First of all, I would like to apologize for not uploading an article in... 5 months. I've been busy, with school and playing this game: Persona 5 Royal. (Sidenote: I never actually played the original Persona 5 before.) Simply put, this game is amazing. It has so much going for it. An awesome story, soundtrack, and battle system, along with the extras found in Royal; and that's how I am going to be ordering it! I figured I would try a new style for The Brilliance Of, being, listing all of the greats in a certain order, and going in depth about each one. Starting with the story, here is why Persona 5 (Royal) is brilliant. Oh, yeah, major
SPOILER WARNING Considering I am going to be going the entire story, this is your turning point. Play this awesome game and come back later if you haven't. Story: I will be going over my entire playthrough and strategy (or lack thereof) and discussing it along the way. When I originally started this game, I played up until I got to the part in Kamoshida's Palace where it shows Ann in a bikini, wearing cat ears. I stopped immediately, and didn't continue playing until January 2021. After that, I got lost throughout Kamoshida's Palace a lot, and every time, looked up a guide, and used it to continue further. I did this off and on throughout the rest of the game, too. Kamoshida's Palace is very disturbing, and it could probably be the most disturbing Palace except for Futaba's. When I got to Shadow Kamoshida, I was a bit confused about his look, with his tounge sticking out everywhere and all, so I asked a friend, and apparently, it is a popular thing in anime. Next is Madarame's Palace, which I got through at a steadfast pace the entire time. The moving paintings disturbed me the first time, but I got used to them. besides that, it wasn't very disturbing, as a stark contrast to Kamoshida's Palace. After that is Kaneshiro's Palace, which is the Palace I got stuck in for the longest time. The problem was in finding the camera box to stop the two guards guiding the Laundering Office. I checked bug reports, Discord servers, basically anywhere I could find, and nothing came up. Except for a YouTube video guide, which helped me and I beat the rest of the Palace using guides after that since I didn't want something like that to happen again. Next is Futaba's Palace, and it's in this part of the story that my mom joins in, which considering the story, is both ironical and upsetting. It was super depressing: all the stuff in Futaba's Palace. (Although I did kinda like the hadcker [side?] story part of it.) After that was Okumura's Palace, which I would say was super quick, except for one cr4ucial detail: the boss. I literally could not beat the boss at the difficulty I was in, (Easy) so I aswapped difficulties to Safe. Now back to the bigger picture of the story: It was at this point that Akechi really starts to take notice of the Phantom Thieves (he had done it before) and I hate Akechi, (that's my opion) and the story focused so hard on Akechi, it was kind of making me angry. (I think that's the point of this story) Another Boss Focus Point: Cognitive Wakaba Isshiki. My mom was there the entire time, giving me points; because I had never bought enough healing items, this battle took me 40 MINUTES to beat. After that... monstrosity, we move on to Sae's Palace (Niijima's Palace), which, being long, was not hard, save for the maze section. And then Joker gets arrested. I was so afraid of this that my body was literally shaking. Akechi tries to kill Joker (which was pretty much expected, to be honest, [from me anyways]), and the games tells you to save. It is revealed in the Velvet Room (when I think velvet I think red, not blue) that this was all a ploy by the Phantom Thieves to trick Akechi. Sae joins thwe Phantom Thieves' side, and they take down Shido. Nothing really happens after the press conference Shido had due to his change of heart, and the Phantom Thieves are out of options. Morgana brings up Mementos, and apparently you will get arrested again(?) (Why is it never explained?) You change the public's heart, defeating Yaldabaoth, aJoker turns himself in, thereby removing his criminal record in a court case against Shido, and Joker moves out. The end(ing) that I got.
The story was really great, however the ending was a bit anticlimactic.
Music: The music in this game is, like the rest of the game, brilliant. There are only a few tracks that I don't like, being Yaldabaoth, and The Whims of Fate. In fact, I like it so much, I listen to it as pretty much 75% of all music I listen to now. As I am writing this article I am listening to Persona 5 music. [img width=700 height=393]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/812416820861861921/828401981449175050/unknown.png[/img] When I am playing Smash, I always pick Mementos as the stage, not only because I like Persona 5 as a game, but also for the music.
Battle system: I've always liked RPGs' battle systems to an extent, but, like all other things that it does, Persona 5 Royal masters it. I've heard complaints that the original Persona 5's battle system was bad, so that just proves my point even better. I don't really have anything to compare it to, however.
Extras for Royal: Due to my failure to increase the neccesary Confidants, I never got to experience Maruki's Palace. I do really like Maruki (I have not seen his backstory, so if it is dark, don't be offended) and Kasumi. the Thieves Den is wondrous, and I bet before Persona 5 Royal came out, people were wanting something like it a ton.
Thanks for reading me rant about my new favorite game! Sorry for the wait!
So, as always, here's a small backstory before we get into the actual meat of the article. The last article that I made, I wrote on Monday, actually, intending it to release by 5. (pm) (est) But, for whatever reason, my browser decided it would be okey-dokey to just crash right as I was entering my password to accept the publishment of the article. So now, I can officially say, "Hi from Notepad!"
