Izret101's BlogIzret101's Blog

Posted on Nov 29th 2008 at 08:22:04 AM by (Izret101)
Posted under Izret Rants, Classics vs. Modern

WARNING!: This may be uninformed, biased, offensive, and incoherent. Enjoy Smiley

After playing some N64 and SNES today i was VERY disappointed.

Not with the games i was playing but with the fact that many of the newer console games i have been playing have been garbage.

I don't know if maybe it is nostalgia, or maybe i just happen to buy all the shitty newer games.
I just feel that the "magic" of most games is missing now. I could probably count on my digits how many games i have played in the last 6-8 years that i have invested a real length of time in.

Take out Super Smash, Mortal Kombat, Halo, Pokemon, and RPGs that i have actually found enjoyable enough to finish and that takes me down to probably my fingers alone.

Am i the only person who feels this way?
I know there are alot of people on the boards buying games for *multiple new platforms*. How many of them would you say you have sat down and played for 50+ hours? And was this out of actual enjoyment? Or out of necessity for completion, gamer points, or to clean up some of your backlog?

I like to think i can get at least 1 enjoyable hour of game play for every dollar i spend on a game.
Pretty much from the Gamecube(You can throw PSX and PS2 in for good measure) on it seems like the crap to awesome ratio has **skyrocketed along with the prices**.

It seems that the games people are spending any real amount of time playing anymore are the heavy hitters, Halo, GoW, Rock Band, Guitar Hero, WoW, etc, etc.

I guess my major problem is with the sheer volume of games coming out, all the cool "innovations", there should really be more of an effort on making things people will truly enjoy rather than trying to make a quick buck and fuck over the poor consumer who is lied to about the actual quality of a product.

*I sadly only have the DS and Wii which could possibly have the highest shit to acceptable game ratio. Then again i don't even try to find anything decent on the ***PS3...*** so who knows

**I know not entirely true i spent 60$s on new N64 games and i am fairly certain SNES and Genny got that high too

*** Tony that PS3 jab was in your general direction if you bother to read this drivel Smiley

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I think almost all new games suck. Hell, most games in general suck. Shit, mostly everything sucks. Damn, never mind; ALL THINGS SUCK. Including the internet, and somehow, even this site. I don't know how, but it is true. (As you can tell, I am in a very ANTI - Anything mood right now...) Sigh.
Aw hell's bells...pretty much any new thing that they come out with is just some gimmicky shit that was thrown together just to get people to shell out 50-60 bucks. Take the Wii for example, which you mentioned, some like the idea of the Wii's interactivity, but now all they are doing is making shitty games that take full advantage of the wii's controls. New games on the shelves for a week would soon be found in bargain bins for 20 bucks. Why are they just making all of this gimmicky, money sucking games on the market. Sony, your PS3 games are shit!!!
@NESman93: Have you even PLAYED any of the PS3 games? If you call yourself a gamer, there are at least 5 titles you are bound to like on the PS3.

Also, Izret, newer games are great, it's just your nostalgia kicking in.
I don't really get into the "old vs new" thing, to me, a game is a game regardless of when it was released. There are a lot of NES games I love, but there are also a lot of GameCube and PS2 games I love just as much.
You just have to realize there has always been shovelware, it's not a new thing. E.T. came out long before "Petz: Horsez 56" and both are as much shovelware as the other. And no is being forced to purchase a game, so instead of looking at the 100 shovelware games for a system, focus on the 25 or so really good ones.

@NES_Rules:Exactly. You could probably say something like "Oh the PS2 is a shitty console because it has 1000 shovelware titles!" but you could flip that around and say "The PS2 is great because it has 200 good games." (The numbers and the ratio are made up  -- I'm just guessing it's somewhere along those lines)

If you're a smart gamer you don't buy games when they are just released. If you really want to have the $1 : 1 hour ratio then don't buy action games for $60. Tongue

Also: why do you demand that ratio anyway? Do you know any other hobby which you can do at $1/hour? I don't think so. (And don't dare to say stuff like "playing chess" Wink)

@Tondog: Ahh yes... There are lots of games on the PS3 that I like. More so than the Wii. Which console do I have? THE F-ING WII!!! Angry
@Sirgin: Playing chess. I do, and that's all I do. I don't even play video games anymore. And I'm currently averaging $0/hour.
@ Sirgin
There are tons of hobbies were you can get a $1/hour enjoyment ratio. Building pretty much anything (Models, Puzzles, Arcade cabinets), Running, Board Games, Video games (not new ones inparticular), collecting things, Magic Cards, etc., etc.

