Well, this is my first blog post as a staff writer and I wish it could be more interesting than it is. However, this weekend was dismal for treasures, so I guess this post will be to show that even I have bad treasure hunting expeditions.
Well, without further ado, my treasure from this weekend's garage sales: [img width=700 height=524]http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j22/Mike_2_0_0_6/Game%20Collection/2008%20Scores/DSCN9789.jpg[/img] Yep, just two loose games, common ones too. I paid $3 for both.
Non-gaming related finds weren't much better either: [img width=700 height=524]http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j22/Mike_2_0_0_6/DSCN9790.jpg[/img] The records were $0.25 each. The Bob Dylan CD was $1 and everything else was $1. The sale that had the records also had a N64 with about 10 loose commons for $20 but I passed on it, if I had known this weekend would be so bad, I would have bought it.
What really bothers me is that I have no idea why the sales were so bad either. The weather was great, we shopped from 8:00-2:00, and put nearly 75 miles on the truck. There just wasn't anything good, there wasn't even much stuff at high prices. I fear the area is drying up.
The flea market today wasn't any better. I saw a couple Genesis systems with 1 game for $5 but I'm sick of seeing those things. I almost bought a sealed Mega Man 64 for $15 but decided against it. Another woman had a box of PS2 games (around 60) that she wanted $4-5 each for, I offered her $100 for the box full but she declined. One of the usual game vendors had a SMS with hookups and 2 loose games for $42, I really wanted it but that's just too much for me to spend on a system I know I can find for a few dollars eventually.
And to give a little more flesh to this post. I've decided I'm getting rid of all my duplicate games and systems in one fell swoop. I've got a potential buyer for it now for $1000 but if that doesn't work out I'm going to offer the deal to some of the flea market vendors. I think it's a really good deal considering it's over 300 games and 35 systems. But I just need to get rid of it and have more space.
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So... The tide turns!!! And good luck with your business deal. May I ask, is the $1000 going towards games, or other things.?
Congratulations on become a Staff member! 
Sorry to hear the garage sales are becoming bad. Maybe you'll have to resort to eBay in the future?
Nice find...except the damn Journey record. D: I hate Steve Perry so much.
Thumbs up on the Dylan though!
Everyone thinks that when there is an off week or two the area is drying up but it'll be dry for a bit then it'll pick up again, not to worry.
@logical123: It'll probably just go into my savings with my other money, but at least it will pay for all my finds this year. I'm also somewhat/kind of looking at buying a house. It's a pretty good size, but it's right next to railroad tracks and has almost no yard, but it's only $5,000.
@Sirgin: Thanks. I will never, ever resort to eBay. I've never bought over the internet and I like it that way. I like doing this the good old fashioned way.
@Tondog: You don't like Journey? I didn't think anyone disliked Journey. Just a small town girl livin in a lonely world... The Dylan album is alright, but I prefer his older stuff.
@jcalder8: I'm not too worried about the area drying up. I just might come home with a truckload next week, it's impossible to know what's out there.
$5,000 for a whole house?! Are you serious!! That is like, incredibly inexpensive.
I'm with Tondog on this. Cant stand Journey, never have. I was most impresed with the Flash Gordan album.
@logical123: Yes, an entire 2 bed, 1 bath single story built in 1918 with 0.176 acres. The county auditor has the house valued at $2,300 and the property at $3,800. It was last purchased in 2005 for $2,000 though. I think I just might give him a call and take a look at it. What concerns me the most though is that most of the windows are boarded up.
@Fuyukaze:Wow, two Journey haters. What is this world coming to... The Flash Gordon is the one I was least excited about of the group, I didn't even see what album it was when I was at the sale, I just saw "Queen" and grabbed it.
Dude, the house sounds like it could use major repair. I'd definitly advice it being inspected before you sign the finishing paperwork. If it all checks out though, it sounds like it could be a rather good deal. Doesnt have to be best house ever but when it's your own home, you cant help but take some pride in living in your own place.
It's not that I like Flash Gordon though I thought the original was far superior to the crap Sci-Fi vomited for us to watch, just that I tend to enjoy most of the music by Queen. In a different time and a different place, with a different family, I may have come to enjoy Journey. Problem is, one of my cousins is a rather obscene fan of the group. She had a crush on Steve Perry that sadly she never grew out of. After over 20 years of hearing her talk about their "greatness" and how wonderfull Steve Perry is, I just want to vomit blood and die. I dont care if he became a "born again" christian. In fact, I say good for him, what ever floats his boat. I just cant stand hearing music by them.
You! Out of the staff pool!
I'm just kidding; I keep kicking myself for 'oversleeping' on Saturday & Sunday mornings and not getting up and going garage-saleing. So, you're one up on me for that one. Some day I will get out of bed before 9 on a Saturday...SOME day.
@Fuyukaze: I know just from looking at the outside of the house (which is freshly painted) that it needs some work. But my dad and I are already remodeling another rental house so I don't think I'd really have the time to put into it. If it wasn't for the lack of time, I'd buy it up, or at least make an offer on it. And I wouldn't live there (free rent/food while living with my parents is SO hard to leave). I'd rent it out instead. I figure I could make all my money back within 3 years.
I guess that's an OK reason to dislike a band. Fanatics usually ruin a lot of good stuff for other people.
@imfromwisconsin: I would love to sleep in someday. During the week I'm up at 5:40 and weekends 7:00. But once garage sale season ends I'll be able to sleep in 2 days a week anyway.
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