Recently, Nintendo just gave out TO EVERYONE a week of free Nintendo Switch Online, redeemable til' November 17th, (Oh gosh, I'm becoming the commercial!) which influenced me to get Super Mario Bros. 35, which along with Prinny (The Brilliance Of article coming when I actually beat the game) I've been loving and playing for the past few days a LOT. (Maaybe too much.) So, the basic premise of Super Mario Bros. 35 is it's the original Super Mario Bros., but with 34 other players (each with their own screens), and when you kill an enemy, it gets sent to whoever you're targeting's game.
But, there's more to it than that. When you start the game, you are presented with four buttons: 35-Player Battle, Course Practice, Stats, and Options respectively. 35-Player Battle is the main game (I'll get to that in a bit), Course Practice is where you can practice certain courses from the game that you've unlocked, Stats is, well stats, and in Options you can change your control bindings.
Like I said, 35-Player Battle is the main game. When you click on it, you are presented with what course routes you've unlocked. A course route (that's what I call them, anyway) starts with 1-1, then the actual course you chose, then a random castle/4th level of a random world from the game. After you beat the last level of a given course route, then you restart it. In 1-2 and 4-2, the warp zones will have randomly chosen courses. There are a couple of ways to unlock course routes, although they all result in you ultimately beating a course. The first one is through the warp zones. Another is through beating certain courses in a given world. Still another is through the castle randomizer.The last is through leveling up.
After you chose your course route, its time for the actual game.
Like I said before, killing enemies sends them to whoever you're targeting's game. Killing enemies with jumps or shells earns you combos, which can get you more time and more experience. (You start with 35 seconds) The first enemy you kill earns you +2 seconds, then +3, then +4, and so on, til' it caps out at +11 for jumps and +13 for shells. Killing enemies with fireballs or shells will earn you +1 second per enemy, which doesn't increase, so if you're looking for a net increase of time, then you have to kill multiple within one second. (I really hope that's a glitch and gets patched out.) There are five main targeting styles, which is similar to Tetris 99 (it's literally the same icon but with different text), Lowest Time, Most Coins, Attackers, Random, and just directly targeting a player. They all are what they sound like. If somebody's targeting you, you'll get an indicator of who's targeting you, and a little 'WATCH OUT!!' icon.
My ideal stategy is to choose the 1-2 route, and get to 1-2. Play the game like normal til' you get to the part with the platforms going up. Hitch a ride on one, and make it to the Warp Zone, leaving a small hole for you to nudge into. If the Warp Zone takes you to 1-2, repeat. If it doesnt, go into the hole you created , head up the pipe, and beat the course route and try again.
Overall, I like Super Mario Bros. 35. I'd recommend it. I already said how I liked it in the main article, so go read the main article. Bye! See you tomorrow or in a few hours with my actual article for the month!
Welcome to the first of a series called The Brilliance Of! In this series I plan on showing my favorite ames and reasons why you should play them!
Baba Is You is a puzzle game. Now, before you go click off this article, I didn't like puzzle games either, until this game led me to explore the genre again. Baba Is You is a 2D box-shover puzzle game, but it gets more advanced than that. In the game you control a character named Baba. I couldn't find good art of this guy online. Sorry. So, like I said, this game is a box-shover. You move this Baba around (the developer puposely made the character a blank slate [I will admit it does look like a sheep though]) and move rocks.
here's my first SPOILER WARNING
If you plan on playing this game, here are the links: Nintendo Switch: https://www.nintendo.com/...etail/baba-is-you-switch/ Steam: https://store.steampowere...m/app/736260/Baba_Is_You/ Developer official website: http://www.hempuli.com/baba/
Ok, now back to our SCHEDULED PROGAMMING, in this game, the rules of the game are actual blocks that can be pushed around. For example, WALL IS STOP is a rule that is used commonly, meaning that you can't go through walls. Another one used commonly is ROCK IS PUSH, meaning that by holding to rocks, you can move them one tile per turn holding to them. BABA IS YOU meaning that you control Baba. The last one of the bunch is FLAG IS WIN, meaning that if you touch the yellow flag you win the course, meaning that you get one flower added to your total and unlock the next PATH in the set of the world you're in. Now, by pushing these rule blocks into other sentences, such as WALL IS PUSH, FLAG IS STOP, ROCK IS YOU, and BABA IS WIN. These sentences act like their usual counterparts, too.
Congratulations, you just unlocked another SPOILER WARNING
Seriously, if you haven't played the game and intend to, it's probably in your best interest to not read beyond this point.
After playing the game for a long period of time, you'll start to realize that everything can be interacted with in this way. From the characters to the collision to the way game works to the levels entirely, everything can be interacted with. And there isn't a difficulty spike, either. Every time you step into another area or world, they introduce a new concept and they build on difficulty over the course of the world or area. The developer, Arvi Tekari (Hempuli), says that the way he does this is he'll take a concept and create a level, then work backwards from the solution to create a fun and enjoyable experience for the player. This game made coding, in part, seem much more fun to me then before. And, coding is fun, by the way. I know that now after, let's see here, 5 hours of coding.
GNINRAW RELIOPS I'd recommend reading this before purchasing the game.
In other areas, Baba Is You will still excel. The music is perfect. It's my second favorite video game music. It is a treat to listen to. Baba Is You is great for the price, too.This is the best game you can get on Switch for $15. It even sometimes goes on sale!
This was a pain to make, but worth it.
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