As long as you enjoy all the aspects of the hobby you'll get tons of enjoyment out of it. If you only enjoy some aspects of the hobby you might not get that $1/hour enjoyment out of it. So while I may not get 10+ hours of enjoyment from Generic RPG X while playing it I may enjoy hunting down a copy, cleaning it to a respectable condition, showcasing it in my collection, discussing it with fellow gamers, etc., etc. So after all is said and done I've gotten my moneys worth ($1/hour for this example) in some way from the hobby.

I agree with Izret though when he mentions the crap-to-quality ratio seems a lot higher these days. I know with the NES, SNES and N64 its almost (almost) a 50-50 ratio for me in those cases where as with the Gamecube and Wii its more like 20-80 and 10-90, respectively.
Yea smoking.

But seriously crabmaster made a good point. He enjoys cleaning/restoring/etc his collection.
But i was never much for the cleaning i was always more for the playing.

The person on the boards who i think i feel the most similair attitude with is phoenix. Who i have seen post quite frequently "i'll wait till its in a bargain bin."

I agree to a certain extent i love games from 8bit to 2d, 2.5D(Sonics 3D Blast for example), 3D to DVD to Bluray (who knows maybe we will get 3.5 or even 4D now Smiley) My issue isn't necessarily when a good game or console came out. My problem is that in more recent years it just seems like the industry has figured out the supply to demand of crap game ratio perfectly so that there isn't another gaming collapse. Rather than find out the perfect playability ratio to make a decent game.

Also i have to admit i am glad to see there are other people on here that at least kind of think like me lol
I think games have just changed so much. It isn't just a case of nostalgia kicking in either. As I can still buy old games that I have never played before and enjoy them more than today's titles.

It really saddens me to see where games currently stand. I never thought I would grow out of games, but these days....  hmm. I also hate the added complexity that now means every game out just about has to also make the 1st half hour of the game a tutorial just so you know all of the functions of the controls.

The PS3 & 360 get to me the most as not only are they as noisy as PCs (and even noisier at times) but the whole mentality of releasing 1st person shooter after 1st person shooter and cramming whatever they can to push the hardware is now the same mentality use on consoles. But I'll stop there before this becomes a rant.
@Crabmaster2000:Ok, good point.

All I was trying to say is that you can't expect to get that $1/hour ratio if you buy a standard action game for $60. If Izret finds himself not getting that ratio then he should:
A. Be more selective about the games he buys.
B. Wait until the games lower in price.

I completely agree about the crap-to-quality ratio arguement. Gaming's popularity will be its own downfall. It has become "too" mainstream about it and there's nothing you (we) can do to stop the direction it's going now.

All we can do however is not buying shovelware games. Not even from a collection point of view. Not even when they're dirt-cheap. The last thing we want is to further encourage those shovelware developers.

However there's always an "anti" against a certain movement (look at the different painting styles throughout the centuries) so there'll also be an anti against the industrialised gaming were in right now. It'll originate out of the underground indie scene that already exists today. (What are those new Mega Drive RPG's called, Cobra?)
At some point the consumer will demand honest, "true" products again. (As oposed to the commercial, Hollywood-style games we're getting today)

Thats the sad part i rarely buy games new. Most of them are 25-40$s more are somewhere between free and 15$s.

The only games i always buy new and/or at full price consistently are Mortal Kombat, the C&C series, certain first party Nintendo games, and some RPGs.

Maybe if everyone took my view of the cost to enjoyment ratio it would help filter out or at least substatially drop the price of shittier titles where you wouldn't mind spending 5-10$s for Pets: Horsez 56.

