Hello Fellow NA members! I finally achieved in getting one of my "Holy Grails." For a meer $0.00!!! Yes you read that right! I got a complete in box MINT/NM condition Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers 2! Yes I will be posting pictures but after I tell the story.
Yesterday I went to a local store here in the Omaha area. My gf has never been there before so I said what the hey since you live down by there I'll take you. Well we got there we looked around for a while and did my usual pattern go to the games! Well I saw a few Boxed NES titles just sitting there so I picked them up as well they are minty and complete too! (titles are - Mickey Mousecapade with the Oval Seal (I have just the cart of Round Seal) and Little Nemo (I have one complete in box now and one cartridge). I picked Little Nemo up for $8.00 and Mickey for $5.00. So little to nothing for complete NES Games. But the employee was like "did you see what was in the cabinet?" I was like no but I was here yesterday and didn't see anything. He's like well I just got those you are buying and this in today I was like what - and TOO MY SUPRISE! it was Rescue Rangers 2 - he took it out of the case and he knew the story behind it and well let's just say I made a new friend. He put it on hold for me I was going to pick it up Thursday but I decided I couldn't wait so I went in this morning and GOT it. Well now your probably wondering what the $0.00 means well I traded in a bunch (and I mean a bunch of DVD's and CD's) I got store credit the game was priced at $93.99 but I know the manager pretty well and he decided well I think this price is steep so he changed it to $73.99!!! WTH!! Love this guy haha. Well with my store credit I had plenty for that and some more SO I picked up copies of Bonkers & Adventures of Batman and Robin on Sega Genesis - Batman for $6.99 and Bonkers for $4.99 and well I only spent $5.00 total! So basically I paid for Bonkers only!!!! So no drooling everyone!!! This is my best find yet!!!! Next up hopefully a box for my MINTY Ducktales 2 and Stadium Events!!!
Hope you all enjoyed! Please comment on this historic day!!!
Picture 1 - Box Front [img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/100_2916.jpg[/img]
Picture 2 - Box Back [img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/100_2917.jpg[/img]
Picture 3 - All of IT! [img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/100_2918.jpg[/img]
Picture 4 - Everything Else NES [img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/100_2919.jpg[/img]
Picture 5 - Everything Else NES - Backs [img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/100_2920.jpg[/img]
Picture 6 & 7 - All and Everything Sega Backs [img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/100_2921.jpg[/img] [img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/100_2922.jpg[/img]
Please Comment!
Hey everyone! While the website was down my brother and I did a little shopping. We went to a comic book store in Omaha and purchased a lot full of Atari 600XL stuff. We got the System complete in box, we got a ton of games! Some in their boxes and some just cartridges. The most pricey game we got is Star Wars Return of the Jedi: Death Star Battle loose is book valued at $17. This is a pretty cool system it is part of the Atari 8-Bit family and the XL series ceased operation in 1992! Can you believe that?!? Only because Atari was working on the system that brought them down - The Atari Jaguar. Hope you all enjoy the pictures and please comment.
Picture 1: [img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/Atari600XLFront.jpg[/img]
Picture 2: [img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/Atari600XL-Back.jpg[/img]
Picture 3: [img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/Atari1010ProgramRecorderFront.jpg[/img]
Picture 4: [img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/Atari1010ProgramRecorder-Back.jpg[/img]
Picture 5: [img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/Atari600XLCartridges.jpg[/img]
Picture 6: [img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/Atari600XLCartridgeLists.jpg[/img]
Picture 7: [img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/KryptonComicsPurchase2-2-2012.jpg[/img]
Hey everyone. I had a gut feeling yesterday that these next couple of days were going to be great find days. First of all can't wait until the 15th when I get my money from school to purchase more NES and SNES games in their boxes. But today's purchases will just have to be a taste of things to come. My brother purchased these NES Games today complete in boxes the ones that are supposed to have posters and maps do!!! Love it! All are in pretty good condition.
NES Games: Adventures of Tom Sawyer Castlequest Gremlins 2 Hook Shadow of the Ninja Tiles of Fate Willow
He also purchased on eBay a couple of days ago Exodus complete in box in Minty condition for the Game Boy. ALSO the seller put the instruction manual for King James Bible game for the Game Boy can't find a boxed copy used anywhere! New it sells for $75.00 on eBay.
I purchased complete in box Final Fantasy Mystic Quest for SNES.
Picture 1: [img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/ComicCityPurchase2-9-2012.jpg[/img]
Picture 2: [img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/ExodusFront.jpg[/img]
Picture 3: [img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/Exodus-Back.jpg[/img]
Please Comment.
