Beyond the Mind's Eye - Thoughts & Insights from Marriott_GuyBeyond the Mind's Eye - Thoughts & Insights from Marriott_Guy

Posted on Oct 6th 2009 at 12:06:49 AM by (Marriott_Guy)
Posted under Site News

Best Time
For Gaming

Firing up a cherished classic or the latest next-gen release is always a pleasure, regardless of when we can set aside free time to indulge in our passion.  That is a given.  But what are truly are the best conditions that we enjoy for gaming?

The following lists a few of my favorites.

During a Storm


Who doesn't love firing up the console when the heavens open up and Mother Nature unleashes her fury? Whether it be a darkened sky caused by a May rain squall or a complete white-out during a December blizzard, there is just something that screams out "Let the Games Begin!" to even the least passionate of players. Hearing your windows being repeatedly pelted by the outside elements is like a mating call from your favorite system - you just can't deny 'her'.

Adverse weather conditions also offer the perfect gaming environment. The cave-like feeling that is created is optimum for hunkering down in front of the big screen and setting your warrior loose to wreck some havoc. The games, for whatever reason, seem to almost look better during a storm! Granted the darkened exterior has a great deal to do with this, but there is something more to this phenomenon that I can not fully place my finger upon.

The best part of gaming during a storm is the multitude of excuses that are Express Mailed directly to you. During these turbulent times gamers do not have to strictly rely upon their creativity in generating reasons to their loved ones for game time allotment - bad weather gives us the grounds we need and all are defensible. Exterior\yard responsibilities? Covered (for obvious reasons). Interior\house projects? Covered (would you really make me go out in this weather to get paint?). The only catch here is to ensure that you plan ahead and have your gaming food and beverage rations on hand prior to the storm hitting. They will be mad as hell if you are man enough to brave the elements to hunt and gather for some Slim Jims and Power Ade but balk at going shopping with them.

After the Speakeasy


My 'party like a rock star' days are definitely behind me, but that doesn't mean that I don't enjoy a tall cold one every now and again with my buds. Friday night is usually our 'Boys are Back in Town' evening when this occurs since Saturday is designated as 'date night' with our respective honey. After catching up on real life activities (a.k.a. round table venting session), we move on to more interesting subject matter - video games! The usual course of reminiscing, chest-beating and other caveman talk ensues and we are finally ready to blow out of our local watering hole and get to some gaming. They know the routine well and love it - my icebox will be stockpiled with "personality juice", late night munchies aplenty and at least four classic systems hooked up and ready to go.

Once back at my 'crib' (yes - old guy here trying to be 'fly'), we bust out the crowd favorites and begin the controller assault. Previously consumed cocktails are not helping our technical prowess - this is mediocre at best to start with and this statistic decreases by at least 5% per the hour (remember - full ammo in the fridge). To be honest this just adds to the experience when we make some dumb move or have to eat some crow after a misfired bit of trash talk. The laughter just doesn't stop until we all just dead tired and have no other option to crash for the night.

Side Note: Our lady friends are cool with this monthly "Gamers Night" (sleepover) at my house. Heck, we even get breakfast made in the morning for all of us! All of this does come at a price though - primping sessions for all of them at the local salon (we are making out on this deal I think).

Waking Up at 2 AM


Ever try to sneak in a power nap after a long day and end up waking up in the middle of the night? Wide eyed and wired after your 6 hour hibernation, there is always the comfort of your system to work off some energy. You more than likely have the entire gaming room to yourself, no worries about friends calling and pretty much free of all responsibilities (no one can expect you to be truly productive at 2 AM, can they??).

Regardless if I have to work the next day or not, I feel pumped at the fact that I will have approximately 4 hours of uninterrupted gaming before the world begins to awaken. This is a conscious choice.  I know at the end of the 'real' day that I will probably be pretty wiped out after having this ultra-early gaming session. Nonetheless, once I hear that whir of my console firing up and after my eyes adjust to the artificial light of my television, I know it will be well worth it.

Side note: Having your favorite gaming 'blankie' during this time is a must. Let's be honest - most of us have retained this dependency from infancy. For those who have not, you don't know what you are missing.

On 'Sick' Days


Isn't odd that when you feel under the weather and are not able to go to school or work, you can somehow muster the inner strength for a good, long gaming session? Nuff said.

These are a few of my favorite gaming times - what are yours?

A special thanks to Dave and his community at the Video Game Critic  for the inspiration for this article.

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another great article Terry!
I've always got my gamind Blankie ready to go!!! I rarely get sick anymore so I dont get to use that excuse much, but I used to get "sick" a lot more often when i was in elementry school.

One of the great things about living so far north is that from Mid October to like April is crappy weather. Add on the spring, summer, fall days that have bad weather and you've got a lot of reasons to stay in and game!!
Hahahaha I'm glad that I'm not the only one with a gaming blankie Smiley
I can definitely relate to the storm gaming. Also, I find it very nice to have a basement game room. It can almost permanently emulate the cave-like conditions of darkness, though it doesn't help at all with work excuses.

Also, I just crawled out from under my game blankie.
I find the best time for gaming is any time where I'm not working, eating, sleeping, cooking, fixing up the house, shopping or in fact doing any of the damn day to day drudge that's the rest of life. Don't get me wrong, there are things I do besides gaming that I enjoy, but the aforementioned list just manages to soak up any free time without any effort. In fact I find that I consciously have to schedule time to play games to stop things like that sucking all the fun out of life.
Great article!
Another great article as always.
Havent had a blanket in years but I admit ive still got a stuffed rabbit (made out of a sock no-less) that I got before I was born thats always around if im zoning out to game land.
Alot of the times mentioned in the article are also my perfect gotta get up and play times which has killed me at work more than once.
Another must play times for me is the 100+ degree days we get in florida during the summer its just to hot to do anything but
Winter is perfect.
It's cold and usually rainy outside and night falls at 5PM! Smiley

Christmas at the country house also with warm PJs on and a fire burning nearby... cosy dream
That was a great idea for an article. Smiley
I too enjoy playing more during cold and rainy days.
Sick days for sure. I played a ton while recovering from a surgery this year. Almost made all the slicin' and dicin' worth it. Wink
Thanks everyone for the kind words - glad you found the article a good read Smiley

@Crabmaster2000:@blcklblskt:@Wehll:@cant-grow-up: Thanks for the support on the gaming 'blankie'.  Smiley 
I lool'd

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