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Posted on Sep 25th 2008 at 06:48:59 AM by (logical123)
Posted under Gaming, History Gaming Weekly Features Sony Atari Sega NTY

While reading Nik the Communist's great blog post about Myst turning 15 today, I got an idea (see his post here); A weekly historical blog!

Every week, on Saturday evening, or Sunday morning, I will do some research on meaningful historical occurrences within gaming history. Sounds like fun, right? Well, that is what I thought. But then I ran into a snag... I am not to great at what is called 'html' coding.

So! This will give me an opporitunity to use my brain on the weekend, when I am not in school. This will be not only a learning experience for you, but for me as well. If all goes well, then "Official Post Numero Uno" will be this Saturday Night/Sunday Evening! Wish me luck! And if you have any games that you want to see make their way into the post, just shoot me a pm!

And, have you all know, this post was my first lesson. None of the code was copied and pasted. Yay me? I think SO! *Applause*

So, make sure to stay on RFgeneration and KEEP IT ON 3!!!!


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