This is a little late but I had an opportunity and now I have the time to explain it to you.
Continue reading Job Interview for CEX
Hey everyone, went to the car boot sale again this morning on Father's day, and don't worry I gave a card and prepared breakfast for my dad. I went there with 15 and I got home with 4 plus this lot.
[img width=240 height=180]http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3572/3646693698_14331cbdd9_m.jpg[/img]
Let's go into detail then shall we?
Continue reading Best Car Boot Hunt Yet!!
New game came today, and it's the oldest I have for the Mega CD!
[img width=500 height=375]http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3400/3629251686_b1f0b60500.jpg?v=0[/img]
Released December 12th 1991 along with the Mega CD, I now have the first and last official Mega CD games released for the Mega CD. Sadly, for the first Mega CD game, Heavy Nova sure does show it, I can't even play it on my Mega CD with the Pro CDX cart, it just goes to the loading page and it's stuck there, with music playing. I can play it on an emulator with no problem but keyboard controls are so awkward. I plan on getting a Mega cart soon so that may work.
Continue reading cause I did get more cool games these past few days!
Continue reading A not so big but worth the read blog time!
Hey Everyone! Happy 5th to RFGen! I've got new games to add to my overall collection and some to add to my Mega CD Collection!! So lets cut the chase and get onto the games!!
[img width=500 height=375]http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3346/3610654027_3cd24709eb.jpg?v=0[/img]
Sherlock Holmes: Consulting Detective, since I'm a collector for the system I don't see why I shouldn't have this game in my collection. And anyway, I like Sherlock Holmes, I had to do an essay three Sherlock Holmes stories for English and I got an A. I haven't played it yet, AVGN says there isn't much game to it but I'll see that for my self James. This I got for 6.99 with free postage.
[img width=500 height=375]http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3080/3610653929_c2678ea67e.jpg?v=0[/img]
I love After Burner, is there anything else I should say? After I got After Burner III for my Mega CD collection, and playing After Burner Climax (best arcade game ever btw ) I thought maybe I should see the earlier games in the series too. I then found After Burner II complete at the local car boot sale which I got for 2.50 (10 with Zool, G&W Gallery 2 CIB and Gameboy Gallery CIB) and then finally this morning the original After Burner for the Master System CIB came in the post this morning! I got that one for 2.99. If I wanted to add to my After Burner collection I should buy the LCD games from Grandstand and Tiger, if I was rich and had the space I would get the arcade cabinets but lets not go overboard. 
[img width=500 height=375]http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3337/3611467512_7de6eb21d9.jpg?v=0[/img]
OK, before you ask, this is NOT and official Sega Mega CD game, this is a homebrew game from Sonicretro.org which has the gameplay of Sonic CD but with new music, new levels, new sounds, new characters and new moves. I enjoyed playing it on an emulator that I burned it on to a CD (which works ^^) and I thought, "Why not make it look like a proper game?" so I made the front and back cover, I also did a quick spine.
If you want to try out the game, go here: http://info.sonicretro.org/Sonic_1_Megamix
Amount paid: Sherlock Holmes: 6.99
Total cost: 305.19 (:wow: I paid this much for 26 games, 11 demos, 1 duplicate, import cartridge and justifier gun? That's a little over 8 per item!)
Hey everyone, just a quick update.
I've got my second Japanese game, it came all the way from Hong Kong and best of all, IT'S SEALED...well, sort of. The game is called Garou Densetsu Special. If you are a big SNK or Fighting game fan with Japanese knowledge. Chances you might know what this game is...
Do you know what it is?
Continue reading New Japanese Game and selling things
I don't know how they do it (yes it's a two person team), but in a space of less than a month, I have bought five items from them to add to my collection.
So I found he was selling three Mega CD demos, days pass until I noticed in the last 10 minutes of the auction and none of them had a bid. So as a Mega CD collector I did the most logical thing, place a last minute bid on all three of them, and I won them all, 99p each!! What was also reasonable was that they reduced the posting and packaging price to just less than half (3 to 1.70). Just to let you know, I don't put the postage price on the amounts next to each game, sorry but when I first did this before discovering RFGen, I never bothered with the posting cost.