Nick and Steve's Game Hunt Chronicles 3 - 12-17-2011 Posted on Dec 17th 2011 at 05:35:26 PM by Nick Procopio (niceguy1283) Posted under Treasure Hunt, Game Hunt, Treasure Hunt, Video Games, Collections, Deals, Finds
Hey fellow gamers! Another Game Hunt Blog! This weekend (the super busy weekend before Christmas) is as good as any other hunt we have ever had. We had only planned to go to a new store that we found on Craigslist but decided to hit a couple of normal shops and well we hit a mini jackpot!!!! Our first stop was Game Vault and we found a mother load of NES Games In there Boxes Complete:
*3D Worldrunner ($9.95) - Complete IN BOX (Minty Condition as all the games are in this lot of NES games) with The original 3-D Glasses!! *Athena ($9.95) - Complete IN BOX *Boulder Dash ($7.95) (Never heard of this game) - Complete in Box *Cybernoid ($4.95) - Complete *Kung Fu Heroes ($4.95) (Former Rental Copy from a Store in Harlan, IA) Complete in Box in Minty Condition *Legendary Wings ($5.95) - Complete (Even comes with plastic inside for the cartridge) *Life Force ($8.95) - Complete *Rad Racer ($4.95) - Complete - Comes with the original 3-D Glasses. *Rambo ($6.95) - Complete *Section Z ($4.95) - Complete - Has the scarce Captain Commando Seal on Front *Star Force ($4.95) - Complete *Stealth ATF ($9.95) - Complete (Comes with plastic inside for the cartridge) *Swords and Serpents ($5.95) - Complete
Then we went to our only Flea Market an Indoor one that occasionally has some stuff and we bought Civilization II - MULTIPLAYER (YES I SAID THAT RIGHT) Gold Edition. Comes with Civilization II and bonus games. Price - $3.00. Best thing its BRAND NEW NEVER OPENED!
Then we were off to Good Bytes which from my previous blogs if you didn't read them is a branch off from Goodwill were they sell all electronic goodies. We Got all complete PC games in boxes list and prices as follows all are in great condition and like I said complete. *Aces of the Pacific - (MS-DOS Version) - $2.99 *Stonekeep - $2.99 - Comes with the Prima Games Strategy Guide *Waterworld - $2.99 *Wing Commander Prophecy - $2.99 sells for $60.00 on eBay.
Then we were off to the new store (after a stop at Canfield's). The store is called Dollar Days but has a video game store up front. Good selection of games. We bought a few good ones. *Bonk's Revenge - GAME BOY game Cart Only - $6.00 *Mega Man II - GAME BOY game Cart Only - $6.00 *Metroid II - GAME BOY game cart only - $7.00 *C: The Contra Adventure - Playstation1 Game Complete in Box - $12.00 (seen it one other time only when I lived in Florida at a store called R U Game? they were selling it for $30.00 ours is in better condition that one).
So there is our Pre-Christmas Goodies that we purchased lots and lots of goodies! (Sorry None for sale....don't be a scrooge that you can't have it, but I am going to be a scrooge and say not for sale because these games are as good as gold to me and my brother!)
Hope You All Enjoyed this blog please leave comments! and Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone!
Here are the Pictures of the items sorted by store except for the PC Games are mixed the Civilization II like I said was purchased at the Flea Market but shown in the picture with the Good Bytes Games.
Picture 1 - Game Vault Purchase [img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/GameVaultNESLot1.jpg[/img]
Picture 2 - Game Vault Purchase 2 [img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/GameVaultNESLot2.jpg[/img]
Picture 3 - Good Bytes & Flea Market [img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/GoodBytesandFleaMarket1.jpg[/img]
Picture 4 - Good Bytes & Flea Market 2 [img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/GoodBytesandFleaMarket2.jpg[/img]
Picture 5 - Dollar Days - Ben's Video Games [img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/BensGaming.jpg[/img]
Hello Fellow Gamers! This is the second edition with updated photos of my brothers and mine collector's editions. We have of course acquired quite a few more since our last post. My brother and I have a huge interest in collecting collector or limited editions of all sorts of games. Most of our collector and limited editions REMAINED SEALED!! I know some of you are probably asking why buy them and not open them?? Well as a hardcore collector we collect anything and everything video game related with all video game collector's ultimate goals to own EVERYTHING! but that will never happen of course because there is so much out there and you need unlimited money to get it (I wish life had a Game Genie). We are just very into collecting these games because who knows at some point they could be valuable and we will be like WOW we have that. FOR EXAMPLE - we have the Fallout 3 Amazon Survival Edition it is out of print and one sold on eBay a while back for nearly $1,000. And guess what ours is SEALED! Some of my favorite collector's editions are Uncharted 3 (see other blog for that), Skyrim, Ace Combat 6, Fallout 3 - Lunchbox Edition, Records of Agrest War The first Release - The Naughty Edition, Halo Reach Legendary (SEALED) and the Hardened Edition (that one is opened for pleasure).
Collecting collector or limited editions is kind of a hobby on it's own. Where did it begin well I think they started back with Sega Genesis (who knows maybe further). On the Genesis the only game I have pictured and have three of but just the best one is pictured is John Madden Football Championship Edition. Then more modern you go to N64 with The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Collector's Edition which in traditional Nintendo from the NES Days is a Gold cart while the original release is a gray cart, which is the opposite of the NES. Special editions are a great addition to anyone's collection. I know some just don't care about collector's editions and some just collect games out of the box (traditionally for older games) too each is own. Special editions yes for one cost more but they just look so much better in your collection and two they just plain ROCK!
