Hey everyone it's only November 1st and already have I got a new Game Hunt for you. I read Bill (engel762)'s blog and I am glad he got his Genesis 2 working perfectly I am sure he's got a story for me and that's awesome. Today I went and traded some dvd's I had an itch that need to be scratched and well I got rid of a few DVD's to buy MENACE BEACH COMPLETE IN BOX! Bill and I saw it the other day at one of our favorite local stores. Is it bad that I paid $150.00 for it?!?!? Then my brother decided to come out of "Semi Game Collecting Retirement" haha. We stopped at a few of our usual places we went to Game Vault where he picked up a couple of "Big Boxed" PC Games Ages of Myst Commemorative Edition & Star Trek Klingon Academy.
After Game Vault we went on to Gamers (also at Game Vault he picked up a spare Xbox 360 power brick and cord). At Gamers we saw squat so we went on to Good Bytes which lately that place has been as dry as the Sahara desert. But there we picked up The 11th Hour (PC), Strike Commander (PC), Ridge Racer & NBA In The Zone (PS1) big boxes, Ace Combat Zero (PS2), and Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures (GCUBE). Then the other day my brother bought Postal Fudge Pack Edition on eBay. So overall I don't think too bad for the start of the month. SO here is the pictures of everything.
[img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/GameHuntNovember2012Part1-1.jpg[/img]
[img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/GameHuntNovember2012-MenaceBeachCIB.jpg[/img]
OH Almost forgot somewhat video game related but more Retro related I picked up 3 puzzles for $3.00 at a local store. [img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/GameHuntNovember2012Part2.jpg[/img]
And here is the run down:
Favorite Local Store - *Menace Beach - COMPLETE IN BOX - $150.00
Game Vault - *Ages of Myst - Commemorative Edition - $15.00 - Complete *Star Trek: Klingon Academy - $27.00 - Complete *Xbox 360 Power Brick and Cord - $20.00
Good Bytes - *11th Hour - $2.00 - Complete *Strike Commander - $2.00 - Complete *Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventure - $2.00 (Need a manual) *Ridge Racer - $2.00 - Complete *NBA In The Zone - $2.00 - Complete *Ace Combat Zero - $2.00 - Complete
eBay - *Postal Fudge Pack - $30.00 Brand New
Please Comment.
Hey everyone! Nothing super exciting to post about but got some goodies. Last week my brother and I went to a Goodwill Electronics store and picked up: *Indiana Jones & The Fate of Atlantis - CIB - $3.99 *Star Wars Dark Forces- Jewel Case Version with Extras for $1.99 *Monopoly Star Wars - $1.99 - ANYONE HAVE AN EXTRA BIG BOX FOR THIS GAME. *Crash Bandicoot PS1 Greatest Hits - $1.99
THEN even with the College World Series going on I found time to go to Gamers and I picked up these beauties I think at a fair prices. *Mario is Missing! - Complete in Box for $19.95 *Super C - Complete in Box for $16.95.
So overall not bad. ALSO!!!!! We have a cart of Mario is Missing! and Super C up on eBay message me if anyone is interested in them.
Here's the pictures and please comment.
