Here's a little story about my first foray into video editing. I was noticing that nobody had watched any of my Youtube videos related to gaming, which essentially were uncut broadcasts from twitch. I realized that this simply will not do, and so last night I set about editing my most recent broadcast into a highlight reel.
To begin with, I should have paid more attention to the fact that Youtube has a video editor right through your account. I did not know this until after I was uploading the video. At any rate, I found a decent video editor online that was relatively cheap. I was going to use Movie Maker, but it wants nothing to do with .flv files.
I then go about editing my video, and I realize pretty quickly that I know absolutely nothing about what I'm doing. I add the video as a resource, OK, then put it into the "story" section. I started to figure out more and more while literally just trying to cut out the parts of the video I felt were not very entertaining. Meanwhile I didn't realize it, but I had actually made some slowdown effects, and a remix effect at a couple random points in the video. I left them in because I sort of find them amusing, and furthermore because I have no idea how to "undo" it.
The video is now up on my Youtube channel, obviously as time goes on, I will get better at it, but it was my first try, and somehow a couple of neat effects happened without me trying. Please check it out, and comments are welcome here and/or on the comments section on Youtube.