NES_Rules' Collection BlogNES_Rules' Collection Blog

Posted on Nov 2nd 2011 at 01:18:50 AM by (NES_Rules)
Posted under RFG Thanks, October 2011, Submissions, Thanks

I hope everyone survived their Halloween night  and didn't get too scared. While yesterday may have been frightening, October certainly wasn't scaring away our submitters this month. Not only did we have a good month here at RFGeneration, we had a record breaking month at RFGeneration! That's right, in October 2011, we had more submissions in one month than any other since we starting tracking submissions in November 2006. Our previous record was in May of this year with an amazing 9,587 submissions. So you better believe this month was OVER NINE THOUSAND!!!! In fact, RFG members made an astounding 12,790 submissions in just 31 days. Thank you to all of you who made that happen.

Now, we normally try to not single out any particular member for their submissions since they are all important in their own way, but this month special credit is due to Tynstar. Because, you see, 10,000 of the monthly submissions were made by him. That's right, in one month he alone submitted more than our entire community in any other month. He even celebrated his 7th year at RFGeneration this month, so its especially nice to see someone who has been around for so long still so active in the database. So if you see Tynstar around on the forums or in person give him a pat on the back, he really deserves it.

For the rest of you, you won't be overshadowed by Tynstar's accomplishments. There were 72 other members who made submissions this month, so thanks goes out to all of you. The rest of members who made 100 or more submissions in October was Shadow Kisuragi, Izret101, Necron99, ixtaileddemonfox, NES_Rules, douglie007, and raffa1985.
And of course, we have our dedicated team of submission reviewers, who have to sift through the thousands of submissions every month. Our top reviewers were Shadow Kisuragi, Tynstar, and Paully3433.

If you're wondering what all these fine people were making so many submissions for, they were adding 884 images, adding 222 games, adding 50 hardware pieces, and editing 11,418 game pages.

Thanks everyone who made this record breaking month happen.

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