Gamer4Lyfe's Blog

Posted on Sep 28th 2011 at 04:52:28 AM by (Gamer4Lyfe)
Posted under Criteria

So, after reading the interview of singlebanana it made me think about what the reasoning is behind my collection.  My collection is put together by several factors.

The first thing about my collection is that it has current systems (Wii and PS3).  This is strictly due to the fact that I wasn't a collector at all.  I dumped my old systems almost immediately after a new system came out (see my description).

The second criteria of my collection is that it began as "strictly" optical disk based systems.  This got thrown right out the door as soon as a genesis was donated to me, haha.

The third thing about my collection is that I emphasize the SEGA systems pretty heavily.  This is mainly due to the fact that I never had a SEGA my entire life until recently.

The fourth criteria of my collection is that I take donations.  "If it's free it's for me." Right?

And last but not least in terms of why I get certain games is pretty simple.  If I know the franchise already and it's in the series, chances are I'll get the game.  Other selections are based on reviews, or are simply looked back on as must haves, or classics, or even games that defined a particular system.

What about you?  What is your reasoning for the things you collect in the video game world?

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You know, "My Collection Criteria" sounds a pretty good template for other RFGen bloggers to go off of for posting their own thoughts on "the reasoning... behind (their) collection," as you sorta put it.

Your discussion on how your collection criteria evolved, along with the events and reasoning that influenced said evolution, I found fairly interesting. 'Cuz if there's one thing we all likely have in common, it's gradually changing attitudes towards what we collect and play over time. For example, your embracing of cartridge-based consoles-- well, ONE cart-console, at least-- reminded me of when I went from collecting just handheld video game consoles & games to... well, just about anything and everything nowadays. For me, all it took was a very fruitful Saturday morning yard-sale crawl.

In any case, I think I'll start bangin' out my own Collection Criteria piece.

(Or, if I can only come up with one, my Collection Criterion piece) ;p
@Zagnorch P. Welinskivich II, Esq.: I'm glad you think it was a good idea to write this little piece.  I have become very curious about other collectors and how they aggregate their collections.

I also want to add another criteria to my collection...I have to want to play the game, with one exception, I buy cheap Sega Saturn games just for the good cases (mostly sports games).  Although I have to admit it, I will most likely play some of them at some point.

At any rate I'll definitely check out your piece on your "reasoning" for your collection, and any other collector out there making one, let me know...I'm curious, lol.
I don't know if I have collection criteria.  Hmm.  I think I tend to grab just about anything that looks fun or is really cheap.  So my criteria would be :

Rule #1 - Cheap equals mine.  I'm especially drawn to the color red, which draws me to Target clearance as well as Value World.

Rule #2 - Fun or Really Stupid.  The game has to be either fun or really stupid (which oddly enough is almost the same thing).  Just plain stupid is something I'm not interested in, unless it is really cheap.  A good example of this was the Beyblade GBA game I found at Bestbuy for $1.  Stupid but cheap.

Rule #3 - Was den68 here?  Those of you that live in southeastern Michigan no doubt have seen the leavings of den68 at thrift stores, clearance sections, flea markets, and garage sales.  It's everywhere.  But what if it wasn't?  There always is the chance that den68 wasn't there before you.  This knowledge (or hope) makes everything around me seem cheaper, more fun, or infinitely stupider than it should be

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