So I have about 18 Picture!!!! Warning these can cause heart attacks, seizures and severe fainting!
Picture 1 - Xbox & Xbox 360 Part 1 [img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/XboxXbox360CollectorsEditions1.jpg[/img]
Picture 2 - Xbox 360 Part 2 [img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/Xbox360CollectorsEditions1.jpg[/img]
Picture 3 - Xbox 360 Part 3 [img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/Xbox360CollectorsEditions2.jpg[/img]
Picture 4 - Xbox 360 Part 4 [img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/Xbox360CollectorsEditions3.jpg[/img]
Picture 5 - Xbox 360 Part 5 [img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/Xbox360CollectorsEditions4.jpg[/img]
Picture 6 - Xbox 360 Part 6 [img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/Xbox360CollectorsEditions5.jpg[/img]
Picture 7 - PS1, PS2 (Box Sets Collector's Editions) [img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/PS1PS2CollectorsEditionandBoxSets.jpg[/img]
Picture 8 - PS2, PS3, and PSP [img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/PS2PSPCollectorsEditions.jpg[/img]
Picture 9 - Genesis, N64, GameCube & Wii [img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/GenesisN64GamecubeandWiiCollectorsEditions.jpg[/img]
Picture 10 - PC [img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/PCCollectorsEditions.jpg[/img]
Picture 11 - Strategy Guides Part 1 [img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/StrategyGuideCollectorsEditions1.jpg[/img]
Picture 12 - Strategy Guides Part 2 [img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/StrategyGuideCollectorsEditions2.jpg[/img]
Picture 13 - Strategy Guides Part 3 [img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/StrategyGuideCollectorsEditions3.jpg[/img]
Picture 14 - Movie & TV Show Video Game Related Collection Part 1 (Mines and my brothers Mixed - I have majority but he's got the best) [img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/VideoGameRelatedMoviesandShowsfromCollection1.jpg[/img]
Picture 15 - Movie & TV Show Video Game Related Collection Part 2 - [img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/VideoGameRelatedMoviesandShowsfromCollection2.jpg[/img]
Picture 16 - WORST VIDEO GAME RELATED MOVIES EVER!!!! (Clearly I left out Super Mario in the other picture because I wanted to save the WORST For last) [img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/Twoworstvideogamemoviesever.jpg[/img]
Picture 17 - Some of my choice collection of my Movie Collection Part 1 [img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/MovieCollectionCollectorsEditionsBoxSetsandMore1.jpg[/img]
Picture 18 - Continued [img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/MovieCollectionCollectorsEditionsBoxSetsandMore2.jpg[/img]
Hope you all enjoyed! Spread the blog around and leave some post!
This game is pretty cool from what I can tell from the box I will never open. As you all know my brother and I collect Collector's Editions, Special Editions, Limited Editions whichever. Otomedius is a game that is inspired by another Konami series Gradius. This special edition comes with a 2 Sided Pillowcase, 68 Page Artbook and the official soundtrack. I think one of the cool aspects of the game is the 3-Player simultaneous play. Here are the covers for the game. Anymore information would be grateful for those interested in this game. First Konami Special Edition in a long time.
Picture 1: Front [img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/OtomediusExcellentSpecialEditionFront.jpg[/img]
Picture 2: Back [img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/OtomediusExcellentSpecialEdition-Back.jpg[/img]
Hey everyone. Halo Redux is finally here!!! After watching footage of this video on the IGN a while back I figured I needed to have this game, although I have the original game on Xbox. But I have always wanted them to do a redux of the game and glad they did for it's 10 year anniversary, maybe in three years will see Halo 2!! It could happen. I bought the game today and I really like it way better than the original. The updated graphics are superb, the terminals are a great addition to the game along with the skulls (I have found the first two terminals and skulls). The updated graphics and sound add a lot to the game as one can imagine. Halo is one of the best first person shooters of all time and it set the precedent for the modern day first person shooter. But we all know Wolfenstein 3D set the overall motion of first person shooters. The game comes in a really nice slip sleep sleeve case on top of the basic Xbox case. It comes with two downloadable content cards: The first one is a free skull called Grunt Funeral which is pretty cool and also with that same card it comes with the Master Chief Uniform Avatar Download. The second card is 6 multiplayer maps for Halo: Reach. The cool thing about this Halo is that you can play Mulitplayer off Halo: Reach its on the menuu screen! How cool is that!?! Also you can enter Halo: Waypoint. The strategy guide is pretty cool it has all the mulitplayer maps, the campaign of course, and where to locate the terminals and skulls, and the achievements list another great feature added to Halo! Hope you all enjoy and there will be pictures on this one.
