[img width=700 height=463]https://www.washingtonpost.com/resizer/ALmDU0OxDpDLNWWW51luLdRC3ZQ=/1484x0/arc-anglerfish-washpost-prod-washpost.s3.amazonaws.com/public/6X4NQTSKNYI6TDH4FROQTGOCDY.jpg[/img] Image shamelessly linked from The Washington Post Let me regale a story for you, from an event that occurred before I was born. On September 11, 1973, the Chilean government was overthrown. Sitting president Salvador Allende was ousted in a military coup, and was replaced with military leader General Augusto Pinochet. Despite Allende's refusal to step down, power was seized, and he was effectively removed from office. During the period of military occupation, famously, the Estadio Nacional de Chile, Santiago's giant sports arena and complex, was used as a detention center for civilians, Allende supporters, and ultimately, anyone seen as a dissident of the military coup.
Continue reading STADIA Nacional - An Examination of the Future of Gaming
[img width=284 height=400]http://www.brothersthegame.com/images/pack-shots/PS4/3D/3D_PS4_Brothers_USA.png[/img] Image shamelessly linked from the official Brothers website. This game is available digitally on PS3 and Xbox 360, as well as on Steam, Android, and IOS. Retail versions are only on either the PS4 or Xbox One. Once in a while, you play a video game that affects you emotionally. People my age usually cite Role Playing Games like Final Fantasy VII and the death of an important character, Earthbound, with its weighty "coming of age" story, or perhaps Lunar: Silver Star Story (from my own experience) when Luna gets captured, or worse, when she becomes the Dark Goddess. Others point to the rise of the survival horror genre, with games like Resident Evil or Dino Crisis, where the chills, thrills, and spills evoke reactions of fear and horror that we may not have previously experienced, save for perhaps with Doom. These moments helped many of us realize that games could be about more than pointlessly gunning down baddies or butt-stomping walking mushrooms. These games tapped into a place that early games weren't capable of doing, due to hardware limitations, and forever altered the landscape of what games could communicate with the audience.
Continue reading Brothers: A Tale Of Two Sons Review