[img width=311 height=524]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/f/f3/P_NES.PNG[/img] Most people do not think of the NES when they think of pinball. They would be very right to forget the small library of sub par pinball games on the otherwise heralded system...but SOMEONE has to play'em right? While it only has a few titles, the NES is certainly one of the places you could play.
Continue reading NES Pinball Games
[img width=500 height=650]http://i.imgur.com/J1tOBbV.jpg[/img] One of the biggest drawbacks of the NES Model 2, or the "Toploader," is its lack of AV out. Being tethered to coaxial output these days seems almost barbaric, especially since the Model 1 Nintendo has it standard! Thanks to the wonders of the internet, and a neat little circuit board, I fixed that issue in short order.
As a bonus, I did some repair to my GBA SP, which warrants some attention in case any would be handymen decided to undertake the job themselves.
Continue reading Neo's Mod Corner: NES Toploader AV mod & GBA Shell Change
[img width=480 height=360]https://i.ytimg.com/vi/jJ1XCdOldm0/hqdefault.jpg[/img] Game: Tecmo World Wrestling Developer: Tecmo Platform(s): NES Average Member Rating: 70%
Recently, I had a run in with one of my favorite NES games as a kid, and thought that it might be worth a closer look. Tecmo World Wrestling or Gekitou Pro Wrestling!! Toukno Densetsu (that is a mouthful) is the premiere choice of wrestling games on the NES, which is surprisingly a pretty crowded category. Not to spoil things, but of them all, TWC stands far above as the clear winner here.
Continue reading Tecmo World Wrestling
Well, after a long time, it seems I'm finally gonna get back to writing some more (maybe). To start out, I thought i'd bring up a recent strike from the backlog: Pinball quest

if you are not familiar with pinball, come back and read this when you turn 5.(and on a related note, wait a little longer...im pretty sure swear words will lurk their way in here somehow)
I picked pinball quest up right before Christmas at my local game store (....shameless plug => http://levelupentertainment.com/) since i had some extra $ on me and it looked pretty bad ass (and for 2.99 you really cant go wrong)
Bad ass this isn't.
Lets start out at the top: you have 3 separate, multi tiered levels which handle like basic nes pinball games should, albeit a little choppier. The real meat and potatos is the "RPG mode"
[img width=256 height=224]http://www.thealmightyguru.com/Games/Docs/NESReligion/PinballQuest-1.png[/img]
This screen above me is where you will spend most of your time...trying to hit that damn left ramp! Once you pass that, you have to kill some skeletons...which 9-10 times bump you back down after 1 hit. Then after you kill all of them, and the giant skeleton king that pops up, its on to the shop with its over priced stuff!
[img width=204 height=179]http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTLtJ6NONdD2uOeT9o54kPcGh4yahRUwhTFtxWgKdsF0ylwKWQOjmXvWx5gFw[/img]
as you can see, "steal" is actually an option: and it becomes a requirement...
after the shop, you fight a witch, who is impossible without upgraded flipper damage...she keeps healing, and although you can break her healing fountain, you just keep getting knocked back >.>
eventually, my game devolved into fighting on the first two screens, and trying to steal from the shopkeeper in between. eventually, i stole the permanent blockers and the best flippers in game....which made quick work of everything after that...kinda felt like cheating though.
for the 3$ i spent, it was funish...if nothing else, it makes a decent paperweight.
Till next time, stay classy San Diego
~ Neo Backlog = 239
[img width=484 height=482]http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-wLkb9r0WiUo/T0RkHHlvo_I/AAAAAAAAAMk/YBdSeaqH7_A/s1600/Pinball+Quest.bmp[/img]
[img width=400 height=300]http://sydlexia.com/imagesandstuff/1985_nes_launch/kungfu2.png[/img]
Happy Rapture Day! All you remaining sinners can read about how my day went. (mandatory punishment for anyone who didn't directly ascend to heaven today.)
Today, stuck at home with my little 3 year old brother, I decided to finally beat Kung Fu for NES. I've been trying to do this for a while now, and it seems that I always get pulled away (read: girlfriend bought me New Vegas, and lil bro wants to play RC Pro Am all day). That isn't to belittle the difficulty...Kung Fu is a pain. Not hard, but a pain.
The fire-breathing dragons suck, the bugs are a pain, and THE FREAKING MAGICIAN who you can only CROUCH PUNCH! Who am I? Johnny Cage?! Why is punching this guy in the balls the only way to kill him? and Why does his head poof away when you hit him!
[img width=258 height=226]http://www.x-entertainment.com/pics/kung10.jpg[/img] this guy = jerk
even more confusing is the main character's name. WHAT JAPPANEESE KUNG FU MASTER IS NAMED THOMAS! Trains are named Thomas!
[img width=250 height=231]http://bohyou.vis.ne.jp/neogeo/aof/eban01.jpg[/img] I doubt his name is Thomas. Go ahead...ask him. I'll call the hospital in the meantime.
Ok enough ranting for now. I've gotta get ready to loot the homes of those who ascended into another world...they won't need their fancy blu-ray player anymore!
Till next time, try not to be eaten alive by a rabid wolverine.
~Neo Official Backlog Count: 212