Also how come no one has listed a current gen game that they have put(or would be willing to put) 50+ hours into that wasn't one of the big selling heavy hitters(my above listed examples: Halo, GoW, Rock Band, Guitar Hero, WoW, )?

And i'm being generous with Rockband only becaue it comes with all the hardware needed to get 50hours times 4 people to get the 200$ pricetag Wink(See Rockband thinks like me)

I can't speak for the PS3, but the X360 has I believe 17% of it's library as FPSes's according to an article I had read a while ago, prob not much changed since then. Hardly release after release now is it? I'm sure the PS3 is the same. It's up to the consumer to look past the media hyped titles competing for the next Halo of Duty: Resistance of War prize and find the titles in the varying genres they are looking for. I myself have over 2 dozen X360 games and only 2-3 of them are shooters and only 1 an FPS.


I have several games like Enchanted Arms & Chromehounds and others that I've more than gotten my monies worth well past 50+ hours. The key I find is lots of net research and XBL demos before you buy as more complex games are more hit or miss than the simpler good/bad games of old you could judge from a box back or poster.
There's plenty of good games nowadays if you're interested in them. Thing is, shit changes, we change. In my case I used to play every game I got, no matter if it sucked or not, for all it was worth (I BEAT Tomb Raider III and SW: Jedi Power Battles for God's sake), now though I...errrr...acquire large amounts of new games for very little cost and as such do not value them at all. This, along with not having the time to actually delve into the titles leaves me feeling that there isn't much this generation to value.

I complain about short games like CoD5 and BiA: HH but they were very high quality games, and as such were the first games I've actually finished in a good while. Maybe it's quality, but I don't think there's ever been a time when the market was "flooded" with a majority of good games. It's just nostalgia, and you need to shop around these days.
If I still had my Mega Drive I would get Beggar Prince & Pier Solar for sure.
While we see it as a crap-to-quality ratio as Sirgin pointed out it is the popularity. A lot of this shovelware is selling great because the true-gamer-to-mainstream-gamer quantity. I'm sure we'll see a lot more Sing Star & Buzz titles to come.
@Tondog:ok, ill admit that there are some really good games for the PS3, but most of what ive seen lately have been crap
I'm actualy going to do something I swore I would never do.  Agree with Leon.  He's right, he's absolutly right.  Times change and people change.  What we used to enjoy just 10 years ago chances are, we dont enjoy today.  I used to love playing my 2600 when I was a kid.  Now?  It nearly kills me if I play it longer then an hour.  Does it suck?  HELL NO!!  What's changed?  It's still the same system as it was 25 years ago.  The games are the same as they were 25 years ago.  So what's changed in that two and a half decades?  I have.  Time gave me more advanced systems.  It gave me the NES, the SNES, the PS1, the DC, the PS2, and so on.  Does it make it a horrible system?  Not by any means.  It's just that I want more then it can offer.  Me, the gamer/collector, not the sytem.  That's what changed.

I for one think a good number of games today dont suck so much as get over hyped.  People have a habbit today of making things sound so great that by the time we get around to playing them, out expectations have been led to make the game out to be something it could never be.  When reality over rules expectations, it can make a good game bad.  We all know games like that.  Just look at the front page with the talk over Chrono Trigger.  Sometimes I wonder if it's the fanboys that run the hype machine or the companies that release the games though.  How many of us havent seen a comercial for Left 4 Dead by now?  How many times have we seen one for GTA4?  Mirror's Edge?  After the hundredth time of seeing the same comercial, I guess a game can appear to suck just by the merrits of having seen the same damn comercial over and over for a month by the time the game's out.

That's my idiotic rant for the day, if anyone else wants, I'll leave the soap box over here in the sand box.
I don't think the ratio has changed that much over the years, I think that as collectors we just buy more that we could have guessed would be crap. There always has been and always will be shitty games. If you look at the average system you'll see mostly average games but a few that stand out and a few that are horrific. To me this still holds true today. If I pick up a NES game at random chances are that it'll be fine, but nothing amazing and the same is true for the 360, it'll be fine but nothing that wows me.

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