Rules, I will list out some things that gamers do/have done, for ones which are correct for you add a point to your score. Be honest with this: 1. You play video games 2. daily 3. You have a game console in your house 4. You have one in your bedroom 5. You have more than one in your house 6. you have more than five 7. more than ten 8. You have a handheld gaming system 9. You have 5+ games for the system 10. 20+ for the system 11. (if you apply with 5) 5+ games for each system 12. (if you apply with 5) 20+ games for each system 13. Youve been to a shop or store that sells video games 14. and bought a game 15. and bought a console 16. Youve owned a game for more than a year (including in the past) 17. more than 5 years 18. more than 10 years 19. more than 20 years 20. Youve bought a game that is more than 5 years old 21. more than 10 years 22. more than 20 years 23. You have a video game poster 24. You have more than one video game poster 25. Youve paid money for a video game poster 26. Youve paid more than 10 (, $, or whatever currency) for a poster 27. You draw video game fan art20 28. which may be adult (be honest if you have!) 29. Youve drawn a video game comic 30. which you do regularly 31. which hasnt ended yet 32. Youve done a video game parody movie (or parody trailer) 33. that you and other humans have acted in 34. You have written video game fan fiction 35. You made your own video game review show 36. and earn money doing it 37. Youve been to a video gaming convention/show/event/expo 38. and go regularly (youve been to one at least once for each year, even if its two years) 39. youve been to more than one unique 40. you had to go by car to one 41. you had to go by train to one 42. you had to go by plane to one 43. Youve hosted one 44. Youve cos-played as a video game character 45. more than once 46. and not just at a convention (e.g at your school, in the streets ect) 47. Youve entered a video gaming tournament (extra point for more than once) 48. and came runner-up (losing the qualifying round doesnt count, sorry) 49. and came first place 50. and won a prize in it (runner-up prizes included) 51. Youve bidded in a video game auction 52. that wasnt online 53. You buy games at a market/thrift store/charity shop/junk shop ect 54. and go regularly 55. and you sell games there 56. also regularly 57. Youve met someone in the industry (game designer, game developer, sound designer/game composer ect) 58. and got his/her autograph 59. more than once 60. You listen to video gaming music 61. Youve bought a video game soundtrack 62. more than one 63. Youve remixed/remade a track 64. Youve performed a video game related music piece on stage 65. Youve made your own custom soundtrack 66. You talk about video games with other friends 67. daily 68. You have video game debate sessions 69. You have made your own game 70. that has been distributed (e.g online as homebrew) 71. that has been in retail 72. You are/were officially paid to play video games 73. You are/were officially paid to make video games (most likely true if you apply to 64 and 66) 74. You collect games as a hobby40 75. including prototype games 76. including sealed games 77. including other game related items 78. which are other items game related and unopened and more than 5 years older 79. and you catalogue all your games (online or on paper) 80. Youve imported a game from another country 81. more than once 82. that was from another continent 83. Youve paid more than 40/$60 for a video game (not a console) 84. more than 70/$100 85. more than 200/$300 86. almost a thousand (no matter the currency) 87. over a thousand 88. You know every character without looking in a video game 89. thats a Platformer/Shooter/Action game/fighting game 90. thats an RPG/MMORPG/RTS 91. You know video game quotes (without looking at anything) 92. complete quote (so not sections) 93. you can name the very game it is from 94. who said it 95. where in the game it is said (e.g. after you kill such a boss someone says ) 96. You have modded your system 97. on your own 98. internally (e.g. installed a mod-chip) 99. externally (e.g. case-mod) 100. You are registered to a video game website 101. more than one 102. and you know the site people (not other members) name on at least one of the sites.
0 Not a gamer 1-10 Casual gamer 11-50 Hardcore gamer 51-80 Pro or serious gamer 81-90 Major gamer 91-102 Gaming God!
Anyone who takes part in this test is cool the way they are, they dont have to confess anything and can just show there score. I do not tolerate any bullying or cruelty on someone because of their gaming interest.
If you know me, then you'll be surprised that honestly I got 51 points.
What is this week's Mega CD auction pick?