[img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/GoodBytesPurchase6-7-2012.jpg[/img]
[img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/GamersPurchase6-16-2012.jpg[/img]
Hey everyone my brother and I did some browsing and shopping last Saturday and today and well probably tomorrow too. Saturday we went to a neighborhood garage sale and saw nothing. Then we went out to Good Bytes and picked a few PC Games A-Train which has the 5.5 Floppy and 3 in Diskettes in it 100% complete! FOR a WHOPPING $0.99! But that's not all we also picked up Microsoft Flight Simulator (The First Release) Complete for also $0.99! We really didn't spend much on Saturday but after Good Bytes we went to HPB and we saw a few items. They had a couple of good things like a Sega, Xbox, and so on but well we had everything! BUT my brother looked up and at the top of the shelf was an Atari 2600 CIB which is a second one for us but this one was much cheaper! We got it for $20.00 and it came with 12 games some of which we didn't have sadly mostly commons. The games were: *Blackjack - Green Text Label *Boxing *Breakout - Text Label *Dodge 'em - Text Label *Football - Gold Text Label *Home Run - Picture Label *Human Cannonball - Text Label *Missile Command - Picture Label *Pac-Man - (FOR SALE!!!!!) *Space Invaders - Text Label *Space War (FOR SALE!!!!) *Warlords
SO not bad! Also at HPB we picked up Army Men PC For $7.00 and Railroad Tycoon II With the Blues CD for $5.00. So then on to today a great great day! The weather was beautiful and so was the hunt. We took some books out to HPB and as we waited until the finished and calling us up we looked around of course we went to the game section and in just 5 days they added a Sega Saturn - already have two (both versions) so pass on that. But we did however pick up Spawn PS1 for $4.00, Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast which was in the Clearance section for $0.50! We also picked up Phantom Brave for $2.00 in the Clearance section (which I think was our best purchase at HPB today), and Oregon Trail II Guide for $2.00. BUT my brother got something that isn't video game related BUT is Retro Related a stack of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Comics! at $0.50 a piece!!! Then our final stop we went to was Out "Favorite Store" I traded some movies for Adventures of Lolo COMPLETE in box which if we would of bought it it would of been $25.00 so Great deal because I got rid of some Common movies. Then with the cash from HPB we bought a very very minty copy of Tetris 2 for $15.00! We also bought Super Punch Out for $20.00 (WE NEED A MANUAL ASAP!!!) and the biggest find of the day for a whopping $40.00!!! A JUNGLE GREEN N64!! CIB everything looks BRAND NEW!!!!! So there is our most recent Game Hunts with more to come. Please comment and enjoy.
Here are the pictures: [img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/GoodBytes5-5-2012.jpg[/img]
[img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/HalfPriceBooks5-5-2012.jpg[/img]
[img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/HalfPriceBooks5-10-2012.jpg[/img]
[img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/ComicCity5-10-2012.jpg[/img]
Hey Everyone! In cased you missed the first blog entry of our collection a little review. My last post was all our Nintendo Items boxed (except systems will get to those later). This next blog is all our Nintendo stuff loose. It does take a lot of time to unpack everything and put it on the table all nice and neat BUT I love looking at our collection so it's all good. The first few photos are of our NES games that our loose (can you spot the "rare" or "hard to find" titles?). Then NES Extras, Famicom. Then the second set of photos will be our SNES games that are loose (again can you spot the "rare or "hard to find" games?), SNES Extras. Then Super Famicom. Then our next pictures are of Game Boy/GBC/GBA I took pictures of all the games in one Photo, then close ups for 4 more photos. Then Finally is our N64 Games, then N64 Extras. The best picks of our loose carts I would say is our Dragon Warriors 2-4 on NES, SNES would be all our RPG's most def Earthbound. Game Boy/GBC/GBA I would say Mega Man 2 or all of the Super Mario Lands. Super Famicom is Super Mario World, LOZ, Final Fantasy 4 & 5. Then for our N64 would be our Japanese carts and probably Harvest Moon and a few others. So here you go our Cart Only Nintendo Items. ENJOY! Very Picture Heavy!
Please comment and point out the "Rare" and "Hard To Find" Games for each system make a little game out of it.
[img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/LooseNES1.jpg[/img]
[img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/LooseNES2.jpg[/img]
Find any yet?
[img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/LooseNES3.jpg[/img]
[img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/LooseNES4.jpg[/img]
Come on already!!
[img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/LooseNES5.jpg[/img]
In this Photo you will see for Extras a Panic Restaurant CIB I forgot to put this in the last blog. There is also the Gold & Black Game Genies, and the infamous Game Genie Adapter for the Top Loading NES, a 76-in-1 NES Cart, and an Y's Pirate Cart.
