It's been a while since my P5R article, so I felt like I should give a bit of an update. I'm making my own game!!! It's being made in Unity using C#, and, while I do not enjoy developing it, I do enjoy the satisfaction I get from completing a feature. I've started a group to help me make it, namely Lekooliatris Games, however, I make the game for the most part. One member helps with debugging my code, which is very nice. I've even made some music for it! You can listen to it on Spotify and YouTube, in a week from when this is being posted, (will update when it goes live), and...
...Well. I got a bit too excited there, didn't I? Let's rewind a bit. This all started upon the reveal of Game Builder Garage, (which I'm going to make an article about sometime) which kind of got me excited to make a game in it. I started thinking, "How would I go about this without some sort of group?" and that's when I got to work on setting stuff up for Lekooliatris Games. I came up with the name for the group randomly in my head, funnily enough. After everything was said and done, I wondered, "What's this sort of thing without any games?" So I started it. Not in Game Builder Garage, but in Unity.
I've added and added to that project, until I remade it with less hardcoding and better code.
So, "what is this? How do I get it? When is this release date? Tell me the name of the game already!"
Well, I'll answer those questions individually.
"what is this?" It is a 2D, pixel-art, indie, New Super Mario Bros - style platformer.
"How do I get it?" It's not released yet, so you can't get it yet. However, you can download the PC and Android prototypes right now! finally, "Tell me the name of the game already!" Another thing I came up off of the top of my head, Omnifate.
*probably spoilers, I do not know yet, read at your own risk*
I plan to have a sort of multi-ending system, and at the end of the game someone reviews all of your actions and gives you your "Omnifate"; you also earn a fitting achievement for that ending.
(Yes, NieR already took that. I know.)
*you are good now*
This is going to take an extremely long time to come out, probably more than a couple years, but I will be releasing prototypes and alphas and betas for it.