Anyway, here are the demos [img width=307 height=489]http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3606/3593000686_9f0e74da79.jpg?v=0[/img]
So I now have the earliest demo (Thunderhawk), the Psygnosis Xmas demo and both Rebel Assault Demos!
Finally, another thing off ebay, not from the atticbug. But now playing this game, I'm glad I got it.
[img width=500 height=375]http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3620/3592996004_e92e557ae2.jpg?v=0[/img]
I remember having a go at the Playstation version when I was younger, and playing this it is just as fun as it was back then!
Prices Demos: 3.98 total Mickey Mania: 4.20
Total Price 8.18
Overall Price 297.66
OK I went to the Car Boot again, bringing 7.05 with me and coming back with 35p, 6 Mega Drive games, an unnamed Game Adapter (which I discovered is just a Pass Through device for region free Japanese games I believe) and 1 PC game.
I think out of all the games, the luckiest one was finding Phantasy Star IV and Soleil both for 1!!
Now to show you my updated shelf, fully labelled. [img width=700 height=478]http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2428/3581481057_2d035868fb_o.jpg[/img]
As stated in the blog description, I have been collecting Mega CD games since September 08, therefore in three months it will be one year of collecting. I think my target for then is to fill up one Mega CD section of the shelf. That would make me happy 
OK so until next time!
Hey everyone! It's another non-Mega CD related blog post. As I'm posting this, I went to my Local Car Boot Sale for the first time, for the sole purpose of adding stuff to my game collection. Continue reading to see how I got on!
Continue reading First Car Boot Finds
Yay I got a new game in the post, please read on to see what it is!
Continue reading Blog time!!
Just to let you know, this has very little to do with my collection. I just want to show you what I have bought that was never online, because the fact is that I rarely get retro gaming stuff that isn't on the internet. Usually it is because of travel, because the fact is that I'm 16 and the places I go are mostly biking distance unless my parents want to go to the same place too. As well as the difficulty of actually finding games themselves. Continue reading to find out more...
Continue reading Non Internet findings
This week I was able to grab two games and a demo to add to my Mega CD collection!
Continue reading New games this week!
What is this week's Mega CD auction pick?
[img width=500 height=274]http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3358/3415302831_f787f1722a.jpg?v=0[/img]
This is a real collectable that I was unable to bid on sadly. A Mega CD test disc, for 23 USD (around 15 GBP). The guy couldn't get it to work on his Sega CD or read it on his computer, I'm not sure if he tried a Datel Pro CDX or a Japanese Mega CD as it could most likely be Japanese.
Still though, the item itself was worth the pick.
(Runner ups include: Shining Force with a CD Backup cart at 67 USD, Snatcherat 122 GBP and Sensible Soccer with NHL Hockey Disk at 7.33 GBP)
I'm glad that now I can post blogs after around a week of waiting. As some may recognise my birthday was on April 1st, making me now 16. I was given some birthday and what do I do with it? Spend some of it!
Continue reading Happy Birthday to me!
Welcome to my weekly part of my blog where I show you an auction for a Mega CD game (or games) that was awesome, whether it was because of how high (or low) the item ended at or what the item(s) were for auction.
So, for my first one is this auction for "The Adventures of Batman and Robin". [img width=500 height=316]http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3621/3387636259_f2ecc3c0ca.jpg?v=0[/img]
Now the price definitely says something about this game, it's considered by collectors to be the rarest PAL Mega CD game, What makes it better is that this game comes with the original Spine card!
Now if there was a sealed copy I wonder how much it would sell for if one for this condition ended up at this price?
