So I have had this PS3 sitting around collecting dust, and I am finally fed up with it. I ordered a new blu ray drive on ebay, and as soon as it comes I'll be posting future blog posts as to my progress. I know I am not the first or the last kid on the block to do this, but I think it will be fun.
The PS3 is in good working order minus the fact that the drive won't read any disks whatsoever, stay tuned for future posts related to this PS3 (if you care to, lol)
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Good luck to you! I recently repaired my USB ports on my 60GB PS3. It was a problem with the pins that (luckily) were able to be moved back in to place. Maybe I'll take some pictures for a tutorial for that repair.
@bickman2k:I think that would be a great idea because while there are posts of repairs all over the internet, some are more informative than others, sometimes you have to look at a bunch of them in order to the get full scoop.
Me being an IT professional (a fantastic one I might add :-) ) I am not only familiar with writing SOP manuals, but I have been commended up and down forwards and backwards for making them so complete that "an 85 year old woman with cataracts could follow" my SOPs lol.
This reminds me that I need to get my PS3 fixed, which also doesn't read any discs. I suppose I need a controller and games first though.
@NES_Rules:Yes I would suggest getting a controller and at least one game first, might I suggest Dead Rising 2? One of the great things about the PS3 is the use of universal connections (HDMI and a regular PC power cord) which would be a relief if more game consoles did this.
As far as the part, I found one on ebay for $43 which is very reasonable to me since the ps3 i'm fixing is worth over $400 when fixed...
I wouldn't pay more than $250 for a 60 BC PS3, maybe $300 if it was nice and minty in the box.
Good luck with that laser replacement though.
@Gamer4Lyfe: When I get DR2, its going to be on the 360. I just love the 360's controller and don't care for the PS controller, so I'd only get exclusive titles for it. I have been looking hard for a cheap PS3 controller, I have a generic one, but there is one thing I heard about that fixes a semi-common disc reading problem, but it requires an official controller to do it. So I'm going to try that before I spend any money on a new disc drive.
I am curious to see how hard this is going to be so I can get a feel if I want to do it myself or just pay someone to do it.
@blcklblskt:It's the 80GB model with the full backward compatibility (ps2 and ps1), which I didn't pay anything for, it was donated to me. What you would personally pay for it does not change the fact that there are people out there paying $400+ for this particular model ps3.
Thanks for the encouragement (good luck), although I won't be needing it, this is like second nature to me, I rip apart and repair laptops with my eyes closed, and have built every single pc i've ever owned.
@NES_Rules:With that in mind why not get it for PC? I have xbox 360 controllers for my computer and the graphics on that kick the crap out of any console out there...
@Gamer4Lyfe: I'm not a PC gamer at all. I'll play a few strategy games on the PC, but it's been years since I've done that even. And I only have a laptop, which is fine for what I use it for, but I doubt it would perform better than the 360 at playing games.
@NES_Rules:It's all good man, I hear ya, thats why consoles were invented in the first place I think, to make electronic gaming easier.
On another note, in anticipation of my new blu ray deck arriving tomorrow I have disassembled the PS3, and taken pictures of that, and will have the whole deal up with pics and descriptions in the not too distant future (I guess I'll have to re-install office 2k7 on the ol' laptop)
So the replacement deck I got which was the right one, but it did not fix my problem. I am sending it back and getting credit toward a new drive entirely, this is annoying to say the least.
So needless to say there is no reason for me to put up an entry since A: anyone can put a new blu ray drive in B: there are perfectly good video guides on youtube and C: I am unable to do what I set out to do since I need an entire drive, not just the "mech" part of the drive, sux...
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