Well, the first of the pile has fallen! Contra Hard Corps is finally beaten.

CHC requires a bit of an explanation as to why it is so important. I've had this game as long as I've had my genesis (94-95ish). And as a five year old, it is tough to decide which game is harder: the lion king or Contra Hard Corps. Now that I'm much older, I have come to see the answer: lion king.
Contra Hard Corps was more of a memory game than i had thought. After not playing this gem for years, it all just fell into place...each bullet expertly dodged with precision and grace and extra lives....so many extra lives and continues.
i really wish i could find some sort of story on it though....not sure how a wolf with a robotic arm and a robot fit into contra storywise....then again, why am i asking about a story in contra???
I really enjoyed playing through it....and cant wait till i get the time to play through again to get a different ending..
so where does that leave me? oh wait 29 more >.>
Dungeons & Dragons: Heroes Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne Borderlands [Game of the Year] Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Castlevania: Lords of Shadow Rage [Anarchy Edition] Saints Row Diamond 2-Pack Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter Legend of Zelda, The: Ocarina of Time Pokmon Snap Legend of Zelda, The: The Wind Waker Metroid Prime Double Dragon II: The Revenge Faxanadu Super C Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III: The Manhattan Project Donkey Kong Country Star Fox Super Mario World Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IV: Turtles in Time Pikmin Punch-Out!!
Contra: Hard Corps Sonic & Knuckles Legend of Dragoon, The Star Wars: Rebel Assault II Bully Mercenaries: Playground of Destruction Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater Ace Combat 04 Shattered Skies
till next time, ~Neo Backlog count: 258

1) Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter (360) 2) Red Dead Redemption (360) 3) Deus Ex: The Conspiracy (PS2) 4) Sonic Spinball (Gen) 5) Perfect Dark (N64) 6) Front Mission (DS) 7) Halo Wars (360) 8 ) Ico (PS2) 9) Kessen (PS2) 10) Brutal Legend (360) 11) Fallout: New Vegas (360) 12) The Lion King (Gen) 13) Sonic 3 (Gen) 14) OOT/Yoshi Story 15) Deus Ex: Human Revolution (360) 16) Marvel VS Capcom 3 17) Portal 18) Beautiful Katimari 19) Contra (NES) 20) TBD
Ok, so i lied about getting anything actually beaten from the actual list. Things have been a bit crazy preparing for + going to Otakon. (went as bob-omb + Engineer from TF2...pics coming eventually) Then convention ran fri-sun...so since we got there on thirs, it seemed only natural to play video games with my roommates. around midnight, long after everyone else was asleep, me and my friend frank beat Contra!
Contra really needs no introduction or review. It is good...go play it. I do have one real question...why is the final boss a nutsack? [img width=244 height=206]http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSaKsFhTxhj1GyLkuD7HUCPa9SrRxmhTC5mjEWSVr5BSaBBZ3V-qA[/img]
also, side note: while @ otakon, picked up an amazing ps2 controler! [img width=259 height=194]http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQlfyJonN_Dy4RCDWQKL-5VDQN7EesGVXk_R13uB2SzqVCIkew-4A[/img] new in box for 15$!!!!
till next time ~Neo Official Backlog Count: 208
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