I have searched online to find out where to get blank tall CD cases (Sega Saturn, Sega CD style) to no avail. The only option appears to be buying old sports games and taking those jewel cases. Well if that's the case then that would mean that they are in fact not being manufactured anywhere in the world. I find this hard to believe, I mean you can buy brand new parts for a 1950's Cadillac, but nobody is making these large jewel cases? If anyone is aware of any company doing this please message me. I just can't imagine that this market is being ignored especially since they are always broken it seems.
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This question is constantly being brought up, to the point where I keep thinking that I need to start producing them myself!
Originally, a collector purchased a large amount of brand new games in cases, and used to sell the cases for people. I'm not sure if the person is out of cases or not, but the only place I've seen to get cases is the following:
Auctions on eBay (but the cases can be expensive, to the point of $2/case + shipping)
Purchasing cheap games to replace broken cases, sell games (this can be a problem if you need a particular style of case, e.g. large vs. small hole hinge.
Exchanging cases with someone that doesn't care (I do this at the flea market/local game stores that I'm on good terms with)
If you want new cases though, I would suggest buying a brand new case of cheap games and ripping the games out of the cases. I may start researching how to construct the cases though, since I've seen this asked constantly for the past 2 years.
@Shadow Kisuragi:To clarify, brand new cases in unopened shipping boxes.
This is a request of mine too.....
Personally what I'd do is buy a few DVD keep cases, go to The Cover Project and print out inserts for your SCD/Saturn games. I've seen people do this with their games and they look great in DVD cases! It saves a lot of space too, which is another great bonus. If you're not into that, that's alright, but I'd suggest taking a look at this option before tracking down replacement cases.
@ApolloBoy: I've seen a lot of people do this as well and it looks fine, but I prefer the real thing so I make it a point to track down replacement cases. Mind you, it would save me $100+ on the cases themselves and allow me to put up ~30 more games per shelf.
I buy EVERY Sega CD, Saturn, or Playstation long-case game I find under $3-4 if the case is in good shape. And by good, the hinges have to be perfect, no major cracks and no yellowing. I can find $1-2 sports games pretty often and if either the front or back of the case is in good shape, I'll buy them and eventually put together a good case from multiple ones. I am starting to build up quite a collection of NHL 97 orphans though and I just can't pull the trigger on throwing them away. What to do with those??
Send them my way man. I love orphans.
Yeah, I am thinking that I may look into manufacturing these cases as well, it appears to be a completely untapped market.
@Gamer4Lyfe: I have money and willing to spend it on these cases, please do it.
I have contacted Imation to inquire about the possibility of manufacturing the cases, how many would I have to order to make it worthwhile to them, etc. I hope something comes of this!
Let me know what you hear. I have a half a dozen sega cd games with manuals only. I won't let you forget now.
@Chad: So, nobody even sent me back an email saying I was a nutbag for asking. They just ignored me. If only I were born into a rich family like oh, I don't know, Bill Gates then I could use a few million and start my own production of these cases (and I would).
Alas, I am but a middleclass jerk like everyone else trying to get a piece of the pie, and thusly this pipedream will most likely remain just that...a dream.
Thanks for responding back on this. I actually have an idea of my own to follow up on it.
Well that is a bummer.. I would still be in the market for these if anyone found a way to produce them.
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