Picture 1: Halo Front [img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/Halo1AnniversaryEditionGuideFront.jpg[/img]
Picture 2: Halo Back [img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/Halo1AnniversaryEditionGuide-Back.jpg[/img]
Picture 3: Halo Guide Front [img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/Halo1AnniversaryEditionFront.jpg[/img]
Picture 4: Halo Guide-Back [img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/Halo1AnniversaryEdition-Back.jpg[/img]
Hey everyone bought Call of Duty MW3 Hardened Edition today. Let me say not the best Collector's Edition game, but still it's COD. I will post pictures later but I figured I might as well let the cat out of the bag first. The game play is the same as MW2 and Black Ops, but the levels in Team Deathmatch are pretty cool. The Hardened Edition comes with a pretty cool Steelbook Case with only the game Disc as it is the only disc in the set. It comes with a registration card for Elite and a One Year Membership to Elite. It also comes with a Male and Female Avatar for your Xbox 360 Dashboard. The coolest thing other than the Steelbook case is the Journal it's awesome and detailed really well. The COD games are one of the better series out there (I am a true Halo Fan) but the game is played on the same game engine they have used for quite a few games. I mean it's classy but still needs to be updated. Overall I give this game an 8 out of 10 just based on the graphics. I am proud to have this in my collection. It took me 4 stores to find a copy of the Hardened Edition and well Best Buy had 4 behind the counter. Game Stop never carries collector's editions in stock unless somebody forgets or decides not to pick up their copy and then they get a one or two copies later from their Distribution centers. Gamers another local store (I didn't go there to get MW3) come to find out they didn't have any ordered. I tried two Game Stops (they had plenty behind the counter but were only for the Pre-Orders and there were plenty). Both Game Stops had midnight releases and for those hardcore COD Gamers out there (me not being so hardcore COD, again Halo!) I was surprised to see so many copies there. But the school I am doing my observations at kids had their parents call them in sick just so they could stay home and play the game!! Now that is dedication! I mean once Halo 4 comes out I will be requesting two days off from work! But this game is pretty good I always like a good military based game, now all we need is for COD to actually do a future battle game like they at one time planned along with Medal of Honor (because we all know how their last game turned out, I mean the PS3 one as awesome with an updated Medal of Honor Frontline copy on the disc as well - The best Medal of Honor Game Ever!). Hope you all enjoy and look out for pictures in the near future.
Hey everyone! I picked up my copy of Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception Collector's Edition on Tuesday at Game Stop. I pre-ordered and paid the game off a while back and couldn't wait to get it. I think the Uncharted Series is one of the best game series out there there, (well besides Halo). I know there are some great series releases this month such as Elder Scrolls, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, Halo Anniversary Edition, and last month was Battlefield 3. But this one is a great release. The Collector's Edition is pretty cool the game comes in a steel book case which is in a wardrobe case. In the wardrobe case is two drawers the top drawer holds a necklace with the ring from the first game on it. The second drawer holds the belt buckle with a horseshoe that Drake wears in the games. I for one will never wear either because it de-values the game with the items being used. The steel book case is pretty cool because it has a great artwork on it the game is inside the wardrobe hanging on the door. The final item in the wardrobe is the statue. The statue is pretty detailed, I didn't take it out of the plastic because I want to keep it brand new, it also comes with an AK-47 a basic gun in the game that Drake likes to use. The game play is pretty much the same as the rest but it is exciting and can't wait to begin and finish the game (I have to finish the second game first). Also my brother purchased the strategy guide for the game, the Collector's Edition guide to be exact. The guide is a hardcover book with the Soundtrack included for the game. Hope you all enjoyed the unveiling and here are some pictures to go with it.
Picture 1: Front [img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/Uncharted3DrakesDeceptionCollectorsEditionFront.jpg[/img]
Picture 2: Back [img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/Uncharted3DrakesDeceptionCollectorsEdition-Back.jpg[/img]
Picture 3: Side 1 [img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/DrakesDeceptionSide1.jpg[/img]
Picture 4: Side 2 [img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/DrakesDecpetionSide2.jpg[/img]
Picture 5: Top Cover [img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/DrakesDeceptionTopCover.jpg[/img]
Picture 6: Wardrobe [img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/DrakesDeceptionGameCase1.jpg[/img]
Picture 7: Wardrobe - Inside [img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/DrakesDeceptionGameCase2.jpg[/img]
Picture 8: Wardrobe - Drawer 1 - The Ring Necklace [img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/DrakesDeceptionDrawer1.jpg[/img]
Picture 9: Wardrobe - Drawer 2 - Horseshoe Belt Buckle [img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/DrakesDeceptionDrawer2.jpg[/img]
Picture 10: Figurine [img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/DrakesDeceptionFigurine.jpg[/img]
Picture 11: Steel Book Case [img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/DrakesDeceptionGameCase3.jpg[/img]
Picture 12: Collector's Edition Guide Front [img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/Uncharted3DrakesDeceptionCollectorsEditionFront-1.jpg[/img]
Picture 13: Collector's Edition Guide Back [img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/Uncharted3DrakesDeceptionCollectorsEdition-Back-1.jpg[/img]
And Finally Picture 14: Collector's Edition Guide with Soundtrack that was Included [img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/Uncharted3DrakesDeceptionWiththeCDIncluded.jpg[/img]
Hey everyone. A while back I posted a blog about my strategy guide collection and hopefully someday we can add them on here. My brother is working on developing a site that anyone can upload their Strategy Guides, gaming magazines (Nintendo Power, Game Pro, Game Expert, etc.). Again this site is under development so once it is up and running we could use everyone's help to build a database (hopefully we can work closely with RF Generation). SO I promised a while back that I would post pictures of our Strategy Guides. But first a list of my favorites and our most valuable.