[img width=500 height=274]http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3358/3415302831_f787f1722a.jpg?v=0[/img]
This is a real collectable that I was unable to bid on sadly. A Mega CD test disc, for 23 USD (around 15 GBP). The guy couldn't get it to work on his Sega CD or read it on his computer, I'm not sure if he tried a Datel Pro CDX or a Japanese Mega CD as it could most likely be Japanese.
Still though, the item itself was worth the pick.
(Runner ups include: Shining Force with a CD Backup cart at 67 USD, Snatcherat 122 GBP and Sensible Soccer with NHL Hockey Disk at 7.33 GBP)
I'm glad that now I can post blogs after around a week of waiting. As some may recognise my birthday was on April 1st, making me now 16. I was given some birthday and what do I do with it? Spend some of it!
Continue reading Happy Birthday to me!
Welcome to my weekly part of my blog where I show you an auction for a Mega CD game (or games) that was awesome, whether it was because of how high (or low) the item ended at or what the item(s) were for auction.
So, for my first one is this auction for "The Adventures of Batman and Robin". [img width=500 height=316]http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3621/3387636259_f2ecc3c0ca.jpg?v=0[/img]
Now the price definitely says something about this game, it's considered by collectors to be the rarest PAL Mega CD game, What makes it better is that this game comes with the original Spine card!
Now if there was a sealed copy I wonder how much it would sell for if one for this condition ended up at this price?
This is in response to my blog. I live in the UK so I'll tell you all about where I live.
Royal Leamington Spa, UK http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leamington_Spa
- The very centre of the UK
- Third Largest Town in the Warwickshire County
- Visited by then Princess, Queen Victoria twice (1838 and 1858) and Queen Elizabeth II (1980)
- There are five video game developers in the Town, most famous being Blitz Games. Codemasters isn't actually far from from the town (my dad visited it a while ago).
- We've held a yearly Peace Festival for over 20 years
We've been home to Sir Frank Whittle (Inventor of the Jet Engine), Nizlopi (Band with Number one hit "JCB Song"), Randolph Turpin (greatest Middleweight Boxer of the 40s and 50s) and others.
Now games which rarely appears on eBay are more pressurising than regular games, whether they are rare or not. This is because if they Seldom appear, then if you bid for one you will be afraid of losing because it may never appear again for possibly one, two, three, four or maybe (in the case of the game Syndicate apparently) five or more years.
Continue reading Lets stay Sensible
I don't get games from America that often, thanks to the price for importing, the exchange rate and the current economy. US Ebay Auctions take advantage by putting the international postage price at up to 30 USD (21 GBP) which is stupid as this example shows you.
Continue reading Postage Rant
Watch and enjoy the video!
Continue reading Byte Back Video
Yesterday I went to a Classic Gaming Convention called Byte Back, which was situated in Longton, Stoke-on-Trent, for two reasons.
- I'm a retro gamer so who'd give up a chance like this
- To see if I can find some rare titles to add to my Mega CD Collection
The latter reason is for this saying that I made The internet is an antique shop, outside that antique shop is a very large island, with treasure hidden deep. If you aren't sure what it means, it should be that the internet may be a great place to by Retro games but outside the internet something special is somewhere for collectors to grab.
Continue reading A Journey to remember
I have new games to add to my collection, this was the first game lot that I have won. These include 8 Mega CD demos (which were originally provided with either the Sega Pro Magazines or Mega Power Magazines during the Mega CD's life cycle), a "collectable" Comix Zone Soundtrack called Roadkill (I'm unsure about how rare this is) and 2 backup games.
Continue reading New winnings
After coping with losing two auctions on rare games on one day and mentioning it on my blog, some of you people gave me advice on how to avoid it happening again. Well...I have won an auction today (you'll find out what I won in the next entry) and that'll be the last auction using my old technique. So instead of bidding early and waiting till the end, I'll try and bid at the last minute.
Continue reading A Change of Plan
Today is a day of sadness, but not emo, as I lose my chance of getting two very rare games to add to my collection. To help me explain, I will use comics made by me in the form of the style of Ben "Yahtzee" Crowshaw (Zero Punctuation, EscapistMagazine.com).
Continue reading Sad News
Welcome to the first entry, let me introduce myself to anyone who doesn't know me yet. I'm a 16 year old student living in the Midlands of UK, I originally started Collecting Mega CD games back in September 08 so this first entry will have my sudden jump.
