The other day an online friend on PSN mentioned how he was going to upgrade the thermal grease on his PS4 before it dried out and broke the PS4. Initially my thought was I'll simply wait until that day comes, and deal with it then. As I started to think about it, I realized I didn't want my PS4 to break if all I had to do was change out the thermal grease to save it.
A few days later, I set out to do this task. I started right out with a big mistake: trying to pull it apart as I am watching a random Youtube video about pulling it apart. Things are going fine until the part where the fan connector is in the way, and looks pretty fragile. I see in the video that the guy just leaves it as is, and pulls out the motherboard, and leaves the wires connected. I was not able to keep the wires connected for fear of them breaking.
I ended up pulling outward on the wires, and one of the wires broke free. Immediately my reaction is F&CK! I proceed and finish everything up, and while putting it back, I am concerned that this connection won't work so I make an even bigger mistake. I ended up pulling all three of the wires out of the connector, really messing things up. I attempt to push the wires against the connectors in a hope that I would somehow get the fan to be operational, it doesn't work. I pull the system apart again, only this time I REALLY mess things up, and push against one of the solder joints on the connector enough that it disconnects. Now I'm really screwed, and decide to take it to a specialist to get it fixed. After I broke the fan connection, I found another video that showed how to properly remove it, and it simply pops straight up! So annoyed that I did this wrong when it is so simple!
I bring the system in to this guy, and it is obvious that he is a pro. If anyone can fix it this guy can, he has it out and is working on it very quickly (after already setting out to repair my xbox 360 RROD). The connectors are so small that this guy is having trouble, and after almost an hour, he says he would like to keep working on it, but had to go at that point. In my mind I am sort of concerned, but based on what I saw with his skills, I was pretty optimistic.
Fast forward to today, and I call the guy. He tells me that he couldn't fix it, I'm seriously bummed. I am going to Best Buy today to get a new one. Anyone want to buy a broken PS4 with no hard drive? let me know, lol.