Well, preparing to graduate stinks! Research projects stink! Geothermal wells REALLY stink!...
Know what doesn't stink....indie bundles!
Ever since my last blog, I have been super busy with school and work...and building a new computer! I was going to buy one, but decided building one was way cheaper for what I had wanted. I'm quite happy with the decision, and only regret not splurging on a higher power graphics card (even though my NVidia 610 GT is really fine and it is just an insecurity issue...I mean everyone else has better ones, why shouldn't I?!).
With the recent aquisiton of a desktop, as opposed to my crappy laptop, I've been sucked into the world of Steam sales, Free to Play, and Indie Bundles (indie gala Collossus and Humble bundle Android 5). And since my consoles have been left to collect dust this past few weeks, I figured these games deserved a bit of blog attention.
Team Fortress 2
[img width=700 height=393]http://th05.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2012/263/d/9/__right_behind_you___team_fortress_2_wallpaper_edit_by_datryancross-d5fdza7.png[/img]
First off is everyone's favorite hat simulator. Not much to really say here, except that I have an uncontrollable urge to get more items. Interestingly enough, the economy outside the game is almost more of a draw than the game itself. Then again...it could just be that I'm going through withdraw from my days as an item merchant on Maplestory....
Beat Hazard Ultra
[img width=700 height=393]http://www.brashgames.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/Beat-Hazard-Ultra-Screenshot-PS3-2.jpg[/img]
If there is a surefire way to get me into a game...add music dependence. Not sure why, but I am addicted to rhythm games. Beat hazard uses your music to create a crazy seizurefest....er i mean twin stick shooter. So far, the power rangers theme has been the most intense level i've been able to generate. As of right now...it's 3.50 for the complete pack on steam. Go buy it....I'll wait.
Dungeon Defenders
[img width=640 height=360]http://www.gametrailers.com/side-mission/files/2012/01/Dungeon-Defenders.jpg[/img]
I haven't gotten nearly enough time to play this (mainly because my girlfriend doesn't have it...but she has TF2, so see above). It's a quirky tower defense / shooter/ thingy. I'm sure I'll have more to say about it once I get far enough in, but so far it has a steep "you need to max your level or play with people to stand a chance" curve....which sucks, cause I generally dont play with random people. Other than that, I'm having fun.
Super Hexagon
[img width=480 height=320]http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_ma5q4tXIY51qbg80vo1_500.jpg[/img]
This runs on a flash drive, so it has gotten played far more than any other game on this list. It's an "impossible game" type of maze game, where the only goal is to dodge walls along a hexagon. I'm terrible, but the music is awesome so I don't mind.

If I could get one game to run on my flash drive, this would be what I would wish for. This hacking simulator has been a blast so far. You have to preplan your hacks, everything from buying new computer parts and security programs to bouncing your connection through multiple computers. The simplicity really lends well to its mood, as it really makes you feel like you are breaking an old school computer network. Totally recommend. Also, if anyone has a portable version lemmie know!
There are a bunch more games to talk about, but I really haven't gotten to play too much of them, so i'll leave them for another blog post.
As a side note, I picked up a few console games from a sale at best buy, so I'll prob have a post up soonish about Red faction: Armageddon and Farcry 3 (or as I've been calling it, "cabelas dangerous hunt").
Till next time, Smell ya later!
Collection (not counting cpu games...gotta do them later): 741
Backlog count: 274
% complete: 63%