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My name is Tim Stoddard, I'm the youngest dedicated retro gamer and I'm a Mega CD/Sega CD collector since August 2008 when I won a Mega CD on ebay. My goal as many as possible for the underrated Sega System. This is the total stuff I have so far along with their prices in British Pounds (GBP)
*=Includes Spine Card
(E)= PAL version
(U)= NTSC version
(J)= Japanese version
Sega Mega Drive Mk 1 (E) (won in compo so free)
Sega Mega CD Mk 1 (E) 21
Datel Pro CDX (Black) (E) 42
Cobra Command/Sol-Feace Pack in Game (E) (bought with Mega CD)
Keio Flying Squadron (E) 15
Road Avenger (E) 2.50
Sega Arcade Classics Collection (E) (bought with Mega CD)
Thunderhawk (E) (bought with Mega CD)
Time Gal (E) 12.51,
Tomcat Alley* (E) (updated) 5.99,
Sonic CD (E) 7,
Dragon's Lair (E) 21,
Microcosm (E) 4.20
Sewer Shark (E) 5.50,
Revenge of the Ninja (U) 16,
Fahrenheit (U) 3
BC Racers (demo)
Fatal Fury Special (demo)
Flashback (demo)
Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure (demo)
Sensible Soccer (demo)
Star Wars: Rebel Assault (demo)
Keio Flying Squadron (demo)
Fifa International Soccer (demo)
The Lawnmower Man (E) (authentic, no box)
The Lawnmower Man (backup)
The Terminator (backup)
(all were from a game lot of 13.50)
Lethal Enforcers with Justifier Gun (need manual) (E) 25
Panic (U) 9.81
Sensible Soccer (E) (came with free Lethal Enforcers CD) 22
Starblade (E) 14.92
Soul Star (E)
Timecop demo 4.70
Adventures of Willy Beamish (U) 0.99
Shadowrun* (J) 17.28
Afterburner III* (E) 24.99
Ground Zero Texas (E) 2.99
Psygnosis Demo
Thunderhawk Demo (Mega Power)
Star Wars: Rebel Assault Demo (Mega Power) 3.98
Mickey Mania (E) 4.20
GarÅ Densetsu Special* (J) 0.54
Sherlock Holmes vol 1 (E) 6.99
Heavy Nova* (J) 3.99
INXS* (E) 3.00
Snatcher (U) 58.41
MegaRace (U) 5.50
Game No Kanzume Vol 1 (J) 10
Prince of Persia (E) 4.99
Wonderdog (E) 8.49
Battle Frenzy (E) 20
Silpheed* (E) 12.75
Robo Aleste (E) 15.38
Batman Returns (E) 6.99
Yumemi Mystery Mansion* (E) 14.50
Jaguar XJ220 (E) 3.00
Yellow BC Racers Yellow Disc 2.95
Death Bringer** (JP) 3.45
Funky Horror Band** (JP) 3.45
Faeria** (JP) 5.00
Ecco the Dolphin* (E) 12.99
Vay (U) 17.75
NHL Hockey 94 (E) 3.82
Final Fight CD (E) 8.48
French Version of Tomcat Alley (E) 10.72
Game No Kanzume Vol 2 (J) 13.84
Wolfchild** (E) 18
Eternal Champions (E) 15
Cyborg 009** (J) 4.28
Formula One: Beyond the Limit (U) 11.25
Sonic CD Sample 806 (J) 53.18
Lunar: The Silver Star (U) 22.99
Novastorm Demo
Sensible Soccer (Paragon Demo) 20
Samurai Shodown Demo 9.99
World Cup USA 94 (E) 7.99
Double Switch (E) 10.99
WWF Rage in the Cage (E) 10.75
Theme Park (E) 25
Paws of Fury (E) 20
Psychic Detective Series 3: AYA (J) 0.99
Psychic Detective Vol 4 (J) 0.99
Sega Classics Arcade/Sherlock Holmes (U) 0.50
Corpse Killer (E) (No manual) 16.86
Formula 1: Beyond the Limit (E) 4.99
Total cost: 794.00
This will be updated every time I get a new game, and this blog will show my ever lasting journey.
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