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Posted on Jan 7th 2008 at 06:44:54 PM by (logical123)
Posted under Site News, guests, logon, site news, rfgeneration, forums, Register Today!

This is a public sevice announcement brought to you by logical123

Hello to all you guests on RFGeneration right now! I'm logical, and I'm here to tell you REGISTER!!!!! Please! Yesterday, while on the forums, I noticed that there were 30 guests on-line, but only 6 registered users. The site and its members won't bite, we promise. The site is great! You can find people to ask questions, you can sell extra controllers, and of course, the Collection Software tool, the pride and joy of the site. Our coding monkeys are some of the coolest dudes around, the site works nearly perfectly. Find an error? Post in the forums. It will get fixed. Bar-none. The site is great. Register, you won't regret it.

Handy dandy link to register -> Register Now!!!

Ed Note: You got to love our members' dedication. It's ravenous. Join the fun, will you?

Edit By logical: The link was made into a "Register Now!" type thingy. I'm in the process of learning html. :-) Thanks!!

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