should. I didn't get to play much SF X Tekken, but the little bit I played of that seemed a lot more fun to me. Hoping to track down a copy for cheap to get my Hadouken fix.

KoF and Guilty Gear are more my speed. Street Fighter is starting to feel far to slow to me now and for whatever reason that is translating to more difficult for me.
yeah just weird man. I had no trouble going from II to IV. It felt very natural to me.

I love KOF 13.

Guilty Gear (and BlazBlue) are great series - but I don't really understand either of them enough to fell 'good' at them.
There is a different feel to the timing of combos in IV, especially compared to the sprite-based iterations.  It translated well for me, but I think I can see how Crabby has trouble; heaven knows I can't do anything worthwhile in a KoF game, as much as I enjoy them.

While I can't say that IV holds the same place in my heart that it does for you, noise, I own them all and have enjoyed my time in each.  Unfortunately, I have a dearth of opponents (my beloved is a Dead or Alive/Soul Calibur girl) and I just get trounced online.  If I could carve out a routine niche of time, maybe I could set up an online gaming session with some RFGents who wouldn't mock me too much...
Honestly, Street Fighter IV is one of the only two games I have sold this generation and I have just over 50 in my PS3 collection now. (The other being Star Wars The Force Unleashed). I just couldn't get into it, I'm used to the old Street Fighter look, the way it looked on the SNES and the updated graphics actually seem goofy to me in a way that I could not enjoy. And I found the voices annoying.

So I would be on CrabMaster's side.
I have been eyeing this game for some time. Just waiting to find it at a cheaper price. I loved the older street fighter games and to have one on the go would be cool
SFIV is the worst SF game I have played personally. I find the game ugly as can be and just doesn't play like SF to me.

However I picked a fave game this gen and made a video on it. The Last Story.
I agree with Crabmaster but then again I really never gave this game a chance.  I think I played it for ruffly around 10 minutes and my first impressions of the game was slow and crappy.  But maybe one day I will throw it in again and then regret my past impression on the game.  Honestly surprizingly I felt the same way about the Last Of Us which is a completly different gametype and to add insult to injury there was a glitch naughty dog had to fix day one that affected alot of people with there saves.  Turns out I lost the first 2 hours of gameplay that I already found annoying.  I almost gave up on it but then I went back and I fell in love with that game,  I even beat it and I can honstly say it is one of the best games of 2013.  I am rooting for it to win Game of the year.
@slackur: My wife's a SoulCalibur woman as well, though she'll dabble in MvC1 and Tekken from time to time.

I'd love to setup a fighting game night. I have no opponents like I used to have in high school anymore. Although, as Crabby was witness, I beat him in SFII Hyper Fighting while answering the door. ^.^
@Shadow: If you have any fighting games on PS3 then I'd be glad to participate in a fight night. Smiley

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