Gamer4Lyfe's Blog

Posted on Oct 19th 2011 at 07:28:42 PM by (Gamer4Lyfe)
Posted under big tv enhance

So I have been generally happy with my 32" screen since I bought it back in 2005, but over the past several months I found it more and more annoying that I couldn't see very well from my couch. 

Over the past few weeks I really was feeling annoyed since the cold weather is making gaming more critical, more of my friends are online, etc.  Well best buy decided to have a sale on hdtvs.   This was my time to pounce.

So I get to best buy and what brought me in was the idea of a 46" 1080p lcd for $500.  I get there and start looking around.  Immediately a sales rep asks if he can help me, so I tell him I am interested in a flatpanel tv.

He starts talking about this and that, which I am barely listening to since I am well informed when it comes to technology.  At any rate I see a 55" on sale for $850.  This caught my eye since 55" is what I really want.

So I am about to pull the trigger on it when I find out it only has optical audio out.  This is a problem for me since my receiver is old as dirt and has no optical inputs.  The sales rep jumps into action and suggests that he may ne able to get me the insignia equivalent to what I was looking for.

Great, he finds one, it has analog audio out, and I'm out of my mind excited.  I finally have it I thought, the tv I have been looking for at a price I wanted.

So he brings the box out and I think "oh boy gonna be a tight fit" in my '08 civic Si four door.  Yeah not even close.

So I call my roommate who has a jeep Cherokee and it barely fit.  Got it home, set it up, and loaded up battlefield bad company 2.  Wow, I am psyched!  I load up some other games, sweet!

At this point I'm ready to setup the genesis, Saturn, and dreamcast.  Wait a second, there is no composite input!  Nooo!  So, quickly I try to figure out how to resolve this issue since I won't relegate my segas to the 32". 

Well it turns out there are composite to hdmi upconverter available, so I ordered one.  Fortunately I have the er converter for the genesis so I hooked that up in the meantime and loaded up ghouls and ghosts and it was epic!

So basically the point here is if you are looking for a way to enhance your gaming experience and don't have a big tv, go get one it will enhance your entire game library.

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My plan is to keep a wall in my inevitable basement bare and get an HD projector.

Cheaper than a massive screen while still being ridiculously huge.
Yuck.  Four-door Si? Tongue

Anyways, I've considered picking up a bigger tv, but I don't have the room for it.  My friend has a nice projector that we use over his house and it looks fantastic.  I may have to get a projector someday.
@blcklblskt: projector is Def ideal if u don't have space for a tv.  On a side note WTF is wrong with a four door Si?  I love it!  Granted a BMW m3 or m5 is in my future but my Si is a fantastic fun yet useful vehicle.  Besides, what u got that is better?
@Gamer4Lyfe: Woah, take it easy buddy.  It was just joking.  Old people who don't enjoy driving buy four door Civics (not Si's, but you get the point). 

Besides, the coupe weighs less than the sedan. Cheesy

I'm just joking with you here, not trying to be a dick.

Check out a good amp/receiver. They'll have plenty of inputs and will do all the conversion for you.
Call me weird-- everybody else does-- but I don't think a hi-def set improves my entire game library. Quite frankly, most of the old cartridge-based games look better on CRT TVs, which mask the graphical limitations of the 16-bit (and before) era that stick out like a sore thumb on hi-def sets.

Also, if you wanna play your fave old-schoo-- errr, I mean retro light gun games, a CRT TV is absolutely essential.

So if ya really wanna improve your entire game library, go right ahead and get that big-screen HDTV...

...but hold onto the old set for the cartridge consoles.
@blcklblskt:Hey man, no worries, also, did not mean for my comment to show up multiple times like that. 
@G4L : Fixed up those inadvertent multiple posts for you  Smiley
@blcklblskt: What is wrong with a 4door Si?  I don't have it anymore, have a 4door 328i x-drive, but that car was great, drove it brand new with 27 miles on it up to 90K without issues, 6 speed gearbox, sunroof, and alloy wheels, what is wrong with that?

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