Hello there bloggers. For my first review I've chosen Crosswords DS for, you guessed it, the Nintendo DS. This is an expansive puzzle game that will give you hours of gameplay and will not drain your cell phone's battery. Nuevo Games added in word searches and anagrams as well, leaving you with seemingly endless hours of gameplay. The overall presentation is about what you would expect. It's menu is easy to navigate, but is very simple.
Well, not that you expect great things from a puzzle game in terms of graphical power, right? If you do you would be disappointed. It's as graphically advanced as a real crossword puzzle. And basic MIDI type background music in the menus and basic scribbling sounds when you write a letter comprises most of the sounds you will hear.
The controls are fairly simple but very responsive. You write the letters in the boxes. You drag the stylus to select the words in word searches. Not exactly rocket science.
Overall Simply stated this is one of the best. It will leave you with seemingly endless hours of play, Allows multiple save slots so you can have someone else share your cartridge and still have your own progress seperate from theirs. This is a must buy title unless you can't stand crossword puzzles. I bought my 3DS in September '11 and have logged over 17 hours on that handheld alone, not counting the countless hours on it's original console. At it's low cost at retail combined with the expansive selection of puzzles this will likely find a home on your shelf for a long time.