[img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/LooseNES6.jpg[/img]
In this photo the actual only Loose Famicom cart is Super Mario Bros. 1, the rest are all Pirates* - Double Dragon, Legend of Kage 2, Rockman 3 (AKA Mega Man 3), Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, 8-In-1, 2-in-1, 76-in-1, and Various FDS Games. [img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/LooseFamicom1.jpg[/img]
[img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/LooseSNES1.jpg[/img]
[img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/LooseSNES2.jpg[/img]
Still haven't found any?
[img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/LooseSNES3.jpg[/img]
In this photo there is Earthbound Cart & Guide, Super Game Boy, X-Band Modem, Game Genie, and Mario Paint CIB I forgot in the last blog. [img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/LooseSNES4.jpg[/img]
[img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/LooseSuperFamicom1.jpg[/img]
This picture is of GB/GBC/GBA/DS and various extras. Row 1 to 4 - GB Games Row 5 - GBC Games Row 6 - LOZ Links Awakening GB & DX on GBC, Fifa Soccer - PAL, 230-in-1 cart, Virtual Boy - Mario Tennis & Panic Bomber, DS Games, and DS Extras. Row 7 - GBA Games and Various GBA Item.
Still have trouble? There's a lot huh?
Wow everyone is blind maybe?
[img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/LooseN641.jpg[/img]
[img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/LooseN642.jpg[/img]
And that is it any questions? No none of these are for sale.
Hey Everyone! My brother and I did a little browsing yesterday at a few places like a couple of Goodwills, Gamers, and some other Thrift Stores. But we hit a pretty good mix and found some more NES games to add to our seemingly growing collection that we have started this year! The Year of NIntendo as I put it for my brother and I. We will be selling some of the games we bought just CART Only. Last week I purchased a few things that won't be pictured like Mass Effect 3 N7 Collector's Editin for PS3. I love the fact that we are finding so many boxed NES Games in the wild and at this point nothing has passed up our most recent from my last post Mega Man 6 Pristine condition. So here is the list and prices we paid for each NES Game in their boxes.
List: *After Burner - $5.00 *Clash At Demonhead - $3.00 *Major League Baseball - $1.00 *Pinball (Nice Condition Black Box Game) - $5.00 *Road Runner - $8.00 *Rolling Thunder - $2.00 *Super Mario Bros. 1 - A WHOPPING - $2.00!!!!! CIB *Super Sprint - $6.00 *Toobin' - $8.00 (We will be selling just a cart of this game) *Vindicators - $2.00 *Wheel of Fortune - $6.00 *Winter Games - $3.00
Item that won't be pictured is a box only Sega Genesis 2 6-Pack Edition - I have all the items to put in it though to make it complete the Box was on $2.00.
We went to Half Price Books and purchased Final Fantasy Tactics - NON Greatest Hits Guide for $6.00 and a Children's Hint book For Super Mario Advance for $2.00!
Then we went to an Electronics Store and purhcased a Commodore 128 complete in box for $45.00! Then we went to a couple of Goodwills and picked up a few other things: A-Train PS1 - Complete with Everything - $2.00, Tekken 2 PS1 Greatest Hits for $3.00 and get this Die Hard Trilogy PS1 Greatest Hits - FOR $0.34 yes that's CENTS! A while back my brother bought Civilization II Multiplayer Gold Edition at a Flea Market for $3.00 and yesterday he bought Civilzation II at Goodwill for $3.00.
Here are the pictures:
[img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/GamersPurchase3-22-2012.jpg[/img]
[img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/GoodwillPurchases3-22-2012.jpg[/img]
[img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/HalfPriceBooksPurchase3-22-2012.jpg[/img]
Hello everyone. Went to one of my local stores here and found some nice NES games that I have been wanting. My brother and I are working on replacing all of our loose NES Games with CIB NES games and selling our cart only or cart with manual copies. SO today I picked up very Minty Mega Man 6 complete with everything I.E. Manual, Poster, Black Sleeve, Nintendo Power AD card, and the kicker the plastic that goes around the game. This copy is practically brand spanking new. Then I also picked up Bucky O'Hare also very minty but not quite as new, Lethal Weapon little crease on front of box otherwise CIB and good shape, Raid 2020 Minty with everything including plastic sleeve, Wally Bear and The No Gang CIB. Then from the Amazon guy my copy of Dick Tracy in very Minty condtion came with everything (including the plastic sleeve) I got for $5.00, and I got my CIB T&C Surf Designs. So another good find!!
