Gamer4Lyfe's Blog
So I was online playing Battlefield Bad Company 2 which is definitely my favorite shooter on the ps3 with my buddy. We are both quite good at this game, and we noticed a couple of guys that were blatantly cheating. So I reported them both...even though it probably won't do anything to stop it I felt good to at least try to make a difference.
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Always disappointing to hear about more rampant online cheating. Still, I agree we should take whatever measures given by the developer to solve the problem.
Like driving to their house and hanging them up by their toenails while forcing them to watch the View.
@slackur: Hahahaha indeed
Prior to this I actually messaged another guy who was obviously cheating because he had a veteran level 13 on Battlefield Bad Company 2. I asked him to name the 14 Battlefield games that he owned knowing that he couldn't. He messaged back with an lol, so I messaged him back about how he's a piece of doodie, etc. and I was going to report him. He then messages me back with surprise that I was mad that he was cheating literally "you're mad?" type deal. This completely blew my mind that he didn't understand why I was so pissed off at him, and further infuriated me. He then made some comment about how I must be age 12-16 and some other offensive things. I told him to basically take a long walk off a short bridge, and reported him. The point here is that I made a revelation, this guy actually doesn't understand why people would be mad that he is cheating online. That means that there are others....WOW
I find Xbox Live way worse for cheating than PSN. I've noticed that some developers have taken measures to prevent cheating, like Epic games with Gears of War 2. If the host lagswitches or the like, he will kiss all his points away for that match. I know its nothing much but at least some developers are paying attention to this problem.
@Link41:Yeah that has to be rough paying for a service like xbox live and getting no benefit, or having it be even worse than a free one like psn. At least like you said there are some developers paying attention, but not nearly enough. I have a post in the forums about online cheating, and I pose the question, why not have punkbuster on consoles? It works great for online PC gaming.
I report people all the time. On XBL you can report them for cheating, file a complaint against there rep, and block them/make it less likely to get matched up with them.
Getting matched up though is hit or miss since some games there is no way to work around it.
@Izret101:That's good to hear, on psn there is just a webpage where you file any and all complaints, and they won't even update you as to the status of your complaint which kinda sux, I'd like to know what they did about it, but whatever I shall continue to report cheaters nonetheless. That's really sweet about xbl you can file a complaint against their rep, on psn you can block people, not sure how well it works though.
Yea i would assume PSN has the same issue as XBL with blocking someone. There is still a potential to get matched up with them and if it is a game (GoW is first thing that comes to mind) where you choose from a list of available games to play you could get "matched" regardless.
There is indeed a block list on PSN. It should be under last tab on the end of the XMB.
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. Oh, and keep it on channel three