Favorites: 1. Batman Arkham City Limited Edition Guide 2. Kingdom Hearts 1 & II 3. Legend of Zelda - All the ones we have 4. All our official Nintendo Players Guides such as Final Fantasy 3 and Chrono Trigger, and more. 5. Secret of Mana There's more but these are to just name a few.
Most Expensive: 1. Legend of Zelda Tips and Tactics 2. Lego Star Wars Complete Saga 3. Lego Indiana Jones 1 4. Chrono Trigger 5. Breath of Fire 1 & 2 Those are just some I could think of which are kind of pricey but there are some more. So here are the pictures enjoy!
Picture 1 [img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/StrategyGuideBookShelf1.jpg[/img]
Picture 2 [img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/StrategyGuideShelf2.jpg[/img]
Picture 3 [img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/StrategyGuideShelf3.jpg[/img]
Hey fellow game collector's. I pre-order and picked up Batman Arkham City Collector's Edition from Game Stop on Tuesday. The game play is fantastic, it's a good improvement from Batman: Arkham Asylum. During the game you start off as Bruce Wayne, then turn into Batman, then you play a few levels of Catwoman. This is just for starters as I have yet to complete the game, but it will take a while with all the side missions and Riddler Trophies. The map is huge!! A great improvement is you start with some pretty cool items, you can take down more than one enemy at a time now, and you can counter on more than one person. Catwoman is fast moving and quite fun to play as.
Now on to the Unveiling, the Xbox 360 and PS3 both come with a Batman Statue in his crouch or pounce position, the statue is great and very well designed. When you open the box it folds out and you have the city at your hands as it looks (yes there will be pictures posted). On the back side of the opened case is where you find the art book and your instructions, one in English and of course one in Spanish, also it comes with a Batman Arkham City Catalog. But in the back of the art book is the game disc. Then in the front you have this drawer where all the bonus material is. The first item(s) are three code redeems 1. Play As Catwoman Download, 2. Batman: The Dark Knight Rises Skin 3. Iceberg Lounge Challenge Map. Then the next thing is a Beta test for Gotham City Imposters, then there is a Collector's Edition Exclusive for Batman Arkham City The Album. The Final Item and most confusing one at that: Batman Gotham Knights it says on the back of the Game Box its supposed to be Blu-Ray but I think it is a misprint as mine comes with a DVD (ANYONE ELSE HAS THIS PROBLEM FOR XBOX 360 Version LET ME KNOW!) honestly I think it's supposed to be the DVD because Xbox as we know doesn't support Blu-Ray Discs. But I guess there are some other issues. But I emailed the appropriate people to see if this problem will be fixed. Although I think it's kind of unique and cool to have an error.
Also I bought the hardcover Limited Edition Strategy Guide. I have the Batman Cover and there is a Catwoman cover out there. It comes with litographs. This guide is pretty cool.
Now here are the pictures.
Picture 1: Front Cover [img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/BatmanArkhamCityFront.jpg[/img]
Picture 2: Back Cover [img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/BatmanArkhamCity-Back.jpg[/img]
Picture 3: Top Cover [img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/BatmanArkhamCityTop.jpg[/img]
Picture 4: Side 1 [img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/BatmanArkhamCitySide1.jpg[/img]
Picture 5: Side 2 [img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/BatmanArkhamCitySide2.jpg[/img]
Picture 5: Side 3 [img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/BatmanArkhamCitySide3.jpg[/img]
Picture 6: Statue 1 [img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/BatmanArkhamCityStatueBox.jpg[/img]
Picture 7: Statue 2 [img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/BatmanArkhamCityStatue2.jpg[/img]
Picture 8: Art Book and Game Disc if you notice the top of the case is where the book slides into. [img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/BatmanArkhamCityArtBookandGameDisc.jpg[/img]
Picture 9: Bonus Material Items [img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/BatmanArkhamCityExtras.jpg[/img]
Picture 10: Guide Front [img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/BatmanArkhamCitySpecialEditonFront.jpg[/img]
Picture 11: Guide Back [img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/BatmanArkhamCitySpecialEdition-Back.jpg[/img]
Picture 12: Guide Book with Lithos [img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/BatmanArkhamCityGuideWithLitographs.jpg[/img]
Hello fellow gamers. My brother and I had a nice haul from one of our favorite places to shop in CB, Iowa. We got 12 NES games complete in there boxes. Well that's not all folks all but three are sealed. The games we got were: 1. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde - 2 Copies ONE SEALED and One Opened. 2. Dragon Power (Discussed this one in an earlier blog). NEW SEALED 3. Flying Warriors - NEW SEALED 4. Friday The 13th - ONE NEW SEALED and One Opened. The cool thing is both are alternate versions of one another one is the Round Seal and the other is the Oval Seal. 5. George Foreman's KO Boxing - NEW SEALED 6. Guerrilla War - NEW SEALED 7. Kabuki Quantum Fighter - NEW SEALED 8. Magmax - NEW SEALED 9. Ultimate Stuntman - NEW SEALED 10. Wizards and Warriors - Opened
The cool thing is they are all in PRISTINE to MINT Condition. Even the sealed games wrappings are in Mint condition no flaking or tearing. Also I know these aren't rare games but having NEW SEALED NES games is hard to come buy especially when you only spend $60.00 in Trade (my brother traded his magic cards) and $50.00 in cash for the games. So basically we got all 12 games for $50.00.