ALSO I picked up for $35.00 a table top Donkey Kong Jr. Works perfectly and in good shape.
[img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/ComicCityPurchases3-15-2012.jpg[/img]
[img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/AmazoneBayPurchasesMarch2012.jpg[/img]
Hey everyone!!! Here is another Game Hunt Chronicle! My brother and I went shopping today and decided we wanted more NES games!!! Originally we were just going to get Rainbow Islands in box for $38.00 but my bro decided he wanted more! And well so did I! We bought a few brand new games. Addams Family, Silent Assault, Wall Street, Caesar's Palace, and Shinobi!! All at low prices in comparison to eBay and Game Gavel. As you all are away my brother and I are on a Capcom kick so we also purchased complete in box in great condition 1943! We need the box for 1942 if anyone has it!!! I know I have done a list but I am more awake today so I will do so even though you can see the games in the pictures.
"Our Favorite Place" Purchases: *1943 - CIB - $35.00 *Addams Family - BRAND NEW - $40.00 *Addams Family: Pugsley's Scavenger Hunt - CIB - $16.00 *Bug's Bunny's Birthday Blowout - CIB - $10.00 *Caesar's Palace - BRAND NEW - $25.00 *Defender of The Crown - CIB - $6.00 *Gauntlet II - CIB - $17.00 *Infiltrator - CB - $8.00 *Legacy of The Wizard - CIB - $10.00 *Rainbow Island - CIB - $38.00 *Shinobi - BRAND NEW - $35.00 *Silent Assault - BRAND NEW - $35.00 *Tombs & Treasure - CB - $10.00 *Wall Street Kid - BRAND NEW - $20.00
We Also Purchased a Brand New Game Boy game from "Our Favorite Place" *Brain Drain - $10.00
Now on to our eBay Purchases these were pretty sweet deals I bought a few instruction manuals we needed cheap one including Mega Man 2. Sorry no picture for those I forgot. I have a few more things on the way so keep an eye out for that blog soon! My brother purchased these from eBay: *Ultima: Exodus & *Ultima: Quest of The Avatar (bought together) Both are CIB!!! for a whopping $32.00!!!! * Where in Time is Carmen Sandiego? - CIB (YES even has the World Almanac!) - $16.00!!!
I Purchased another copy of Jetson's because it came with the manual that I needed to complete my box copy (keep an eye out we are going to be selling this and quite a few others on eBay. We will be posting a blog on what is for sale and where you can go to get them! Most will be BIN and some Bids).
My brother purchased from Shopgoodwill.com - Age of Empires III Complete Edition with EVERYTHING! For $37.00!!
Then we went to GameStop and Purchased Atelier Rorona: The Alchemist of Arland - Premium Box for $30.00 Brand New sadly a GameStop "gutted" copy.
SO here are the pictures! Please spread the word around and Please Comment!! Thanks!
[img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/ComicCityPurchases3-2-2012.jpg[/img]
[img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/eBayPurhcases2-28-2012.jpg[/img]
[img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/ShopGoodWillAgeofEmpiresIIICollectorsEdition.jpg[/img]
[img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/AtelierRoronaTheAlchemistofArlandPremiumEditionFront.jpg[/img]
[img width=700 height=526]http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab172/niceguy1283/AtelierRoronaTheAlchemistofArlandPremiumEdition-Back.jpg[/img]
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Hey everyone. My brother and I have collected a lot of games throughout the years. We have a huge collection of games spanning from Pong Systems to the most recent systems. We also have Japanese systems and lot of cool video game related items. Check out our blogs from time to time because we "score" a lot at our video game stores, flea markets, and of course eBay. |
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