1) Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter (360) 2) Red Dead Redemption (360) 3) Deus Ex: The Conspiracy (PS2) 4) Sonic Spinball (Gen) 5) Gears of War II (360) 6) Front Mission (DS) 7) Halo Wars (360) 8 ) Ico (PS2) 9) Kessen (PS2) 10) Brutal Legend (360) 11) Fallout: New Vegas (360) 12) The Lion King (Gen) 13) Sonic 3 (Gen) 14) OOT/Yoshi Story 15) Deus Ex: Human Revolution (360) 16) Marvel VS Capcom 3 17) Portal 18) Beautiful Katimari 19) Contra (NES) 20) Gears Of War (360)
Time is winding down, and i highly doubt i'm gonna be able to finish...especially with a long work week coming up. I had to cut perfect dark off the list...my cart keeps freezing up every 30 seconds. Brutal Legend is on the last mission and im stuck. Front mission, Yoshi Story/OoT, kessen, and ico are all games im not even gonna try and finish now. But lets focus on what did get beaten since last update
Fallout: New Vegas: If you have ever played Bethsida's other franchise, the Elder Scrolls, picture that with guns and you have fallout. I played fallout 3 for a while...although all i did was kill everything and neglect the story because, well, it bored me...a lot. New Vegas' storyline was amazing by comparison. Hooked from minute one, the killing spree had to wait until i finished...speaking of which...im waiting for the DLC to go on sale so i can keep playing ^_^
Pros: Open world, Great Story, Graphics, Control. Cons: Fighting still doesn't feel ...right
Gears 2:
Brilliant. Play It.
Pros: Everything Cons: Needs more Cole Train.
Deus Ex: Human Revolution: It begs to say that I started the Deus Ex Series with Invisible War for xbox. the case was shiny, and the guy in gamestop said it was good...the price was right and i played it...straight through without sleeping. Eventually i picked up the first game (see above list), played halfway though....then inexplicably stopped. haven't picked it up since.
Human Revolution was different. I preordered it the day it was announced (last game i preordered was Halo 2...i don't buy launch day games) Since it came out last tuesday, Ive been playing it off and on, picking up Dracula X for turbografx CD in between it and work ( and hurricane prep / tornado warnings).
This was by far, the most action packed game I've played in a while. even the downtime between missions doesn't seem like downtime. The storyline twisted more times than my intestines after taco bell. the gameplay was wonderful. The controls took a bit to get used to, but were fluid after an hour or so.
The enemies were a bit stupid at times though...and to hell with the boss fights. NOT FUN!. The philosophical endings left a bit to be desired...and looked like they came straight out of metal gear solid's flashback sequences. It diddnt click that this was a prequel until the after credits bonus however...which makes it even cooler...and drives me to put The Conspiracy in the PS2 after work tonight.
Pros: Stealth, Badass Costume, Storyline Cons: AI, Boss Fights
With some diligent playing, i may be able to slug a few more out before the september 6th deadline (school starts >.>). lets see how it goes....
Till next time
~Neo Official backlog count: 206
1) Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter (360) 2) Metroid Prime (GC) **************** 3) Deus Ex: The Conspiracy (PS2) 4) Sonic Spinball (Gen) 5) Perfect Dark (N64) 6) Front Mission (DS) 7) Halo Wars (360) 8 ) Ico (PS2) 9) Kessen (PS2) 10) Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles (GC)************* 11) Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker (GC)*************** 12) The Lion King (Gen) 13) Sonic 3 (Gen) 14) Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne (xbox)************* 15) Deus Ex: Human Revolution (360) 16) Marvel VS Capcom 3 17) Portal 18) Beautiful Katimari 19) TBD 20) TBD
Ok...so nothing new done yet but the list warrants an update. Due to a disagreement with my little sister, the GC games are being pulled out of the SGC list (read: she took it into her room and wont let me play it because i wont let her play my 360) As for Max payne being removed...i remembered why i stopped the first time through....scratched disk. So, without further adieu, I present list 2.0:
1) Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter (360) 2) Red Dead Redemption (360) 3) Deus Ex: The Conspiracy (PS2) 4) Sonic Spinball (Gen) 5) Perfect Dark (N64) 6) Front Mission (DS) 7) Halo Wars (360) 8 ) Ico (PS2) 9) Kessen (PS2) 10) Brutal Legend (360) 11) Fallout: New Vegas (360) 12) The Lion King (Gen) 13) Sonic 3 (Gen) 14) *****SEE BELOW***** 15) Deus Ex: Human Revolution (360) 16) Marvel VS Capcom 3 17) Portal 18) Beautiful Katimari 19) TBD 20) TBD
Red Dead, Brutal legend, and fallout: NV are all very close to the end...and i've been playing them instead of the rest of the games on my list while i argued with lil sis.
As for 14, im gonna let you guys decide, since i cant myself. Your choices are:
Banjo Kazooie Zelda: OOT Yoshi Story
gonna prob finish up read dead tonight if all goes well. Catch ya later and dont forget to let me know which one i should play!