The other thing we got from our favorite place today is mint condition complete in box Atari 2600 Wireless Remote Joysticks! For $20.00! It's even packaged in the Styrofoam in the inside!!! How cool is that!?! Sometimes when you find Atari stuff they are gutted and there is no Styrofoam which really blows!
The day before (also when I found out about the games) I bought Final Fantasy Tactics Strategy Guide, Prima Edition for $5.00 and sells for quite a bit.
Another thing my brother bought off eBay brand new in box is Super Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back. It is also in Excellent Condition.
So all in all spent about $75.00 at our store in CB, IA and $30.00 on eBay. So a total of approximately $105.00 is pretty good.
SO here are the pictures let me know what you think!
Picture 1: NES Games 1 [img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/NESGamesFromComicCity10-14-2011.jpg[/img]
Picture 2: NES Games 2 [img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/NESGamesFromComicCity10-14-2011Part2.jpg[/img]
Picture 3: Atari 2600 Remote Joysticks Front [img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/Atari2600RemoteControlJoysticksFront.jpg[/img]
Picture 4: Atari 2600 Remote Joysticks Back [img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/Atari2600RemoteControlJoysticks-Back.jpg[/img]
Picture 5: Super Star Wars-The Empire Strikes Back Front [img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/SuperStarWarsEmpireStrikesBackNeweBayFront.jpg[/img]
Picture 6: Super Star Wars-The Empire Strikes Back-Back [img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/SuperStarWarsEmpireStrikesBackNeweBay-Back.jpg[/img]
Picture 7: Final Fantasy Tactics Front Cover Prima Guide [img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/FinalFantasyTacticsFront.jpg[/img]
Picture 8: Final Fantasy Tactics Back Cover Prima Guide [img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/FinalFantasyTactics-Back.jpg[/img]
So I was drinking a Pepsi Throwback and eating some Cheetos, then I thought I should make a blog different from my others. So here it is Games with Food or Beverage Companies. I am only going to name a few as there are about 50 or so games out there. The first couple that come to mind well back to Pepsi and Cheetos.
Coca-Cola - Pepsi Invaders & Coca-Cola Kid
Back in the 1980's there was a classic Atari 2600 game that is hard to find Pepsi Invaders also known as "Coke Wins!, Pepsi and Coke"!! This game is pretty cool! Unfortunately all I have is the ROM. The cart doesn't come with any labeling but a white strip that was type written and only given to Coke employees as a promotional gig. Hmmm maybe my friend who works for Coke can get me one! That would be pretty sweet huh!!! Coke has another game that was released on the Game Gear only in Japan called Coca-Cola kid the game pretty cool, easy to get your hands on it if you purchase from eBay.
Pepsi - Pepsiman
Pepsiman is a Japanese game for the PlayStation released in 1999, featuring the Japanese mascot for Pepsi, Pepsiman. The gameplay itself is entirely on rails, consisting of Pepsiman running from one end of the level to the other, picking up Pepsi cans and using Pepsi-branded vending machines on the side. This game is really rare.
Cheetos Chester the Cheetah had two games released on Sega and Super Nintendo. These games were just basic platform games.
McDonald - M.C. Kids
I know McDonald's has had quite a few games released some on PC and what not. But M.C. Kids on the NES is a pretty awesome platform game that kind or reminds me of Super Mario Bros. 2 and Rescue Rangers on NES.
Domino's Pizza Yo! Noid was a classic Saturday Morning cartoon commercial character and when a game for the NES came out I was there at Phar-Mor (now owned by some conglomerate, the store was kind of like a giant Walgreen's with a huge video store attached to it). The game is a pretty sweet platform game in which you control Noid. He had other games that came out on other systems, but he is one the most classic 80's food icons. Today I hate Domino's and there's no Noid as their spokes person.
California Rasins Who doesn't remember the jazz and music playing grapes?!?! I remember them well singing such songs as Heard it Through The Grapevine and so on. They had a game released as a Prototype for the NES. You can download the Rom the game is pretty cool.
7-Up Spot! Yes that crazy character had many games that were released, such as Spot! The Video game For NES which plays like checkers in my opinion and Spot! Goes to Hollywood which was released on several systems. Spot! Goes to Hollywood is a great game for a platform game unlike his NES counterpart which can be quite boring. But a little background about Spot is he was another commercial character in the 80's who was great at promoting his product 7-Up he's still around but as a silent red dot on the bottle that 7-Up still has but as most commercials have become they all loose their characters that attract kids, and he was the first to go.
