So I figured that instead of using my Instagram to post devlogs (never do that sort of thing on any social), I would just use RFGeneration since I've been on there a few years, and you guys are listed in the opening splashes after all; truly, after putting some time into actual developing. amazing job bickman how do you do it so good*
So, recap, I've been working on this thing for a few months. It's been...
interesting, to say the least.
but rewarding when you actually get something working.
As of this week, I have made a grand total of 4 whole songs for it and added a title screen and tutorial.
I want to add a dialogue box soon, and actual dialogue.
*Shadow Kisuragi, you are good too. To all the developers who may be reading this, good job.
Welcome to my little side of the internet! This is where I post game reviews, video-game related things, and stuff about MY game, OMNIFATE. Expect a new article about every month; sometimes I post more than once in a month or take five-month long breaks.