~Neo Official Backlog count: 209 (somehow O_o....don't even know what i bought)
1) Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter (360) 2) Metroid Prime (GC) 3) Deus Ex: The Conspiracy (PS2)
4) Sonic Spinball (Gen) 5) Perfect Dark (N64) 6) Front Mission (DS) 7) Halo Wars (360) 8 ) Ico (PS2) 9) Kessen (PS2) 10) Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles (GC) 11) Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker (GC)
12) The Lion King (Gen)
13) Sonic 3 (Gen) 14) Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne (xbox) 15) Deus Ex: Human Revolution (360)
16) Marvel VS Capcom 3
17) Portal
18) Beautiful Katimari 19) TBD 20) TBD
After years of procrastination, I've finally beaten Sonic 3... which i will now consider to be the worst of the original 2D sidescrolling sonics. Each level felt painfully like i was playing another, sub par platformer, and not the breakneck speed thrill that was the rest of the sonic series. The music sucked, power ups were lame and unnecessary (except the fireball ^_^) and it only had 6 levels. What the balls?!
Even weirder, at the end...you blow up the death star.

That looks like blatant copyright infringement if you ask me. I'll do a longer rant on the sonic series in the future... so I'll save it for now.
Also, just discovered how to customize the blog! Awesome new theme added for extra flare. Let me know what you guys think of it....although i'm sure i'll get bored of it and decide to change it to fit every new blog post.
till next time
~Neo Official Backlog count: 208
1) Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter (360) 2) Metroid Prime (GC) 3) Deus Ex: The Conspiracy (PS2)
4) Sonic Spinball (Gen) 5) Perfect Dark (N64) 6) Front Mission (DS) 7) Halo Wars (360) 8 ) Ico (PS2) 9) Kessen (PS2) 10) Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles (GC) 11) Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker (GC)
12) The Lion King (Gen) NEW! 13) Sonic 3 (Gen) 14) Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne (xbox) 15) Deus Ex: Human Revolution (360)
16) Marvel VS Capcom 3
17) Portal
18) Beautiful Katimari 19) TBD 20) TBD
I've finally done it! I finally beat the the game i've had the longest (technically tied with Sonic 2) The Lion King has been put to rest.
I blame the large span of time on two separate levels. First and foremost, the 2nd level based of of " can't wait to be king". The giraffe you have to jump through are impossible. the ostrich ride is incomparable difficult, and what 5 year old is gonna figure out the monkey puzzle.
Second, and more importantly, Simba's Exile (5th level). The rocks falling from the sky are quite annoying, but what really kills me every time are the boulders that move super fast while you are in a cavern and cant jump over them. and to put a porcupine in the middle of said cavern so that the only way to get past is to run at full speed, take the hit and fall off the edge is unfair at best.
But it's done and thats all that matters. Plans for the future include continuing wind waker and GRAW, starting sonic and perfect dark, and getting ready for Otakon at the end of the month! Anyone else going?
~official backlog count 209
Off to a great start so far
1) Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter (360) 2) Metroid Prime (GC) 3) Deus Ex: The Conspiracy (PS2)
4) Sonic Spinball (Gen) 5) Perfect Dark (N64) 6) Front Mission (DS) 7) Halo Wars (360) 8 ) Ico (PS2) 9) Kessen (PS2) 10) Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles (GC) 11) Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker (GC) 12) The Lion King (Gen) 13) Sonic 3 (Gen) 14) Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne (xbox) 15) Deus Ex: Human Revolution (360)
16) Marvel VS Capcom 3
17) Portal
18) Beautiful Katimari 19) TBD 20) TBD
so apparently, i haven't wanted to play much of the games i had set out to do this with...
Picked up MVC3 for 20$ @ KMart (on sale for 40 + 20$ coupon ^_^) and unlocked pretty much everything. still a few challenges left but this list was supposed to be based on story completion and major unlocks....done and done.
Borrowed orange box from a friend so i could play portal...very glad i did. done in one sitting. Worth the play through if you haven't already
as for Beautiful Katamari...a friend gave me back a stack of PS2 games they had borrowed, one of which was We Love Katamari...Seeing it jogged my memory that Xbox has the exclusive BK...checked on gamestops site and didn't find an available copy within 50 miles O_o. happend to look at the digital game downloads on the marketplace and BINGO!!! and for 10$ less that gamestop had it used! Gave me an excuse to pick up all the downloadable levels too ^_^ (total spent on BK with all levels downloaded = 27$....cost of a used copy = 30$)
Been working on Wind Waker now...quite impressed on how goo it is so far.
more updates when im less lazy
~Official backlog count: 211
Since I've seen everyone else posting a "goal sheet" for the summer, thought It'd be nice to set one of my own. Since I'm at home most of the summer however, I'm gonna make a goal sheet of 20 instead of the usual ten. I'm going to lay out 15 solid titles, leaving 5 spaces for games i will inevitably buy.
1) Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter (360) 2) Metroid Prime (GC) 3) Deus Ex: The Conspiracy (PS2) 4) Sonic Spinball (Gen) 5) Perfect Dark (N64) 6) Front Mission (DS) 7) Halo Wars (360) 8 ) Ico (PS2) 9) Kessen (PS2) 10) Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles (GC) 11) Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker (GC) 12) The Lion King (Gen) 13) Sonic 3 (Gen) 14) Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne (xbox) 15) Deus Ex: Human Revolution (360)
Now I've started a few of these, so it shouldn't be too bad. I'll prob emulate the GEN games on my ds so i can play them wherever i go + SAVE! I'll keep updating as i go along.
~Neo Official Backlog Count: 210