The last one I would like to talk about is Kool-Aid Kool-Aid Man on the Atari 2600 and Intellivision is a pretty cool game unfortunately he didn't have any other releases. He does occasionally show up in say an episode of Family Guy. But his commercials were awesome! He is still around today getting kids to drink their Kool-Aid so how about another game! It would have to be way better than the company I will only mention once the games for Xbox mentioned by the other burger joint oh yeah Burger King, those games are CRAPPY!!!!! Sorry for those who like them.
So I hope you all enjoyed this blog if any of you want to add more information just post a comment and we can talk from there, also if you have any other game that you want to talk or add on to this list leave a comment.
Hey everyone. My brother and I did a little shopping last week and a week before he bought a nice package off of eBay from Japan. My brother and I ended up going to Lincoln, Nebraska last Thursday and spent a few dollars and got quite a few great things. This is probably the best Game Hunt we have had in a long time. First stop was Salvation Army on the way to Gamers my brother bought a PC game The Ancient Art of War At Sea complete in box for $2.00. Second stop Gamers number 1 in Lincoln. I purchased a complete SEARS Video Arcade (Intellivision). The box and everything is in great shape! Paid $65.00 for it and it was a great purchase. Along with the Intellivision. Also I bought Quake 2 complete in Box for N64 not shown in picture. I also bought a couple of strategy guides not shown in the pictures Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Rouge Spear and Fear Effect 1. My brother purchased another item not pictured (sorry some items aren't going to be pictured they weren't around the table until after I took the shots, but if you want proof I can provide pictures LOL) he bought Persona 2 Collector's Edition for the PSP and Space Jam on Sega Saturn. Then we were off to Best Buy and my brother got Bioshock 2 Collector's Edition for PC! Then we went to Games 2 in Lincoln. I bought a semi-rare PS1 game in Mint Condition Castlevania: Symphony of the Night! (Yes I bought the other PS1 Castelvania Game but will get to that later). I also bought Ace Combat 6 Strategy Guide for Xbox 360. My brother bought Star Ocean for PS1 and Deus Ex Human Revolution Strategy Guide. Then we went to a place called the Gameroom in Downtown Lincoln, he bought Railroad Tycoon Deluxe for $8.00 and not even used. Then we found out they had a second store so we went there and it was a good day for strategy guides. I bought Romancing Saga, Tales of Vesperia, Donkey Kong 64 (with EB Games Cover), and Indiana Jones and the Emperors Tomb. Then on the way out of town we went to a good Antique Store we bought only a couple of things my brother bought the Pac-Man card game from Milton Bradley in mind condition Copyright year 1980 and I bought the Nintendo Power for $3.00. So that was the adventures in Lincoln. Then on our way home we stopped at CD Tradepost in Council Bluffs, I bought Three Stooges complete in Box for NES, and had Eternal Darkness for GameCube shipped from another store. The next day we went around a few places in Omaha. First place we went to was Barnes & Nobles I bought the two Sonic the Hedgehog Anniversary Comics, I need part one still. Then we went to Gamers I bought the SECOND Castelvania game Castelvania Chronicles for $38.00, the ColecoVision Roller Ball Controller ($5.00), World Series Baseball 2 Sega Saturn ($4.00) and two ColecoVision Games Slither ($2.00) and Time Pilot ($2.00). Then next up was another Strategy Guide find at Half Price Books I bought Silent Hill 1 BradyGames for $7.00, Fear Effect 2 ($3.00), and Gears of War 1 ($2.00). My brother bought SimCity 3000 and SimCity 4 Guides (The SimCity 3000 Guide is HUGE!) Then we went to Best Buy I bought Suikoden III Previously Viewed but returned it because I already have it, bought Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep Game & Guide. Then we went on to the second Gamers by Best Buy, jackpot! Bought Super Mario Bros. 2, Narc, Ice Hockey, Karate Champ, and Commando CHEAP GAMES! Well Super Mario was $13.00 but worth it. All games were complete, and I got the NES Controllers Complete in Box for Free, and I purchased Eternal Darkness strategy guide. Then my brother and I went to Nebraska Furniture Mart and he bought Catherine: Collector's Edition. Then we went to a place called TUVA and I purchased Sonic The Hedgehog trading cards not opened for $5.00. Then we stopped at Best Buy on the way home and my brother purchased Epic Mickey Collector's Edition 50% OFF. Today at Best Buy my brother purchased Rage Anarchy Edition and Strategy Guide and I purchased Ace Combat Joint Assault for 50% OFF.
