NES_Rules' Collection BlogNES_Rules' Collection Blog

Posted on Apr 16th 2009 at 03:20:46 AM by (NES_Rules)
Posted under News, Game Gavel, Chase The ChuckWagon, Auctions, eBay, Auction Sites

As many of you already know, I dislike eBay, in fact one might say I hate it with a passion. In fact, I refuse to buy any type of gaming device from the site. So, I was extremely pleased when in January of 2008 I read a post on the Digital Press forums from Dragon Warrior Jasen, that he was fed up with eBay and toying with the idea of making his own auction site dedicated to video games with minimal fees. When he came up with a name and made the site public a couple months later, I made sure I was one of the first to join I listed numerous auctions but had very little success, but I believed in the theory behind the site of no fees whatsoever and stuck with it. Later on in 2008 I came across another site,, with a similar philosophy of only charging a modest final selling fee. I quickly joined that site and have been listing auctions on there since.
[img align=right][/img]

However, a couple days ago, I got the email that every other GameGavel member got from Jasen, stating that the site will be closing. Jasen blamed the closure on himself, but I do not believe that it was any one person's fault. I think the failure was the combined result of people not believing that a free auction site could work and sellers were charging the average eBay price instead of taking into account the fact that they're not paying 8%+ fees on their sale as they would with eBay.

[img align=left width=200 height=57] LOGO.jpg[/img]Anyway, yesterday I got an email from GameGavel's Jasen Hicks and one from ChaseTheChuckwagon's Mike Kennedy, about half an hour apart stating that CTCW will be purchasing GameGavel's domain name and will be taking over operations.

Mike's plan is to co-brand both names, keeping the ChaseTheChuckwagon.comn name that some 2,000+ member knows and love and combining it with the more universal name of GameGavel.

So what this means for us, the gamers and collectors of the world, is a bigger and better site than has very modest final selling fees, that was built by gamers/collectors for gamers/collectors.

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Welcome to my blog. I started off my blogging career in 2008 with my weekly Treasure Hunt Chronicles which was a huge success. So it's become a staple of RF Generation during the garage sale and flea market season. So be sure to check back each Monday to check out my newest treasures.
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