Continue reading Introduction to my collection
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My name is Tim Stoddard, I'm the youngest dedicated retro gamer and I'm a Mega CD/Sega CD collector since August 2008 when I won a Mega CD on ebay. My goal as many as possible for the underrated Sega System. This is the total stuff I have so far along with their prices in British Pounds (GBP)
*=Includes Spine Card
(E)= PAL version
(U)= NTSC version
(J)= Japanese version
Sega Mega Drive Mk 1 (E) (won in compo so free)
Sega Mega CD Mk 1 (E) 21
Datel Pro CDX (Black) (E) 42
Cobra Command/Sol-Feace Pack in Game (E) (bought with Mega CD)
Keio Flying Squadron (E) 15
Road Avenger (E) 2.50
Sega Arcade Classics Collection (E) (bought with Mega CD)
Thunderhawk (E) (bought with Mega CD)
Time Gal (E) 12.51,
Tomcat Alley* (E) (updated) 5.99,
Sonic CD (E) 7,
Dragon's Lair (E) 21,
Microcosm (E) 4.20
Sewer Shark (E) 5.50,
Revenge of the Ninja (U) 16,
Fahrenheit (U) 3
BC Racers (demo)
Fatal Fury Special (demo)
Flashback (demo)
Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure (demo)
Sensible Soccer (demo)
Star Wars: Rebel Assault (demo)
Keio Flying Squadron (demo)
Fifa International Soccer (demo)
The Lawnmower Man (E) (authentic, no box)
The Lawnmower Man (backup)
The Terminator (backup)
(all were from a game lot of 13.50)
Lethal Enforcers with Justifier Gun (need manual) (E) 25
Panic (U) 9.81
Sensible Soccer (E) (came with free Lethal Enforcers CD) 22
Starblade (E) 14.92
Soul Star (E)
Timecop demo 4.70
Adventures of Willy Beamish (U) 0.99
Shadowrun* (J) 17.28
Afterburner III* (E) 24.99
Ground Zero Texas (E) 2.99
Psygnosis Demo
Thunderhawk Demo (Mega Power)
Star Wars: Rebel Assault Demo (Mega Power) 3.98
Mickey Mania (E) 4.20
GarÅ Densetsu Special* (J) 0.54
Sherlock Holmes vol 1 (E) 6.99
Heavy Nova* (J) 3.99
INXS* (E) 3.00
Snatcher (U) 58.41
MegaRace (U) 5.50
Game No Kanzume Vol 1 (J) 10
Prince of Persia (E) 4.99
Wonderdog (E) 8.49
Battle Frenzy (E) 20
Silpheed* (E) 12.75
Robo Aleste (E) 15.38
Batman Returns (E) 6.99
Yumemi Mystery Mansion* (E) 14.50
Jaguar XJ220 (E) 3.00
Yellow BC Racers Yellow Disc 2.95
Death Bringer** (JP) 3.45
Funky Horror Band** (JP) 3.45
Faeria** (JP) 5.00
Ecco the Dolphin* (E) 12.99
Vay (U) 17.75
NHL Hockey 94 (E) 3.82
Final Fight CD (E) 8.48
French Version of Tomcat Alley (E) 10.72
Game No Kanzume Vol 2 (J) 13.84
Wolfchild** (E) 18
Eternal Champions (E) 15
Cyborg 009** (J) 4.28
Formula One: Beyond the Limit (U) 11.25
Sonic CD Sample 806 (J) 53.18
Lunar: The Silver Star (U) 22.99
Novastorm Demo
Sensible Soccer (Paragon Demo) 20
Samurai Shodown Demo 9.99
World Cup USA 94 (E) 7.99
Double Switch (E) 10.99
WWF Rage in the Cage (E) 10.75
Theme Park (E) 25
Paws of Fury (E) 20
Psychic Detective Series 3: AYA (J) 0.99
Psychic Detective Vol 4 (J) 0.99
Sega Classics Arcade/Sherlock Holmes (U) 0.50
Corpse Killer (E) (No manual) 16.86
Formula 1: Beyond the Limit (E) 4.99
Total cost: 794.00
This will be updated every time I get a new game, and this blog will show my ever lasting journey.
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