The other day my brother purchased a bunch of Famicom Games from Japan. The jewel of them all MOTHER! This game is Earthbound in the USA but having this copy on the Famicom in your collection is a must for any collector. The other games were Kanshaku Tamanage Kantarō no Tōkaidō Gojūsan-tsugi (yes very very long title), Super Xevious (Gold Cartridge), Family Mahjong 2, Battle Fleet (Those Namco Games for Famicom came in sweet cases), another copy of Ultima - Seija heno Michi, another copy of Tetris, Wrecking Crew, Marusa no Onna, Momotarou Densetsu: Peach Boy Legend. Then on Monday my brother bought BC Racers for 32x Brand New! We only have two more games to go to complete our 32x Collection. Hope you all enjoyed this great game hunt blog. Pictures are posted on here as well. Please respond to blog thanks.
Picture 1: [img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/GameHuntTableLeftCorner.jpg[/img]
Picture 1.5: [img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/GameHuntTableTopRight.jpg[/img]
Picture 2: [img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/GameHuntTableBottomRightCorner.jpg[/img]
Picture 3: [img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/GameHuntTableBottomLeftCorner.jpg[/img]
Picture 4: [img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/GameHuntTable2AllItems.jpg[/img]
Picture 5: [img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/eBayPurchaseFamicomGames.jpg[/img]
Picture 6: [img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/eBayPurchaseMotherFront.jpg[/img]
Picture 7: [img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/eBayPurchaseMother-Back.jpg[/img]
Picture 8: [img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/eBayPurchaseFamicomGame.jpg[/img]
Picture 9: [img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/eBayPurchaseFamicomGame-Back.jpg[/img]
Picture 10: [img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/eBayandGameHuntTableAllItems.jpg[/img]
Picture 11: [img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/eBayandGameHuntTableTopLeftCorner.jpg[/img]
Picture 12: [img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/eBayandGameHuntBottomRightCorner.jpg[/img]
Picture 13: [img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/eBayandGameHuntBottomLeftCorner.jpg[/img]
Picture 14: [img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/eBayandGameHuntTopRightCorner.jpg[/img]
Hey everyone these are a few items my brother and I purchased. We have some more so keep an eye out for some blogs. Also we are going down to Lincoln, Nebraska this week to hit up a few places on top of getting a few things here and on eBay. So the few items that will be pictured one of them is a Nintendo Club Item which is the "?" Box. It is a Super Mario Bros. Character's statue. This item is very cool and can catch a good price my brother pulled it in a good price on eBay. Then there is Theme Park for DOS yeah that's right DOS! We got it for $1.00 at Salvation Army! Then the Coleco Colotron! This is the second Coleco Plug-in item from the 70's my brother and I have gotten. The item is in MINT condition and probably has never been used, $4.00 yes that's right folks FOUR DOLLARS not FORTY or Fourteen--FOUR!!! It has the manual and everything. The next item is a pack of Micro Adventures Books for the PC full pack for $8.00 at Half-Price Books. Then what I think is the best pull is the Golden Sun Dual Strategy guide for both games on GBA AND WITH THAT purchase it also came with both GBA GAMES carts Only, but it's all good, we already have Golden Sun 1 complete in box. ALL of those for $25.00 on eBay! The next item up is P.T.O II for Sega Saturn complete mint condition in Box on eBay for $7.00. Okay take back the previous statement on the Golden Sun as great pull. The next two items are also very nice. The next one is the complete TETRIS Family on FAMICOM! We have Tetris, Tetris 2 (NOT THE SAME AS TETRIS 2 in the USA) and TETRIS FLASH (Which is our Tetris 2 here in America). The next item is a MINT CONDITION BRAND NEW Breath of Fire 2 Strategy guide by Prima, we have two of this guide and this is the best one yet! CAN sell on eBay for a hefty price. I love this book it is amazing and very very beneficial to beating the game 100 percent. The final item is Sim Classics or Maxis 2 Collection. It comes with Sim City Classic, SimEarth and SimFarm. This is 100 percent complete even has the huge instruction manual. My brother got his at Goodwill Bytes (an electronics spin off from Goodwill) for a big whopping $2.00! OH BONUS ITEM! Thought it was over huh? Well the last picture is of Prince of Persia Sands of Time Movie Trailer played before Toy Story 1 and 2 3D and various other movies before it came out. How I got this you might ask?!?! Well my brother used to work for Star Cinema, well now AMC, that's how we got it. Anyone else have anything like this?!?!?
Now folks here are the pictures. I will have a picture of the statue out of the box soon just not on this blog.
Picture 1: [img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/100_2547.jpg[/img]
Picture 2: [img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/100_2549.jpg[/img]
Picture 3: [img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/SuperMaroBrosFigurineNintendoGameClubFront.jpg[/img]
Picture 4: [img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/SuperMaroBrosFigurineNintendoGameClub-Back.jpg[/img]
Picture 5: [img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/100_2552.jpg[/img]
Picture 6: [img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/100_2553.jpg[/img]
Hope you all enjoy. Please please post replies.
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Hey everyone. My brother and I have collected a lot of games throughout the years. We have a huge collection of games spanning from Pong Systems to the most recent systems. We also have Japanese systems and lot of cool video game related items. Check out our blogs from time to time because we "score" a lot at our video game stores, flea markets, and of course eBay. |
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